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Posts posted by 2x4

  1. People are never happy when it comes to setlist. Guns have played around 50 different songs on a rotation since 2001. All songs have spanned their entire career. People want more CD songs and less AFD. If GN'R were to hit the stage and play nothing from AFD, people would still be pissed.

    It's like Metallica. For a while they played a very limited set rotation of mainly songs from TBA, Load and Reload with the occasional Kill em all, Ride the Lightning and Puppets tunes thrown in there (besides songs like MOP and Fade to Black). Metallica then changed the set during the St Anger tour and played a shitload of songs from the first 4 albums and neglected TBA, Load, Reload and Garage Inc and now people whinge that there is not enough of that 90's era in their set. Unless they play a 4 - 5 hour show each night, Metallica fans are going to complain.

    People are going to complain no matter what. The best thing we can do is let them be unhappy while the rest of us enjoy what is happening at the time.

  2. Seriously, who buys this shit? I don't get how buying a signature is even a thing. How is there a market for it? Meeting people in person and having them sign something for you personally is way better than buying something that was signed for some cock with a video camera.

  3. I am more for having the bands that influenced GN'R than bands that GN'R influenced like (not that it would happen) Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Rose Tattoo, Aerosmith, NIN (with Robin hehe), Black Sabbath or Queen. Or even the bands that Guns have a history with like Metallica, Soundgarden, Skid Row/Sebastian Bach.

    Although, I wouldn't mind seeing bands like Wolfmother and Airbourne pay tribute to GN'R.

    It would be good to see Brian May say a few words about GnR/Axl.

    I'd like to see Brian May play Catcher with GN'R

  4. I am more for having the bands that influenced GN'R than bands that GN'R influenced like (not that it would happen) Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Rose Tattoo, Aerosmith, NIN (with Robin hehe), Black Sabbath or Queen. Or even the bands that Guns have a history with like Metallica, Soundgarden, Skid Row/Sebastian Bach.

    Although, I wouldn't mind seeing bands like Wolfmother and Airbourne pay tribute to GN'R.

  5. I have met him a few times. I wouldn't say he is a prick, but he isn't the most friendly, either. For me, he was the hardest of everyone in the band to engage in conversation. And that's fine. I was a little pissed off at the time, but I think that was because I was very excited at the time and the rest of the band were all great, especially Chris.

    similar experience with me, I think tommy is most comfortable talking to people as a group rather than individually and Chris IS the best with the fans, a real cool dude.

    Although, Chris did tackle me in the hallway. Haha.

  6. I have met him a few times. I wouldn't say he is a prick, but he isn't the most friendly, either. For me, he was the hardest of everyone in the band to engage in conversation. And that's fine. I was a little pissed off at the time, but I think that was because I was very excited at the time and the rest of the band were all great, especially Chris.


    There is this chick on the Nightrain, who claims to be someone special from Axl's past, in Australia I might add. She is claiming to be so special to Axl that a bunch of songs were written for her and co-written by her.

    She has posted 3 Blogs about her time with Axl and GN'R.

    Here they are:

    Here are some transcripts of the missing interviews with Barbi(RocketQueen)Von Grief:

    Early Music Influences

    "I had a major crush on my babysitter"

    ..... *cough* namely one young Axl Rose (when he came to visit us in Australia, our grandparents knew eachother from WW2)!

    He got my brother and I into KISS - I remember he played us the Dynasty album when it first came out (on cassette)..... and it was definitely a KISS obsession from there on in.

    There were some battles with the parents who thought that the album may have been unsuitable for our young ears.....BUT WE WON!

    (Hey, if my Great Aunt n' Uncle left us with Axl in charge in the first place.......Who's to argue! He made us great Quick milkshakes... and told us to "Drink it Freddie, Drink it"...)

    Guess I was very lucky to have ^ such a talented up n coming Rockstar as my first music teacher!

    Another early music memory I have - where Axl is involved.....

    is when he played us a demo version of Billy Squire's "The Stroke"

    I think that was my first exposure to sampling!

    How he managed to put the Volga Boatmen in one song and make it sound like the charge of the cavalry, I do not know.

    Anyway..... That exploded my ears! (so to speak..... )

    oh yeah.... I also talked about the day he played Butterfly Ball...love is all..

    Of course, there has 2 be an ABBA flashback in here somewhere.....

