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Posts posted by Tom-Ass

  1. Well, boo hoo...

    It's gonna be Axl, Slash and Duff on the same stage first time since 1993. If you're not satisfied with that, stay home. Simple as that. This re-grouping is a dream come true, from a fan's point of view. In my opinion anyway. I mean, who would have thought it would ever happen? And yet, people are still bitching? I don't care about that kind of negativity.

    Of course everybody are entitled to their opinions, but... I don't know. It's easy to bitch about things on the internet. People should be more positive.

    That is the point.. A lot of people are staying home and it isn't a dream come true for most people.. This thing could have been huge..I am a fan.. I have been waiting for 23 years to see Guns N' Roses again.. This isn't it.. This still resembles NuGnR more than anything esle... It will also sound more like NuGnR than than anything else..

    I don't think has to be the original 5 or bust but to have the original members outnumbered onstage just doesn't work.. Chris Pittman.. Just doesn't work... And unless Frank sucks it up and plays the songs like they should be played.. He doesn't work..

    It will sound nothing like NUGNR.

    As far as Izzy is concerned he most likely has no desire to do a full scale tour but he will be on stage from time to time when he feels like it.

    Steven I just don't think we will see him very much if at all. I could be wrong.

    What most fans will care about is Axl, Slash and Duff to a lesser exstint on the same stage together under the GNR name. Slash and Axl are GNR to alot of people.

    How will it sound nothing like NuGnR??

    You still have Axl's current voice and appearance

    Too many musicians

    Pittman fucking up perfect songs with Synths

    Frank who fucks up the essence of the songs

  2. What people say in a comment section and do in real life can be very different. Case in point this forum.

    That hasn't been my experience.. I hang out with a lot of music fans..

    Maybe Axl/Slash/Duff should change their mind and cancel the whole reunion thing. Maybe then everybody would be happy and satisfied. :question:

    Or do it right...

    Watch as the tickets sell out in 0.5 seconds regardless of a vocal minority.

    To scalpers who will have a hard time getting rid of the tickets.. I will go to one show but am not dropping a lot of money..

    If this is Axl/Slash/Duff/Fortus/Frank/Dizzy/Pittman and a 3rd guitarist I won't go to more than one show... The hype will die out fast..

  3. I don't see any positives of this guy staying. I know a lot of people think he is a douche but I really know nothing about him so that has nothing to do with me thinking he should go.

    I think he ruins the songs musically.. Example is Rocket Queen. Watch the 02 Arena show.. The end part is ruined by him drowning out classic guitar riffs with annoying Synths.. It is sinful really..

    The more bodies onstage the less this seems like Gn'R... You are going to have 3 originals and 7 possibly 8 others? This thing could still be good with just Axl, Slash and Duff but you really need to cut off some of the fat. This isn't Slipknot...

    He also looks like a clown on the stage with his tilting keyboards... So f'n goofy looking...

  4. Well, boo hoo...

    It's gonna be Axl, Slash and Duff on the same stage first time since 1993. If you're not satisfied with that, stay home. Simple as that. This re-grouping is a dream come true, from a fan's point of view. In my opinion anyway. I mean, who would have thought it would ever happen? And yet, people are still bitching? I don't care about that kind of negativity.

    Of course everybody are entitled to their opinions, but... I don't know. It's easy to bitch about things on the internet. People should be more positive.

    That is the point.. A lot of people are staying home and it isn't a dream come true for most people.. This thing could have been huge..I am a fan.. I have been waiting for 23 years to see Guns N' Roses again.. This isn't it.. This still resembles NuGnR more than anything esle... It will also sound more like NuGnR than than anything else..

    I don't think has to be the original 5 or bust but to have the original members outnumbered onstage just doesn't work.. Chris Pittman.. Just doesn't work... And unless Frank sucks it up and plays the songs like they should be played.. He doesn't work..

  5. For all the people that say no one outside this board cares who is in the band aside from Axl and Slash.. Here are all the comments from the Ultimate Classic Rock article on who the rest of the band is. Copied from facebook and I didn't cherry pick replies.

