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Posts posted by Tom-Ass

  1. I think you are underestimating how much Slash and Duff contribute to that GNR sound. I'm just as disappointed in the choice of Frank as drummer but it's going to sound a hell of a lot more like GNR than anything we've heard in twenty years. The ball is certainly in Axl's court for what he brings to the table though. We'll see...

    I dunno man.. All those needed keyboards destroy those classics.. Its one thing having Dizzy playing keyboards on Nightrain.. But do we need to listen to Pittmans Synths on top of it? That Rocket Queen was fucking brutal..

    It might sound more like GnR than GnR has in years but Slash's band and even VR at times sounded alot more like GnR than this will.

    Slash and Duff will be there but they will still be outnumbered by non-originals.

    Slash and Duff were already outnumbered during most of the UYI tour. It was a great tour nevertheless.

    Wait and see.

    No they weren't.. Axl, Slash, Duff - Matt Gilby and Dizzy. At least it was 50/50... Teddy and the backup singers were only out there for a couple songs for part of the UYI tour and even that was too much..

  2. After the Frank tweet, I'm thinking now it will be a hybrid, not a reunion. It's disappointing, but it is, what it is.

    Yeah it sucks.... More non original members than original members.. I wouldn't call this a Guns N' Roses reunion..

    If you have a family reunion and not everyone from your family shows up, its still a reunion isn't it? Obviously it would be amazing if the original 5, or at least 4 + sorum were together.... or at the very least 3 + sorum,, but I'd still call axl, slash, and duff sharing the same stage for the first time in 23 years a reunion.

    Maybe if there aren't more unoriginal guitarists and only one keyboardest

  3. Just turned on VH1 Classic and they are playing this show. Rocket Queen is on and it sucks... It just has me thinking about how much of a letdown this reunion could be... Slash and Duff will be there but they will still be outnumbered by non-originals. There will most likely be the same out of shape and bad sounding Axl.. The same crappy drumming and the same bloatedness and over production that started to turn people off of Gn'R back in the day and that kept NuGnR from going anywhere.. I am listening the the end part of Rocket Queen right now and all the keyboards are drowning out the guitars.. Terrible... I am disappointed in Slash to be honest... Once the hype dies down, this shit is going to crash and burn if it looks like this.

  4. I'm on board with the drummer thing, but people need to take the stick out of their ass with Pittman. It's not like his presence makes the band any worse..

    It makes it worse to me... There are already enough keyboards from Dizzy watering down what should be kick ass stripped down rock songs. Pittman is just added noise.. Plus it looks stupid having two keyboardists up there.. Just a bloated mess.. That was one of the dumbest things about NuGnR...
    To be fair they've had two keyboard players since 1991.. Remember teddy zig zag? And teddy was even in just about all of the music videos like garden of Eden, yesterday's, November rain, etc. Seems like they were always fine with having a second keyboard player to help fill out sound.
    Wasn't needed then or now and Teddy wasn't out on stage the whole shows.. I don't even think he was there in 91.. Just 92? He wasn't part of the Skin N' Bones tour in 83 was he? Fill out the sound? Slash's band sounded pretty damn full without all that shit... I would rather see that HOF line up do something than this.

    I just can't argue with this.

    I too would rather the HoF lineup but what can you do? Honestly, blame Izzy because I guarantee they didn't exclude him on purpose.. And the drummers? Well Steven seems to have brought it on himself over the years and Sorum surprises me but seeing as Adler may be on suicide watch and seeing as he's close to Adler, maybe that's why they left him out.

    They could drop Pittman for one.. Get a drummer that doesn't fucking suck. If Izzy doesn't want in, then fine keep Fortus.. God I hope there aren't 3 guitarists.

  5. I'm on board with the drummer thing, but people need to take the stick out of their ass with Pittman. It's not like his presence makes the band any worse..