    I remember another time when Ax was over, that ABBA were doing a live video satelite hookup thing...

    It was for the Chiquita clip (79 I think).

    We all sat around a TV in my Great Aunts loungeroom and watched the clip live!!

    All thanks to the technology that was developed for Elvis' Aloha From Hawaii Televised Satelite Concert in 73!

    EDIT: Hmmmmm.....Could I possibly mention any more 'daggy' music! Laughing Twisted Evil

    GN'R Songs that take me back.......

    Sweet Child of Mine

    Whenever I see the clip, I remember Axl practicing the dance moves with a friend of ours at my great aunts house. It wasn't until I saw the SCOM clip that I realized that that was what Axl was practicing!

    That was also the day that Axl explained to me the meaning behind the tattoo on his arm - the one that I have as my avatar! Wink

    Is the tattoo on Axl's right biscep a portrait of you? I'm guessing it is! when did he get it done?

    A long time ago. I was a "child" then....

    He showed it to me when he got it done, and said that it will be me when I'm older (now).

    We call it the "20 Years Ago Today" tattoo....

    He's had it slightly touched up since then.

    After he showed me the future likeness of me on his right arm, he then pointed to the "Rocker" tattoo on his left arm, above the Victory or Death tat and said this is you now.

    Paradise City

    Takes me right back to the day that Axl and I had a chat about him going back to the States. I was so sad. He said: Where Do You Live? I said: In Paradise. He said: I'll write a special song for you.....

    I've also got a little cameo in the ^ clip......

    Welcome to the Jungle

    The Kn...Kn...Kn...Kn...nnnneees! bit always cracks me up. When I was young I used to run up to Axl and sing: Chinese, Japanese, Look at these (pointing to my chest), Dirty Knees (pointing to my knees)...

    Axl didn't know where to look! Laughing Needless to say, the oldies said that Axl and I had to have a little talk about the Birds and the Bees. He gave me a snake lolly and talked about a 'Serpentine'..... I couldn't stop laughing because I had no idea what he was talking about...... Laughing

    Rocket Queen

    It's amazing how the last bit of the song captures the day perfectly. The guys were trying to jump a bike across a ramp in my Great Aunt and Uncles back yard. I wasn't allowed to join in because I was all dressed up in my Sunday dress.....

    I spent a lonely afternoon standing in the loungeroom and watching the guys ride past, through the wall to floor windows that looked out onto the garden. Every time when Axl rode past, our eyes would lock and he would show off n' pull faces. Made me laugh!

    Also, here's some funny trivia to do with the simulated 'noises' that Axl wanted to add to Rocket Queen. Axl had a recorder and microphone and when he was introduced to our friends, to break the ice, he would tell them what he was trying to achieve in the song and they would all have a go at making those 'sounds' into the microphone.

    ^ That Donna Summer song was really big at the time.... (oh, there's another music memory!)

    The results were often hilarious! We used to crack up laughing. Because Axl was teaching me singing - we made it into a singing exercise! You can hear the kinda hear a variation of it at the end of Rhiad n' the Bedouins - its all in the breathing control......

    Don't Cry

    Whenever I see the clip, where Shannon n Axl are singing into the microphine: Maybe Baby Someday! It takes me back to the delightful afternoon that Shannon, Axl n I spent picking Strawberries in Arneheim.


    Whenever I see the bit in the clip where Axl is in the bedroom with the dinosaur on top of cupboard, it takes me back to when we used to play Hide n Seek. My brother was into Dinosaurs (way before Jurassic Park) and his room was full of dinosaur skeleton models etc. He also used to have a huge cupboard in his room and that's where we used to hide!

    November Rain

    Takes me back to the night that Axl snuck into my hotel room and asked me if I had any headache tablets. We were lying on my bed and he was working out a section of Novemeber Rain. "I know it's hard..... etc" I remember suggesting that he should put trills in the piano line......


    The bit in the clip where Duff looks pissed off with the breakfast tray. He and I had had an argument, and a similar looking breakfast tray was brought into my hotel room. I was still pissed off and so I chucked it across the room! Twisted Evil

    There Was A Time

    As per the lyrics in the song, takes me right back to that time ^. Yes, indeed, There Was A Time....

    I mention that Rhiad n TWAT were inspired by events in 1990 when I went over to California to spend some time with Axl n' the band.