    Anyting other than the five above-mentioned musicians will come as a disappointment, and something I would never pay to see. The five originals- no more, no less...that's what I'll pay my hard-earned money for.
    Like · Reply · 60 · 18 hrs
    17 Replies · 11 hrs
    Mike McFarland
    Mike McFarland This is NOT Guns n' Roses and it's why I gave up on these guys a long time ago ... everything Axl Rose is involved in is a farce. He WILL manage to f#%k this up too. I saw the original lineup in 1987 and 1988 and I'm glad I did, but I wouldn't spend a dime on them anymore, because it would just lead to another disappointment.
    Like · Reply · 17 · 18 hrs
    8 Replies
    Brent Strawder
    Brent Strawder So, let me see if I got this right, some former members of Guns and Roses will be playing at Coachella with the Axl Rose Band. Yeah? Ok.....thanks???
    Like · Reply · 7 · 16 hrs
    1 Reply
    William Petrovic
    William Petrovic Izzy cowrote almost all of AFD, and the best material on Use your Illusion; You Could Be Mine, Don't Cry. Patience was 100% his song. After he left, the songwriting just straight out went into a nosedive. I could care less about a show consisting of...See More
    Like · Reply · 6 · 17 hrs
    3 Replies
    Michael McDill
    Michael McDill What bullshit, that is not a fucking reunion then is it? Original line up or nothing. Why doesn't Axl just tour with Slash's band?
    Like · Reply · 2 · 9 hrs
    Michael Rowledge
    Michael Rowledge But What does "Gene Simmons" think about the Guns N Roses reunion lineup ?
    Like · Reply · 9 · 18 hrs
    4 Replies
    Karina N. O'Rourke
    Karina N. O'Rourke I would have loved a classic lineup, but Richard Fortus is still a wicked guitarist. It's not like they can just force Izzy to participate.
    Like · Reply · 4 · 17 hrs
    1 Reply
    Theron Maijala
    Theron Maijala Who cares who's playing rhythm guitar and drums on tour? It would be nice to see the original 5 but that's not the world we live in. If/when it comes to writing it better include Izzy because he cowrote everything they did that the fans love. Drumming?...See More
    Like · Reply · 3 · 18 hrs
    2 Replies
    Stephen Puco
    Stephen Puco if the original crew is not there, then its just a guns and roses cover band
    Like · Reply · 8 · 18 hrs
    10 Replies
    Christopher M. Dickson
    Christopher M. Dickson No offense to the musicians mentioned, but I won't be spending money to go see that version of Guns
    Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs
    Terry Von
    Terry Von If Izzy Stradlin & Steven Adler join, even at least at some capacity.. then I'll be fucking ecstatic.
    Having said that: Axl is known for a lot of things, one of them being an actually cool boss (especially when he feels safe, apparently). None of his ...See More
    Like · Reply · 5 · 17 hrs · Edited
    1 Reply
    Juan Beaner Canales
    Juan Beaner Canales One of the issues Slash had was Axl using a racist remarks in the past.Slash being half black didn't agree with Axl views.
    Kind of ironic that the drummer of the latest incarnation is black.
    Like · Reply · 17 hrs · Edited
    Frank Turtle Burton
    Frank Turtle Burton I would not see or pay money to see this! The reunion should be all original members, not just 3 members!
    Like · Reply · 4 · 19 hrs
    3 Replies
    Taylor G. Boyd
    Taylor G. Boyd I can't believe Slash is agreeing to do this.I know he's just recently divorced & his ex is ready to take half of everything so obviously this is a money grab but ' CMON MAN!!!
    Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs
    Mark McNeely
    Mark McNeely No Izzy or Steven = No interest. Omitting any of the original line up is this year's biggest flop. Sounds like these guys will have to find this out the hard way. Too bad.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs
    M Alexander Palomares
    M Alexander Palomares I see what Axl is doing now. If we're lucky to get all 5 on board, he wants to extend the invite to the 2 keyboardists and an extra guitarist plus the current drummer kinda like a Grateful Dead style. Interesting.
    Like · Reply · 12 hrs · Edited
    Rui Camacho
    Rui Camacho They suck!!!! Dizzy told that's impossible a GnR reunion...now who's laughing,you worthless piece of shit!
    Like · Reply · 18 hrs
    1 Reply
    Tom Zarifis
    Tom Zarifis What a joke!! This isn't what people have been waiting to see!!! Tickets will be insane, and it's only a 3/5th reunion!
    Like · Reply · 18 hrs
    Chris Michael
