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Posts posted by acdcUSSR

  1. Has anyone called an American store and inquired about this "Far Downs" CD?

    I called up a few stores. None of them had any info on Far Downs or Blue Trees and Green Grass. I even enquired about GNR's new album and got this response:

    "We haven't heard anything about it. I think they decided not to do that."

    It sounded like a punk who didn't even bother to check for either. If I had been there in the store, I'm sure he would have.

  2. My theory has always been that management would pull something like this. Last year I was talking to a friend of mine who got me into GNR. We were talking about Chinese Democracy and how it would come out, I thre this idea out there a year ago. They would release the album but with no promotion. You just walk in and see it sitting there. If they do this, it might be thrown in with the other GNR albums. No display. No banner. Nothing. Hell, it could even be in the used CDs bin (even I think this is stupid though).

    I doubt that it will be released in Europe on Monday, then America on Tuesday. It would leak on the internet so fast that people who are in-between fans who usually just download albums (we'll call them cocksuckers for short) wouldn't buy the album.

    What will happen if they take the little/no promotion route: possibly a small display, possibly in the GNR section. Released worldwide on the same day, just without promotion (maybe some AM radio station mentions it).

    Heavy promotion route: people expect it, wait in line for weeks with CD players and headphones ready. They've already given the cashier's a $100 bill so they can run in, get the album and pop it right in. Everyone knows about it. It's everywhere, EVERYWHERE. You go to you local Goodwill: "CHINESE DEMOCRACY OUT NOW!" McDonald's will offer a special version with political games that make you the leader of China and you must wipe out all democratic opposition. Or you could be the pro-democracy group leader and assasinate the Chinese government officials.

    Just my opinion. No one knows what will happen, but I can just see some of you driving to the record store already, looking for Chinese Democracy. You'll be there every day until it comes out, even if it's not Tuesday. You're so paranoid that management will pull a fast one and release it on Sunday and only in your local grocer's freezer. You search nonstop for it. And one day, you finally find the warehouse were they're all being stored... and each album comes with a commemorative silver case (just like the ones we saw Axl with earlier this year)!

    What will happen for sure: $$$$$$$...... and a VERY happy fanbase.

    Here's the article he's talking about: http://www.mygnrforum.com/index.php?showtopic=78321&hl=

    I'm confused.... if Axl actually said that the tour started October 24th, then why did they even schedule dates before? Why did Merck and the press releases say it started the 20th with Jacksonville?

  3. Unless the track is the 9th one of the DVD...

    Anyway, if you don't have the DVD, I'm not going to send you discs when there is no guaruntee that I will get anything in return. If I was dealing with someone who had the DVD, then it would be a different story.

    And to the guy who won't trade 7 very common shows for one very rare show, I don't know what to say to you. I don't like doing it, but if that's what it takes to get a show, I don't mind doing it, seeing as they can get the shows from nearly any trader.

    By the way, Almost Famous, I think he wants the multicam proshot, not the Slash's angle DVD, but I could be wrong. Should be sending your package Monday.

  4. Paris ‘92 Pro-Shot

    Chile ’92 Pro-Shot

    ST. Louis ‘92 Pro-Shot

    Ritz ’88 uncut Pro-Shot

    RIR First Night ‘91 Pro-Shot

    Boston 3cam mix ‘02

    I have those. I am do not have these:

    RIR Second Night Pro-Shot

    Slash’s Snakepit ST.LOUIS 09-05-2000

    If you want, choose 2 shows from my list (http://www.freewebs.com/acdcussr/dvdlist.html) to put in place of those 2 shows that I don't have.

    Also, is it 7 shows AND 40 Euros? Or is it 7 shows OR 40 Euros?

    Another thing, do you actually have the show or are you simply saying that you will get it soon?

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