    Well Rhiad n The Bedouins is about the time Barbi had to beat The Crue boys out of her hotel room whilst she was waiting for Axl to save her!

    My family n I had rooms on the second floor of the hotel and the band were on the floor above. There was much comings n goings to be had that week and high jinx all round.... like the time Duff n I had a yelling match that brought Slash n' Axl running.....

    Anyway, on this particular day, Axl decided that he would take my brother to Denny's. Axl put a cap on and wanted to see if he could be recognised... Axl asked me to come along, but because I was vegetarian at the time, I gave him a withering look and said something like - "well, what do you think!" That was alittle after he tried to convince me that Beef Jerky was not really meat! "It tastes good, don't it" Anyway.....

    I'm in the hotel room on my own, when in walks Vince n' Nikki Sixx. Now you may have seen photos of Nikkis hair but to see it in real life.... is something to behold! Jet black, absolutely immaculately styled. I tell you it was a sculpture unto itself...lol! Bits sticking out at perfect angles....

    Anyway, these boys wanted to see how far, they could push Barbi Von Grief. They had no chance in hell of course, but well, you know what boys are like. We sat around the table in the hotel room n' it was very much like a verbal poker game.

    Needless to say I won with a straight flush (basically, to cut a long story short I told them to fuck off). I was a very ladylike young lady and basically the F word took them by suprise. Vince smiled n' Nikki was quite impressed by the delivery and usage of the word! The timing was perfect.... ha!

    I later found out that Duff sent the Crue boys in cos he was still pissed off about our earlier encounter...... Attitude! Bitch! :-X

    The line: "only I could tell", well... at that stage of the GN'R story, Axl had to keep to himself who I really was and our past connection, and what I was really doing there....They knew I was Barbi (Rocket Queen) Von Grief but not much else......The Crue boys were trying to work what exactly the connection was..... n' Axl wasn't going to tell them.......

    Anyway, my parents eventually found out about my little encounter with The Crue and my hotel door was locked.

    The Crue, at the time, had the title of the most dangerous band yada yada, until the Gunners took it from them. Well, I should say until Barbi Von Grief aced them! I paved the way for the boys, I paved the way.... lol

    Later that night...... Axl broke in......(Knock, Knock, Knocking on Heaven's Door)... he literally broke the lock on the door to get in.... because he wanted me to hear Novemember Rain. That night was magic and quite emotional for the two of us because it was hot and rainy and Axl was thinking of calling it Californian Rain..... and we hadn't spent time together for quite a few years.....

    How come Axl decided on November Rain and didnt stick with Californian Rain?

    He wanted to make it more obvious , so eventually I'd remember/know that NR was actually the song he was working on that night with me.....I didnt hear the lyrics, just the music, bits of the solos/piano lines...

    Axl didn't have any instruments with him, so...we had to improvise alittle...

    Slash was so pleased when Axl told him the next day that he had worked out the solos!

    It was a hot rainy Californian night in late NOVemBAR(bi).... !

    n' just between us...the band have always called it that ^ too....!

    Peeps want to know alittle about the argument with Uncle Duff.

    Well, I was really jetlagged and Duff wanted to chat, and so he woke me up ( I think he wanted to apologize about somethin'.....).

    Now, he n' I both have fiery tempers, me being an aussie with Polish/Italian parents and Duff being Irish n all.

    I was telling him to fuck off cos I really tired and annoyed with him about what happened earlier that day.

    This was later that night after the band n' I were riding around Universal on the buggy n he n Slash were both wacked and Axl stppoed the ride n' told them to get off n' Duff fell out of the buggy and he couldn't get up cos of his long legs...I posted that story on HTGTH ages ago...

    Anyway, I wasn't in the mood for talking n Duff started waving his finger in my face and so..... I bit it! It wasn't that hard!

    By the time Axl n Slash rocked up we were yelling and my brother was trying to calm us down.

    Duff then turns to Axl and says, this "little miss" Wink just bit THE finger of THE GN'R bass player! and he held out his index finger!

    The way he did it was so funny, that Axl n Slash started smirking...AND THEN WE ALL SAW THE COMEDY IN THE SITUATION

    I think the whole situatuion went over the top because Steven Adler was there too, and when Duff and I were arguing Steven tries to sneak into the room wearing Slash's Top Hat, he was cracking up laughing.... and obviously by that stage Duff n' I were in a heated discussion....

    I get sooo grumpy when I don't sleep.