    Chris Michael oh no its a chinese democracy lineup ..this isnt gnr
    Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
    1 Reply
    Jason Buggle
    Jason Buggle Don't pretend you have the "inside story" .... no one knows ...
    Like · Reply · 3 · 19 hrs
    Frank Nemeth
    Frank Nemeth haha . perfect .THE shit 're-union' for people that love to ingest any garbage/feces they are fed . Good luck SAUL.
    Like · Reply · 14 hrs
    Mark Francis
    Mark Francis I wont pay to see anything but the original lineup.
    Like · Reply · 8 hrs
    Grant Doolin
    Grant Doolin If it's not all original 5, they should lower ticket prices a bit then & not have a high price of $250-$275 for just 3 originals.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
    3 Replies
    Tony Taylor
    Tony Taylor Who cares? One of the most over rated bands ever. IMO
    Like · Reply · 2 · 15 hrs
    Richard Ayala
    Richard Ayala Just temporary, boys and girls:) I love guns..but this WILL not last long..but then again nothing ever does.smile emoticon
    Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
    Garrett Smith
    Garrett Smith Dizzy Reed is fine with me. That Barbie on the far right isn't needed. But I'll take all four, as song as Steven and Izzy are brought back too. Compare that to what we had a year ago, and it'll be fine.
    Like · Reply · 18 hrs
    1 Reply
    Mark Orasco
    Mark Orasco Wasn't Tracey Gun one ot the originals? Then something happened and he formed LA gunnes which weren't half bad?
    Like · Reply · 13 hrs
    Bill Hanisek
    Bill Hanisek Woah, they let Suge Knight out of jail to play drums!
    Like · Reply · 15 hrs
    Shawn Jorgensen
    Shawn Jorgensen With no Tracii Gunn who cares!
    Like · Reply · 4 hrs
    Phil Martin
    Phil Martin Izzy&Steven will have regular guest spots, both too flakey for a full tour.
    Like · Reply · 9 · 19 hrs
    Andrew Channon
    Andrew Channon Nobody cared about adler on the illusions tour. It's just something else to moan about
    Like · Reply · 6 · 19 hrs
    3 Replies
    Adam Mavromatis
    Adam Mavromatis No Bill Ward no Guns N' Roses
    Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs
    3 Replies · 10 hrs
    Mark Burns
    Mark Burns Won't be the same band with out, Ace and Peter.
    Like · Reply · 16 hrs
    Eric Behl
    Eric Behl why no Izzy and Steven??....$$$???...no interest??...can't play???
    Like · Reply · 19 hrs
    1 Reply
    Justin Allen Quinlivan
    Justin Allen Quinlivan Wtf!? No original lineup?
    Like · Reply · 15 hrs
    Don Gray
    Don Gray Axle and his ego will blow it...Wait and see
    Like · Reply · 16 hrs
    Brownie Lawmore
    Brownie Lawmore Thos 4 rule??
    Been there longer than most think,
    So...See More
    Like · Reply · 2 · 18 hrs · Edited
    Nathan Dusek
    Nathan Dusek Complain about Izzy all you want. I guarantee they begged him
    Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs
    Ryan T Russell
    Ryan T Russell As long as Adler is a partial participant and Izzy refused to do it, I am cool with this "reunion".
    Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
    Alex Alexandre Pepp
    Alex Alexandre Pepp Dizzy makes sense but Wtf , this 3 guys are doin in a GnR reunion ???
    Like · Reply · 2 · 18 hrs
    2 Replies
    Jim Hudson
    Jim Hudson What comes first? Axl has another face lift or one of the members hits rehab for the 1,756 time? Vegas is taking bets
    Like · Reply · 19 hrs
    Alfredo Ruiz Islas
    Alfredo Ruiz Islas So, again, that's not GNR: that's some guys trying to make money from naive people.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
    2 Replies
    Clint Soren
    Clint Soren That drummer is very lame man.seen him live.need adler period
    Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs
    Mick Kee
    Mick Kee Well they are current members only makes sense.
    Like · Reply · 13 hrs
    Dale Sinc Lair
    Dale Sinc Lair Im glad i got to see gnr before all of this shit hapened!!!
    Like · Reply · 15 hrs
    Alekz Dawn
    Alekz Dawn That drummer sucks... I think it messes everything up... At least bring back Matt
    Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
    2 Replies
    Martin Gonzalez
    Martin Gonzalez Gnr sucks tbh .. Only like 3 good songs
    Like · Reply · 19 hrs
    4 Replies
    Richard Meek
    Richard Meek That's not GNR. You think I'm paying $250 for that? Ha!
    Like · Reply · 18 hrs
    Joey Aguilera
    Joey Aguilera Give Steve Adler a payday! The guy has turned his life around! He deserves it.
