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Posts posted by Tom-Ass

  1. Hell....before it's all said and done this so called "reunion" may turn out to be nothing more than Slash and Duff doing a one off guest appearance at a NUGNR show...

    I think it'll depend on whether Axl and Slash can get along for a decent amount of time. Hopefully Axl is done with the prima donna stuff as I can't see Slash putting up with it, I mean he didn't first time round. Personally I think it'll probably go smoothly I mean by even asking Slash back Axl has realised he couldn't really continue with nuGuns after two guitarists had quit so I imagine he'll be on his best behaviour.

    What I meant was...we are likely to end up with more NUGNR members than original members...so rather than being a genuine reunion with a real Guns look, feel, and sound...it will be more like when Izzy or Duff showed up as guests at a NUGNR show. And I get that for a lot of fans (and especially fans of NUGNR) that lineup will be sufficient. But for those of us who were hungry for the real deal, this is turning out to be anti-climactic to say the least. We haven't been waiting 20+ years to see Fortus and Pitman...

    Agreed 100% great post

  2. I can foreshadow some type of other last minute commitments to both Frank and Fortus occurring.... in which they will need some replacements...

    In my fucking dreams!! They made it this far.. Why not can't they take it just a little bit further.. I know it isn't 1988 but if they could get a little closer to that spirit.

    Fortus is a hell of a guitar player.

    It's hard to understand, if that is the case (seems likely) how the hell wouldn't Izzy want to be a full part of this.

    It is possible he doesn't want to without Adler.

    Or 3 guitarists... If Slash and Izzy are onstage, there is ZERO need for a 3rd guitar player not matter how competent Fortus is.. Thanks for your service buddy.. Maybe there will be an InSync reunion.

  3. What is it that Pitman brings to the table that is so amazing and important? Nothing.

    He removes the need for the excess of the UYI tour. Instead of having a saxophone guy, a harmonica guy, doo-wop backup singers and embarrassing backing tapes for songs like November Rain that fall out of sync, skip or play in the wrong key (which has happened to Van Halen multiple times during 'Jump'), we have one dude way off in the corner keeping a low profile. In short, he makes GnR less embarassing. In a band that's always precariously close to being a parody of itself, he is very important.

    Dude.. He plays Synths on Appetite songs loud enough to drown out guitar parts.. Enough said.. They don't need Harmonicas and fucking trumpets anyway... Dizzy can ad any cheesy sound effects they need anyway..

    While i understand that the majority here (including myself) doN't like this dude and think he is useless, but who cares? If he does nothing, that's perfectly fine... It's not us whom played his bills* :lol:

    All that matters is Slash and Duff and Axl on the same stage, the rest doesn't really matter

    *edit: well, it's us but it's not our problem, imho

    That is the whole point. We wish he did nothing.. Instead he is ruing perfectly good songs...

    Never noticed this. Granted I don't watch live clips from youtube from the last 5 years so I could have missed it. Please post some examples and I might join the cause. If this is as bad as you say. I'll start hating on him as well.

    I don't watch many videos of theirs either but have started since this whole thing happened. One that stuck out was the end of Rocket Queen.

  4. That's a great point: Axl will not attend a single rehearsal, so the rehearsals will be led by Slash and Duff.

    Meaning, when Pittman tries to teach Slash how Brownstone has a techno-beat middle eight, Slash can tell him no it doesn't, because Slash fucking WROTE the song.

    The music side of things will be Slash and Duff's show, which is fucking awesome.

    They will probably be too afraid to hurt his feelings and get Axl upset...

  5. Watch as the tickets sell out in 0.5 seconds regardless of a vocal minority.


    yeah, a lot of people miss Izzy and Adler, but a lot of people will be curious and ends up in one of the shows....

    the only thing that could really fucked up this reunion is Axl's voice... most of my random friends whom saw the articles about the reunion repeatedly post the Axl Rose disasters or one of the fataxl meme's...

    Lot of them only started paid attention to Axl recently again after 10-12 years

    Seems like the crucial point is not izzy or adler,but Axl's image and voice...

    It good definitely work without Adler and Izzy. It would be incredible with them though and I would argue they are more important than Duff...

    The major issues I see are

    Axl's voice - Hoping for the best

    Franks Drumming - Maybe Slash and Duff can teach him how the songs are supposed to be played.

    Pittman - He kills the spirit of great rock songs..

    Then you look at the stage with 7 or 8 guys running around.. Most of which weren't even on any of the classic Guns albums.. Circus..

  6. This "Reunion" turned out to be the best/worst farce in a long time!:-D

    Sure, they will make money, people will come to see this freakshow with 50 "members" on stage.

    As Rock'n'Roll and dangerous as Dire Straits.

    Now I only wish that the guy with a mask and a kfc bucket on his head will play! And 5-10 background singers.

    Yeah.. Some of us have waited a long time for this day.. How is it a "reunion" when 3 of three of the members weren't even in the band back in the day? I realize it may not be possible to get everyone back but they should have done better than this.. At least shit can Pittman and teach Frank how to play the damn songs..

  7. While i understand that the majority here (including myself) doN't like this dude and think he is useless, but who cares? If he does nothing, that's perfectly fine... It's not us whom played his bills* :lol:

    All that matters is Slash and Duff and Axl on the same stage, the rest doesn't really matter

    *edit: well, it's us but it's not our problem, imho

    That is the whole point. We wish he did nothing.. Instead he is ruing perfectly good songs...

