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Posts posted by Tom-Ass

  1. I agree with a lot of what you are saying, but the good thing for Duff and Slash is that they will be making an insane amount of money even if it's a one-off at Coachella. A poster on GN'R Evo that is tied in to the concert side of the music industry said that the contract is between Coachella, Axl, Slash, and Duff. Everyone else is a hired hand (not just musicians but the usual hangers-on, roadies, etc). Coachella is supposedly gonna pay them $8m. I would guess Axl gets slightly more due to the leverage he had with the name but Slash and Duff probably still get over $2m each once you account for the fact the three of them have to pay everyone else involved. That's pretty damn great for only two shows.

    If this is true, it confirms that Slash & Duff are not joining nugnr. It's Axl, Slash & Duff + a bunch of hired hands, similar to the UYI tour situation.

    I wish it was like the UYI situation.. This is sounding even worse..

    • Like 2
  2. So, not that anyone cares, but do we thinks this puts to bed "Soon" CD2 ever coming out?

    I still hope he just dumps anything he has left when he decides to retire.

    He should release it as a solo album just like he should have with CD... While he is at it he should tell Frank and Pittman they are now part of his solo band not Gun N' Roses... Find any other drummer.. Doesn't even have to be Adler.

  3. It would be rude to to tell richard fortus to get off the stage so izzy can play I hope izzy doen't show up Richard deserves this


    any decent man in the place of richard fortus would say words like these to axl

    - i cant believe you are asking me to play these shows. I am very honored, more than I can tell you or show you. I'll be forever grateful to you for your trust and i mean it. but you can not do guns n roses with me on the guitar. you got to have izzy on guitar, not me.

    (same goes for frank ferrer. he should thank axl, step aside and let steven in)

    thats what a decent, classy, person would do

    whoever stays in the way of the five guys reunion... now that, that is being rude... to millions

    True.. people do this all the time

  4. Having Pittman there will definitely effect the songs in a Negative way.. It is bad enough hearing Dizzy play keyboards on songs like Nightrain but all the Synths are fucking terrible. I tuned on VH1 Classic yesterday and that O2 Arena was on. Rocket Queen was playing and I wanted to give it a chance but it was pretty bad. The worst was the "I'll see you standing" part being ruined bu synths drowning out what should be awesome guitar parts.. It was awful...

  5. The best they can do is fill arenas, forget stadiums. When the Police reunited it was the original 3 and it was a big thing, and they mostly played arenas. People can hear on youtube what Axl sounds like these days, that won't help.. And I still can't understand why 2 keyboards players, it's lame to see Dizzy play the bongos because he's useless half the time, but to see Pittman just jerking off up there is ridiculous... and 3 guitarists.. if you have Slash in your band, you DON'T need 3 guitar players. Sorry I guess we should just be happy but I want this thing to be as good as possible and an hybrid reunion is not that great imo.

    Agree with you 100% on all accounts.. Great post

  6. They want 87-93 members only. Not saying it to piss off. I think its the truth.

    It is the truth.. Go read the comments on the Axl Slash Duff reunion.. It may have worked with the 3 of them if there were 5 members.. Even 6 I guess with Dizzy.. But not with 7 or 8 people running around on stage..


  7. I don't think that the presence of Izzy and Steven would have increased the interest. Nobody cares about Izzy and Steven outside the GNR boards.

    hahah.. Go read the comments on this article I just read. Almost every comment out of thousands is saying this isn't a reunion.. And most of the posts mention Izzy and Steven among other reasons. This is the type of shit I am seeing everywhere outside these boards man.. And hearing on the radio..


    • Like 1
  8. I don't think that the presence of Izzy and Steven would have increased the interest. Nobody cares about Izzy and Steven outside the GNR boards.

    Thats funny.. I talk to friends, music fans at work.. Read comments on articles posted.. Alot of people care about Adler and Izzy... Even if they can't be there ok.. But the overload of keyboardist, possible guitarists and a shit drummer ruin it.. I did have one guy at a party tell me the other night that all he cares about is seeing Axl and Slash play together.
    People don't care that much anymore about rock music anymore, plus Axl's performances have been disappointing for many years. Even if it was the original 5, the interest would have been pretty much the same. I don't think the internet woud have exploded just because of Steven and Izzy.

    You make alot of good points.. People haven't been impressed with Axl or his new version of GnR... It looks like this "reunion" is going to still resemble that more than anything..

  9. I don't think that the presence of Izzy and Steven would have increased the interest. Nobody cares about Izzy and Steven outside the GNR boards.

    Thats funny.. I talk to friends, music fans at work.. Read comments on articles posted.. Alot of people care about Adler and Izzy... Even if they can't be there ok.. But the overload of keyboardist, possible guitarists and a shit drummer ruin it.. I did have one guy at a party tell me the other night that all he cares about is seeing Axl and Slash play together.

  10. It's really weird. Also if you look at Google Trends, interest doesn't seen to be much higher then when the band started touring again in 2010-2011.

    Because people are pretty skeptical about this thing. Guns N Roses used to have ALOT of fans.. I hear the talk and read the comments. This isn't the reunion people were hoping for

    Even people HERE aren't overwhelmingly interested. It truly isn't the reunion everyone wanted or else my dad who doesn't care about GNR would be talking about it. Its a hybrid, which made it nearly as niche as NuGuns. Its not the worldwide news it could be. You're lying if you say otherwise. Cause we'd know if it was the reunion everyone wanted.

    Its kind of sad to say that outloud.

    It really is sad...

  11. It's really weird. Also if you look at Google Trends, interest doesn't seen to be much higher then when the band started touring again in 2010-2011.

    It would be trending much higher if Axl, Slash, Duff, Izzy, and Steve came on Jimmy Kimmel last night and announced a 28 stadium tour and then ripped through 3 GNR classics to complete the hour.

    That would have broke the fucking internet... This.. Not so much

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