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Posts posted by narc0l3pt

  1. I was there in front of Hotel Kämp and we did meet, You came with us to the venue. It was my car and i was the driver :) Too bad you didnt got the chance to give the painting to axl and none of us got our memorabilia signed.

  2. I can't really say since i got it after the gig from a friend of mine who worked in the security in front of the stage and i was in the other side of the stage during the gig. Maybe someone can help us out on this. I would like to know who uses that kinda picks. This one seems fairly unused. I will try to post a picture when i get my camera back.

  3. I really liked Fraky's drumming in Finland. He was so energetic and all smiles all the way. And played the hell out of his drums! Really liked his work on the older songs, much better than adler or sorum, Ever!

  4. Hi

    I actually got one pick from the second gig in Finland. And dizzy's autograpf too but anyway, the pick

    Color: Gold

    Text: Herco Flex 50

    and on the other side: Nylon, Made In U.S.A

    sorry that i dont have an image of it yet.

    I got it from the right side of stage (when looking from the stage, not to the stage).

  5. The sound was good in the sitting section 109 too, only few times when it turned bad but the sound guy did great job and fixed it immediately. Getting ready for the 2nd gig right now :) with more excitement than ever!

  6. They played the blues. Thats for sure. Just got home from the gig. Some inside news from a friend of mine who works on the band security in the arena:

    1. Tour manager has quit yesterday

    2. Nothing related to the word slash cannot be said in the backstage area

    3. About 20 girls were selected from the crowd to the backstage.

    4. Show after partys only organised to the venue backstage. Security personel bought from local company.

    Tomorrow, more news to come as i get it. And few clips as well.


    God Fucking Night

    ps. The show was brilliant!

  7. for me it was back in '88-'89 (when i was 9 years old) when my gib brother had bought an import version of AFD and that was it, i was so into it that hed had to buy me one too :) Since then i have been a die hard fan of gnr and will always be one! There is no other band that has stayed on top of my list so far, many have come and many have gone but gnr has stayed from the beginning. So yeah, i have been a fan for almost 20 years!

  8. I can't really understand peeps bitching n moanin' about the tracks played, axl leaving stage etc.... Like its' the first time in a very loooong time we get anything at all and most i see is just negative opinions and disapointed reviews how the band didnt play the favourite tracks of the rewiever.. Stupid i should say. The band can't play the tracks that we want, they will play the tracks they enjoy playing. They are there to have fun themselves too, remember that, not just to please us! And after all, they are a Rock N Roll band so they can, and will, do just what the fuck they want!

  9. Me and my friend would really appreciate if someone could be so nice and buy us t-shirts with the hammerstein ballroom info on them. We live in finland so we cant get those and i think they will not sell those shirts in europe this summer. Theyll have the summer dates printed in the back. Someone please help us :) We will pay them, thats for sure. Thanks. You can contact me with pm.

  10. Its funny you mention this, I went during the UYI tour about a month before the CD came out. I didn't have a clue what they were singing other than You Could Be Mine. I don't really think its the best way to tour, it really does leave the fans a little lost. But your point does make a lot of sence!

    I think it's cool that they do things this way, something new to expect from the tour. And i think its kinda nice that they do it differently than other artists in nowdays. As for the negative side of it, you don't get so much from the show when you dont know the song but everything has its two sides......

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