    Anyway, once Duff n' I had calmed down, he n' I had a chat n' sorted things out. That scene in the Don't Cry Video where Duff bumps into the girl on the stairs and she gives him that look is about that.

    The band were alittle pissed off with me because earlier thay had come in to play me an acoustic version of Frankie Goes TO Hollywood's RELAX and I just went "s'OK" n' shrugged.

    "WHATEVER" ...

    Slash's eyes popped out of his head and Axl said: "Don't you know we are the best band in the world!"

    No wonder Izzy left early....

    Sometimes you just gotta bring these big rockstars back down to earth. :)

    BTW, It was that night that Axl made Slash my honorary Godfather.....

    Oh, another funny story from that time whilst i think of it.....

    Because I was a srtict vegetarian, the Gunner boys were trying everything they could to get me to eat meat...... such as the beef jerky incident already reported......

    Anyway, this time I think it was Duff who told me that the sausages in the breakfast room were really vegetarian, you know that Sanitarium ones......and he told me to go eat one......

    You sould have seen the look on Duff's face the next morning when he n Slash walked past the breakfast room only to see me sitting there holding up a sausage on a fork!

    The look that Duff gives in the Don't Cry vid when the two girls start fighting at the piano is exactly it. ???

    Duff got me big time because he later said.....

    You know that sausage that you were eating...... well, it was really meat!!!!

    And then he gave me the finger!

    he really believed that there was on way in hell that I would eat a sausage!!! LOL

    But i did, so there.

    And another funny story, come to think of it.....

    Duff n' I were having another chat ...

    And he was saying how excitied he was to meet me finally, because Axl had been talking about me for so long.

    And I kinda inspired the opening riff for the big hit SCOM.....and it was my Circus tunes tape that Slash was mucking around too when he came up with the opening riff and Axl said play it slower and that is how it came to be!

    Anyway, he said that he thought that I would be more like Kelly Bundy from Married With Children but instead I turned out to be a hippy!

    Cool haha ... I've never known a bands songs to be so full of riddles.

    They're really interesting though.Thank God Axl pushed you to tellthese stories. Or we'd always of wondered.

    SCOM?Huh Really ? Niccce.

    Yeah! I pop up in one of the versions of the Sweet Child o' Mine video clip!!!

    Black n White footage..

    I was backstage at a High School Musical in 1986 gettin my hair n' makeup done, when my teacher said, oh, these guys want to film you....

    I had no idea what for, I assumed the school magazine or something....

    You can imagine my eyes popping out of my head, when I see the snippet of myself pop up in the Video!!!! Hey! That's Me!

    That is just typical Axl!

    I have some some other funny memories that arise from the Estranged filmclip....came out about the same time I first left home...

    The scene where Axl is standing under the shower... What is that about?

    Well..... There Was A Time when he and I were having an argument in the bathroom in the hotel in California.... it was the only place where we could get some privacy!

    He's stubborn but I am even more so. The 'argument' ended with Axl turning on the shower taps and picking me up fully clothed saying......

    Well, I've got a message for you! from your Great Uncle and Aunty!!

    ......and held me under the shower, so I could cool off!!!

    Try explaining that one to your mother..... returning to my hotel room with soaking wet clothes.... I said we went swimming!

    Water everywhere, just like a old Polish Courting ritual where it was customary for young men to pour water over umarried girls.....

    Also, the swings.... When I young, Axl used to take me to the park so I could ride the swings. I used to tell him that I could touch the sky with my toes....

    no mum wasn't too concerned actually...

    She said: I know you were with Axl so it's OK!!!

    (She's known him since he was a young teenager...)

    To this day, she still says... yes, I seem to recall that you kids disappeared for a while.....

    Oh here's another one from that Time in 1990.

    After a night of more "intellectual discussions" with the band, a breakfast tray was sent into a room with a rose on it.

    I thought it had come from Duff, because there was more meat on it! ... and this was after the sausage incident. I was still pissed off with him!

    Axl walked into the room to see If I was enjoying my breakfast....... and I picked up the plate and threw it at him just missing his head!

    Slash wasn't too far behind and when he saw the breakfast all over the wall, he went over to the plate and said: " charming! glad you enjoyed your eggs!" and he ashed his cigarette in the plate.....

    And that, my friends is how thsi line from There Was A Time came to be!

