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Posts posted by 2x4

  1. Axl has never seemed to let addictions impede his life. He always seemed to have a grip on drugs and booze compared to the other guys. I feel like he's the same way today. He's a guy who enjoys partying and indulges but doesn't have the same addiction issues that caused Duff and Slash to go off the rails. The booze surely has an effect on his physical appearance as it's just empty calories and carbs, but I don't think there's any evidence that he's a coke fiend or an alcoholic as some people are alluding to.

    Spot on!

  2. I remember back in about 1993/94 there were rumours flying around about Axl playing a bum in Highlander 3 and Slash playing a radio DJ in Demon Knight. Neither if those things ever eventuated. Although, Slash did appear in Howard Stern's Private Parts, so maybe that's where the whole Slash + Movie + Radio DJ thing came from initially.

  3. Both are awful but I'd say between these two, Frank.

    I'm not a guitarist, and I've seen GN'R with DJ a few times, but he seems to do the job. I don't think there is enough of his touch on the old material though. I've heard him fuck up the intros to Better and SCOM a few times though.

    Frank on the other hand is an amazing drummer. He is a hard hitting tech drummer. Brain is probably the most talented drummer this band has ever had but in my opinion Frank's style is far more suited for GN'R. As a drummer, I tend to focus on him more so than anyone else in the band when I see them live and he is yet to disappoint me.

    You're entitled to your opinion, but to say they are "awful" isn't right.

  4. His name is Hernan (might be short for Hernando). He's friends with a friend of mine. I've met him once or twice in Australia. He's a nice bloke. Very quiet.

  5. I had a fish named Mr. Brownstone when I was a kid and when my Son was born I posted a photo on Facebook saying his name was Lars Axl Marjoribanks. It had no truth to it (aside from the surname) but everyone believed me for about a day until we named him James.

  6. I have been wondering about the "legality" of sharing the Chinese Democracy demos.

    I know it's cool to share the old demos of songs like Just Another Sunday and Crash Diet, but what are the rules surrounding the sharing of CD demos?

    Do they now fall under the demo category or are they still classed as "official material"?

    Sorry if this is the wrong section, by the way.

  7. Fuck me! I knew I should have gone to these fucking Melbourne shows. UTLH and Nice Boys with Angry! Fuck!!!

    I hope they replicate this show in Brisbane!!!!!

    Same here haha
    I'm so fucking dirty I didn't go. I'm up in Brisbane now just waiting for Wednesday's show.

    I guess it's a silly question at this late stage but there's no chance of you being able to get to Melb for tomorrow night's show is there? Front row seat will be empty and backstage pass will be unused but as I type this I see you might be in Brissy which makes it too hard time wise & financially. Bummer but you still might get the same show as it's the last one isn't it?

    Thanks man but you're right, I am in Brisbane. Went to both Sydney and Newcastle, tossed up about Melbourne but decided Brisbane was the "easier" option. Kicking myself now (stuck with the fucking in-laws).

    I'm pumped about the Brisbane show though. I'm really glad Melbourne got a few surprises.

  8. Also, was a lot of fun hanging with TAY, 2x4 and Gunns.... and I owe DownUnderScott a beer for the cab trip home!

    Half the fun of going to the shows is seeing the Aussie MYGNR crew, it's definitely a great group of people. :)

    You motherfuckers were a blast to watch the shows with. See you in Brisbane!

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