  8. What is it that Pitman brings to the table that is so amazing and important? Nothing.

    He removes the need for the excess of the UYI tour. Instead of having a saxophone guy, a harmonica guy, doo-wop backup singers and embarrassing backing tapes for songs like November Rain that fall out of sync, skip or play in the wrong key (which has happened to Van Halen multiple times during 'Jump'), we have one dude way off in the corner keeping a low profile. In short, he makes GnR less embarassing. In a band that's always precariously close to being a parody of itself, he is very important.

    Dude.. He plays Synths on Appetite songs loud enough to drown out guitar parts.. Enough said.. They don't need Harmonicas and fucking trumpets anyway... Dizzy can ad any cheesy sound effects they need anyway..

  9. I've come to the conclusion this is a 100% cash grab... For many years Slash and Duff said if they were going to do a reunion that they would do it right.. This is a joke..

    I don't blame them for grabbing the money. Who knows, maybe it will turn out different and we get an album out of it. At a bare minimum it is good to see Axl and Slash aren't badmouthing each other in the media anymore.

    I don't blame them for taking the money either... Its just sad..

  10. Tom mate you gotta chill out, wait for announcements before you go getting all depressed

    Trying man... This is just turning out to be so disappointing...

    Chill out, Slash is there, Duff is there, it will be much better. Axl isn't the guy to control everything during rehearsals. The sound of the band live was always a Slash and Duff thing. This time around they will also have much to say as far as this is concerned. They are the bosses there together with Axl - not Frank and not Pitman. And Axl usually leaves most of it to them. The band will not sound like Nu-GNR with Slash and Duff on board. Which is good because as far as I am concerned the Nu-Gnr sounded worse than Axl on his worst days, so that he even didn't have anything to sing to...

    I hope you are right Asia.. They need to get Frank to play the songs right... As for Pittman.. I wish they would have the balls to tell Axl that he brings the Appetite songs down man.. I think it could still be great.. Butt Pittman really brings the thing down.. When I turned on VH1 and tried to watch that 02 Arena show and give i a chance I almost shit myself on how much he was ruining Rocket Queen.. That was the only song I could get through.. It was rough.

  11. We´ve been talking about Sorum, Adler, Izzy... And the irrelevant, useless and worthless Chris Pitman is confirmed :facepalm:


    Hey man, I get you prefer he wouldn't be in the band anymore. But calling him useless and worthless as a person is more than unnecessary. Chill.

    I don't think he is referring to him in context of the band.. Where he is worthless and useless. Not to mention adds a negative effect to timeless songs.

  12. Regardless of the fact that who was an original member or what have you; the fact that we got something we never thought would be possible. Can't we be happy about that? I for one, think it could of been worded a bit better; but despite that, I'm just stoked that we're going to see these guys together again under the banner of Guns n' Roses.

    I wish man... Slash and Duff have been playing together for years... Axl sounds like crap.. Almost everything I don't like about NuGnR is still there.. Awful drumming and a synth playing that fucks up songs... Its still up in the air whether or not there will be 3 guitarists..

  13. Pitman isn't going to add or subtract any ticket sales. If you are going it's for Axl and Slash (maybe Duff and the hope of Steven/Matt/Izzy doing a song or two) Nobody is going to see Pitman but I doubt anyone stays home because he's there either.

    I dunno man.. There are a lot of rumblings inline and on the radio... People want something that sounds and looks close to the real thing.. Pittman helps to make it look like a circus and certainly dilutes the songs..

    Fuck at this point Axl/Slash/Duff/Fortus/Frank/Dizzy will look good... As much as I hate Franks drumming, maybe he will play the songs like they should be played now that Slash is on board..

  14. Slash doesn't agree with synthesisers, at least as of a 2011 Music Radar interview

    I think Pittman solves the problem by allowing them the freedom to play UYI material that often times had a lot going on from a musical perspective.

    Dizzy is more than enough to take care of UYI's songs.. And Pittman doesn't just add things to UYI songs.. He ruins classic Appetite songs with those stupid fucking synths..

    Alright screw Pittman then, he's not allowed to touch appetite.

    Oh he does... Go youtube the Rocket Queen from 02 Arena.. Watch the end part and listen to him drowning out those classic guitar parts. :/

    That basically confirms there will be CD material played. This reunion gets worse daily.

    You can say that again....

  15. I doubt it.. It seems like they are pussyfooting around... After following them for all these years I know they do not feel this line up is close to Guns N' Roses. Do you think either of them want to hear Pittman ruing Appetite songs with Synths? Keyboards wee bad enough.. But Synths on top of them? I also would bet money that they would rather Matt in there over Frank... Even Fitz.. Anyone but that dude..

  16. Slash doesn't agree with synthesisers, at least as of a 2011 Music Radar interview

    I think Pittman solves the problem by allowing them the freedom to play UYI material that often times had a lot going on from a musical perspective.

    Dizzy is more than enough to take care of UYI's songs.. And Pittman doesn't just add things to UYI songs.. He ruins classic Appetite songs with those stupid fucking synths..

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  17. What people say in a comment section and do in real life can be very different. Case in point this forum.

    That hasn't been my experience.. I hang out with a lot of music fans..

    Maybe Axl/Slash/Duff should change their mind and cancel the whole reunion thing. Maybe then everybody would be happy and satisfied. :question:

    Or do it right...

    And what's the right way to do it - doing it the way they want it or think it should be done or doing it the way fans (and some people on the Internet) want it to be done?

    They way Duff and Slash always said they would do it.. Not like this....They always said it would have to be the original band or close to it.. 8 members, synth player and a drummer that fucks up the song??? no thanks..

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