    Joey Aguilera's photo.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs
    John McGraw
    John McGraw Then it's not a real reunion is it , people boycott this money grab.
    Like · Reply · 18 hrs
    Sean Ryan
    Sean Ryan Appetite or Illusions line up, NO new guys otherwise WTF is the point
    Like · Reply · 16 hrs
    Drew McDonald
    Drew McDonald Whos the girl with the glasses......?
    Like · Reply · 11 hrs
    Dickensheet Everett
    Dickensheet Everett with out the original line up, ill be staying at home..
    Like · Reply · 16 hrs
    Chris Allen Crummett
    Chris Allen Crummett Dufrain party of two Dufrain party of two. What happened to the Dufrain's
    Like · Reply · 18 hrs
    Chris Allen Crummett
    Chris Allen Crummett The one guy looks like Mitch Hedberg
    Like · Reply · 18 hrs
    Robert Pavlic
    Robert Pavlic Im already disappointed if this news proves to be true?
    Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
    John Sprankle
    John Sprankle if it is not the original members than it is not a reunion!
    Like · Reply · 7 hrs
    Michael Meggison
    Michael Meggison Just get Adler or Sorum at least for drums; I know Izzy has always been iffy.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
    John Siaggas
    John Siaggas This is not a reunion! It's lame joke alright!
    Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
    Bob Womack
    Bob Womack That bus is going to smell TERRIBLE.....
    Like · Reply · 17 hrs
    Daniel Enriquez
    Daniel Enriquez If they can't get Izzy and Steven why don't the get Matt and Gilby
    Like · Reply · 11 hrs
    Tom Gilroy
    Tom Gilroy It's not a reunion if the original five don't reunite
    Like · Reply · 15 hrs
    Michael Polanco
    Michael Polanco Axl Rose Slash Matt Sorum Duff McKagan Steven Adler Izzy Stradlin Fans Dizzy Reed and Gilby Clarke.that's the lineup i want to see
    Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
    Luca Rozza
    Luca Rozza
    Luca Rozza's photo.
    Like · Reply · 5 · 18 hrs
    Brian Patrick Schierenbeck
    Brian Patrick Schierenbeck No Izzy? Not GnR.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
    Brendan Mac An Bhaird
    Brendan Mac An Bhaird Bill Ward on drums?
    Like · Reply · 18 hrs
    Nathan Dusek
    Nathan Dusek Why Pittman? GNR doesn't need a DJ
    Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs
    Bob Veres
    Bob Veres Not interested. ...
    Original 5 or nothing.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 18 hrs
    Cliff Stankiewicz
    Cliff Stankiewicz Lame.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
    Tony Marvin
    Tony Marvin Not interested .
    Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
    Luca Rozza
    Luca Rozza
    Luca Rozza's photo.
    Like · Reply · 17 hrs
    Kyle Ainsworth
    Kyle Ainsworth No Adler? I'm out....what a crock.
    Like · Reply · 13 hrs
    Chaun Bergsma
    Chaun Bergsma Bullshit line up
    Like · Reply · 17 hrs
    Sean M Kelehan
    Sean M Kelehan 2 keyboard players... Why?
    Like · Reply · 1 · 19 hrs
    Megan Mittinzy
    Megan Mittinzy So Shel Silverstein plays drums too? Ha ha
    Like · Reply · 18 hrs
    Peter Lansdowne
    Peter Lansdowne no Izzy or Steve??? No GNR period
    Like · Reply · 16 hrs
    Chris Barta
    Chris Barta Sorry.....don't care.......
    Like · Reply · 7 hrs
    Tony Middleton
    Tony Middleton So GNR will be a 7 piece? WTF?
    Like · Reply · 46 mins
    Andy Halleen
    Andy Halleen Wow. What a slow news day.
    Like · Reply · 18 hrs
    Greg Garcia
    Greg Garcia Yawnnnn
    Like · Reply · 7 hrs
    Scott Berrian
    Scott Berrian It's bloated Guns and Roses!! Oh, Joy!
    Like · Reply · 19 hrs
    Shannon Grate
    Shannon Grate Ridiculous
    Like · Reply · 15 hrs
    Josephine Evangelista
    Josephine Evangelista Rediculous!!!
    Like · Reply · 6 hrs
    Paul M. Crabb
    Paul M. Crabb THEY STINK
    Like · Reply · 16 hrs
    Danny Silvers
    Danny Silvers Nope!
    Like · Reply · 19 hrs
    Bill Walters
    Bill Walters Big deal ... this band died long ago.
    Like · Reply · 15 hrs
    1 Reply
    Wayne Pulley
    Wayne Pulley Who are these guys? Ha ha
    Original 5 = reunion
    Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
    Trent Wozniak
    Trent Wozniak No Izzy? No GNR.
    Like · Reply · 17 hrs
    Art Neely
    Art Neely ?
    Like · Reply · 17 hrs
    Arnaud Veraart
    Arnaud Veraart good enough!
    Like · Reply · 2 hrs
    Bruce Payne
    Bruce Payne Boo!
  6. Ditch him for reals he means nothing and I hate his background vocals they're atrocious