    It makes it worse to me... There are already enough keyboards from Dizzy watering down what should be kick ass stripped down rock songs. Pittman is just added noise.. Plus it looks stupid having two keyboardists up there.. Just a bloated mess.. That was one of the dumbest things about NuGnR...
    To be fair they've had two keyboard players since 1991.. Remember teddy zig zag? And teddy was even in just about all of the music videos like garden of Eden, yesterday's, November rain, etc. Seems like they were always fine with having a second keyboard player to help fill out sound.

    Wasn't needed then or now and Teddy wasn't out on stage the whole shows.. I don't even think he was there in 91.. Just 92? He wasn't part of the Skin N' Bones tour in 93 was he? Fill out the sound? Slash's band sounded pretty damn full without all that shit... I would rather see that HOF line up do something than this.

  6. I'm on board with the drummer thing, but people need to take the stick out of their ass with Pittman. It's not like his presence makes the band any worse..

    It makes it worse to me... There are already enough keyboards from Dizzy watering down what should be kick ass stripped down rock songs. Pittman is just added noise.. Plus it looks stupid having two keyboardists up there.. Just a bloated mess.. That was one of the dumbest things about NuGnR...

  7. I'm simply not having anything to do with this charade. Izzy Stradlin is my favourite gunner and Adler was pivotal to the gnr sound. Without those two, it is just nugnr with Slash and Duff.

    Even though I'm excited to see Axl, Slash and Duff on the same stage, I kind of agree. Nugnr was such a joke in my eyes. If Frank and Pittman are part of this reunion, it's kind of ruining it a little bit, everything about nugnr should die and disapear, but i'll try to concentrate on the positive.

    Agreed.. It is GREAT to see Axl, Slash and Duff together again... Even if Izzy and Steven can't do it.. There is no reason for 3 guitarists and two keyboardists if that is the intent.. Just cheapens the whole thing.. Fortus.. ok... But Frank and Pittman?? C'mon....

  8. I worry about that too, but think of the shift in vocals from 2002 to 2006. It was a clean "Mickey" voice and then, with some work and focus, he came back sounding vicious.

    I too think something is up besides just laziness (the weight gain being too dramatic for me to think it's just from sitting around), but I also don't think Axl would agree to this without thinking he can get himself in shape again, physically and vocally.

    Who knows. He has put himself out there quite a bit looking and sounding like shit and appearing uninterested... I have a hard time feeling like he will treat this any different. Especially after seeing that picture...

  9. I'd want the Coachella live album.

    Let's see how Axl's voice is first. If it's bad, the media could turn on the band like they did with Van Halen and David Lee Roth's voice last year.

    Not even the media but the general public an fans... If he sounds bad you won't need the media to get it out there. All eyes are on this. I think he was able to get away with it with NuGnR because no one was really watching besides his cult of die hard fans and very casual fans.

  10. Celebrity or not? He expects people to pay $300 to see his band play. As a singer who likes to run around, being in shape is important for his job. Regardless of how he looks, I sincerely hope he can pull off this voice again:

    Damn, he sounds really good there.... There is still hope... He needs to do whatever he can to do that on a consistent basis..

  11. He is a performer making a shitload of of money. People pay good money to see him and he should do what he can to put on the best performance he can for them. If that takes being in shape then so be it. If he just goes through the motions like he has been then this whole thing will be a joke and sad... There are countless vocalists out there that are kicking ass and sounding good at 50 and a lot older.. Rob Halford, Steven Tyler and Dio come to mind off the top of my head.

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  12. All I am picturing is how bad Vince Neil was on Kimmel when they announced the Final Tour... It would suck to see Axl come out and and sound like shit.. Whenever they do play their first song it is going to get a shitload of attention.

    The fact that there are so many people that don't want them to play on Kimmel just shows the reality that this whole reunion is at least 10 years too late.. I have no confidence that Axl can still sing and command a stage. I hope I am wrong but its been quite awhile since he has done it.

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