    Oooh Broken glass and cigarettes, the writing's (ie. breakfast) is on the wall....

    Didn't see Axl n' the band again till the following year in Europe 91. I was buying the Hair CD, when I just happened to bump into him n' Dizzy in Lucerne, Switzerland....

    And there was always the time we had in Paris 91.......

    You met up again the following year?

    After I left California at the end of 1990, I met up with Axl again in 1991 in Europe - England, Scotland, Lucerne (Switzerland) and France are particlarly memorable.

    England: I was exploring the old Exeter cemetary, when I could smell cigarette smoke. It almost gave me a heart attack but who should emerge from behind the old Roman wall!!! Slash, with his hair pulled back in a plait. Suddenly his phone rings, it was Axl.

    Slash: Yes, she's here. Axl: what is she wearing? Slash: she looks like a hippy.... (that's so Axl could recognize me)

    Slash then pointed me in a direction and said 'Arthur' is waiting for you.... that's Axl's nickname, my prince....

    The cemetary pic:

    Scotland: I was staying at a hunting lodge, standing at the front desk when the phone rang. The receptionist answered. Suddenly she was all excited. "hey! You know that American band Guns N' Roses?!!! Well, they are coming here!!!!"

    About 2 minutes later Axl and the crew walked in.... oh oh..... I was being followed....

    And that's when the kilt was born!!!!

    And you just happened to bump into Axl and Dizzy in Lucerne as well? lol

    Axl was a little bit upset with me after 1990. When I last saw him at the Hollywood Bowl, I was asked to stay with him. My father said it was ok with him, but I declined.....

    Anyway.... i was walking down the corridor of the hotel in Lucerne and Axl was behind me in an argumenative mood. We always argue.......

    He was saying: I am soooo angry with you! I didn't want to talk about it.

    Dizzy was with Axl and Axl was saying: "hey! I want you meet Dizzy". The look on Dizzy's face was priceless, because he wasn't sure what was going on...

    (Axl was a bit outta control that tour - I say that in the nicest way, of course).....

    That night, there was another big scene at the rooftop restaurant in Lucerne (that's where the idea for Don't Cry came from!!!) I won't say more about it because Tracey and Roberta were also there and other members of the crew.....and well, what happens on tour, stays on tour......

    Anyway, Axl did make it up to me. I had a note slipped under my door to meet him on the old 13th century bridge the next day. When I saw him on the bridge he said:

    Well, this is the perfect place for a Prince to meet his Princess. aww.

    Hence the Prince's Jackets.....

    He said that he will meet up with me again...... that was in Paris!!!!

    Anymore Stories about 1990?

    Here's a classic Slash story from There Was A Time....

    To get away from the shennanaghins at the hotel for a while, Uncle Slash took my brother and I on the Beverly Hills Star Houses tour...

    I was like OMG! it's the Presley house... OMG! It's Lucille Ball's !!!

    At the end of the tour Slash and I were saying how cool it was... and then he asked me if I wanted his map....

    I said: nah, I'll remember....

    He laughed and said that's a shame, I signed it for you. It will be worth a fortune.......!

    lol. typical Hud, very very enterprising, even then, in 1990 !!!

    do you have it?

    No, I didn't take the map.......

    I was being too cool for school

    and Hud was too shy to press the point that I should really take the map......


  7. How about Tasmania! :shrugs: We flew over to Sydney in '10. (Me and Mrs, not the whole population, :tongue2: ) Would struggle, but do it again, but it would be so much easier if they'd come down here!

    Do you lot get many big shows down there? I know you get the occasional boxing match but how about concerts?

  8. This must be a venue policy. I've seen the band at 6 different venues and I have seem slash shirts, slash wigs and top hats at each of these shows and I've never seen or heard the bouncers enforcing an anti-slash policy on anyone. This is Australia, though.

    I think wearing that stuff is fucking stupid, myself, but these people still have a right to wear it.

  9. They have added a couple of names to the releases section. http://www.gunsnroses.com/releases

    Is anyone else unable to view their profile at the moment?

    what u mean by "names"?

    and yeah, it keeps bouncing me to write the password...

    just clean the cookies/cache and login work fine....

    I cleaned my cache and cookies and it still doesn't log in.

    Yeah mine still won't work. And I can't look at the photo's anymore. Is that because that chick was whinging about the watermarks or something?

    I can still check friend requests but that's it.

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