    I hope he will shut up during Rocket Queen because he totally ruins the song, in fact he should shut up during every songs. I'm sorry but he looks like a useless drunk on stage. No need for him.


    It isn't the fact that he is useless which he is... More so is the fact that he ruins songs.. Rocket Queen is a PERFECT example. He destroys the end part by drowning out classic guitar riffs with those awful synths.. It is cringe worthy.. It is just one more extra body onstage making it seem less authentic.. Is there going to be 3 originals and 5 others? That doesn't seem like Guns N' Roses with that kind of ratio.

    I didn't watch that video in the first post.. I know nothing about him as a person and it doesn't matter. He is a serious negative on this whole thing..

    • Like 1
  7. Are they enough the last we heard? No

    It's at least 2010 or bust.

    It's kinda funny. I've said my while life. If GnR get back together, I just need a date and I'd be there. The reason I didn't and won't buy tickets for coachella is Axl, and the uncertainty of his shape, vocal ability.

    I hope they come out and absolutely kill it, though.

    If he sounds the way he did in 2014, it's going to suck so bad

    So true... Add Pittman the reasons for me..

  8. I cannot understand why people are still talking bollocks and insulting the 'reunion'. We know nuGuns guys will be involved, simply to make sure the tour happens solidly. Not a single one of us know anything about Steve or Izzy, and imo their complete silence shows they will be involved. Can you lot not just shut the fuck up with all the complaints till we get an official announcement on the tour and Izzy/Steve's roles. Thank you.

    We already know Frank and Pittman are involved... That is enough to ruin it whether Steven or Izzy play two songs or not...

  9. Ive been a hardcore GNR fan and seeing Axl and Slash on the same stage would be a dream come true, but for these 3, I wont pay more than 150 to 200 euros, IF it was the full AFD or UYI line up, then i would have paid up to 400 euros.

    It could still be awesome with just these three if they did it right but they aren't... Step one.. Step the fuck down Pittman.

  10. I got nothing against Frank, but I want to hear original drumming, not his improvisations.

    Agree 100% with that.

    Exactly!!!! I could care less who is behind the kit as long as they play the songs the way they were written.. Franks improvisations are terrible.. Well I can't say that I don't care.. I would love to see Steven back there more than anyone.. Matt I could care less about..

    • Like 2
  11. Well I hope its played like Guns N' Roses and not NuGNR. I really don't want the guitar solo duties to be divided. When the legend Slash himself is there, then no one else should play his stuff.

    I hope we get the old version of KOHD and a full version of Don't Cry.

    When it comes to the GNR sound, Slash and his solo band are awesome in that, they are really talented.

    So I hope this sounds like GNR and not nugnr.

    It is going to sound more like NuGnR.... Pittman drowning out classic guitar parts... Frank being all cute with the rythymns.. And Axl sounding like he does..

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