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Posts posted by 2x4

  1. Do you think Axl will announce CD II on this show?

    That would be ideal, but I'm thinking if it is an Axl interview, we may get a bit of an update about the past 9 months which one would think it would include recording or writing.

    This thread would be about 2 and a half pages long if these fuckwits would knock off bitching at each other over absolutely fuck all.

  2. Im not sure if this is a "Dont Ask Dont Tell" topic, but I was wondering when GNR gets to there location, if they are autograph friendly?

    Im not trying to be a stalker or anything, I was just wondering if they will sign. I have noticed several videos of Axl signing a few autographs here or there (Airport, Outside Hotel, ect.) on YouTube and was wondering if anyone here has gotten Axl's signature.

    When I have gotten autographs in the past (Mostly Sports stars), Its in a much more controlled enviornment, such as an autograph show, or when they enter the stadium, or at a fan fest. Anyway assuming they do sign an autograph once and a while, what are the does and donts? Also does anyone know if the Guitar players in the band have a history of stopping at say Guitar Center, for a breif autograph session to promote the show?

    Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.

    When I first saw GN'R in 07 I waited until after the show and got my photo taken with Ron, Robin and Frank. They were all awesome. The next show, 2 days later, I got to meet the rest of them at a Party. Axl included. They are all pretty easy and I saw they were quick to sign autographs for people and would have a beer with most.

    So from my experience, post show is the best time to meet them. But, in saying that I met Duff before a VR show in 04/05 (can't remember).

    I think after show would be best also, but its gonna be cold in Nov in CHicago for me, but fuck i need to fuckin meet axl one time!

    I hope you do. He is a nice bloke.

  3. Im not sure if this is a "Dont Ask Dont Tell" topic, but I was wondering when GNR gets to there location, if they are autograph friendly?

    Im not trying to be a stalker or anything, I was just wondering if they will sign. I have noticed several videos of Axl signing a few autographs here or there (Airport, Outside Hotel, ect.) on YouTube and was wondering if anyone here has gotten Axl's signature.

    When I have gotten autographs in the past (Mostly Sports stars), Its in a much more controlled enviornment, such as an autograph show, or when they enter the stadium, or at a fan fest. Anyway assuming they do sign an autograph once and a while, what are the does and donts? Also does anyone know if the Guitar players in the band have a history of stopping at say Guitar Center, for a breif autograph session to promote the show?

    Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.

    When I first saw GN'R in 07 I waited until after the show and got my photo taken with Ron, Robin and Frank. They were all awesome. The next show, 2 days later, I got to meet the rest of them at a Party. Axl included. They are all pretty easy and I saw they were quick to sign autographs for people and would have a beer with most.

    So from my experience, post show is the best time to meet them. But, in saying that I met Duff before a VR show in 04/05 (can't remember).

  4. Just read this over at HTGTH.

    You need to click the link a few times before it takes you to the correct place, but here is what it says.

    As of August 2011, Six said that the film was already in production. In an interview with DreadCentral.com, Six said the third film will "make the last one look like a Disney film. We're going to shoot the third film entirely in America, and it's going to be my favorite... It's going to upset a lot of people." [1] Six also confirmed that the third film would be the last of the series.[2]

    As of October 2011, Guns N Roses have recently confirmed a debut track "Goin Down" will appear on the films soundtrack.


  5. to qoute Axl:

    And Checkmate is a bogus title.

    The working title is Jackie Chan.


    Jack Chan Demo(?)


    EDIT: something I forgot to mention, if the song is called Jackie Chan, Why would ''mother fucker' in this game, its

    checkmate'' be in the lyrics and not say anything about jackie chan... I think it's fake....

    0:14-0:53 is one source of the song, 0:53-0:54 is another source.

    Long story short, it was going to be leaked but GnRs management stopped it from happening, however there was some miscommunication with the person who intende

    to leak it (to say the least).


    Have you guys seen this footage before?

    (it only goes for 10 seconds, but its the famous megaphone incident lol)


    What's the go with that footage?

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