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Posts posted by Tom-Ass

  1. On the topic of Chinese songs, i don't see why they shouldn't or wouldn't be played. Slash and Duff both liked Chinese Democracy, and Duff played some of the songs in 2014. If Richard, Pitman and Frank are still in the band, it only makes sense that some Chinese songs will be included in future set-lists.

    because all except maybe 3 of them are awful songs.. And so isn't the idea of Pittman and Frank being part of this thing.

  2. Axl doing FTP would actually be cool. Little nod to Scotty Weiland too, RIP.

    But if it means some massive overblown circus act then fuck that shit. PITTMAN IS NOT NECCESARY! IM SORRY CHRIS! STAY AWAY.

    Oh my god a circus is right.. This whole thing is sounding worse and worse as it goes.. A Stadium tour with over priced tickets? 3 guitarists? 2 Keyboardists? Talk of a NuGnR/VR hybrid? This all seems like a bad joke..

    I hope there is some clarification soon. This is ridiculous..

    I would rather see the Hall Of Fame line up playing theaters than some 8 member circus.

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  3. If this lineup of Axl, Slash, Duff, Dizzy, Richard, Frank, Pitman and Kushner turns out to be true, i imagine there will be some heavy disappointment among a lot of fans and casuals. It's going to be hard for Guns N' Roses to spin this after so many media outlets have jumped the gun and called this a reunion.

    I really hope this isn't true... Guns N' Roses with 3 guitarists and two keyboardist was ridiculous the last 15 years and it will be just as ridiculous with Slash and Duff in the band..

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  4. If this lineup is true it would literally be everything everyone has ever wished for. Yet, here we are finding things to bitch about.

    You think that when people were calling for a reunion, they meant Fortus, Frank, Kush etc!! C'mon!

    I hear you.. And Pittman? Why would Slash join an 8 person Guns N Roses with two keyboardists. God I hope this isn't true..

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  5. I am beginning to think that Axl was behind the recent photo(perhaps an old photo). Maybe he's trying to fool people into believing he is still a fat pig. The recent Taco Bell tweet has had me thinking about this. I wouldn't be surprised if a thinner Axl shows up to the Jimmy Kimmel Show.

    if Axl is in shape, he'll be able to sing. If not, then this will be a train wreck and the plug will be pulled early.

    I sure hope you are right.

  6. Double talking Jive - motherfucker.

    Watched a 92 gig the other day and really enjoyed this song - could make a successful return...

    Featuring Mr. Izzy Stradlin on vocals....

    Good izzy song but he isn't required to perform it.

    No shit... Never said he was.. Guns did it and so did Slash... I just think it would be cool as fuck and a lot better to see him sing it.

  7. I think it's quite clear how this will go down.

    Axl will look and sound the same as he has done on his last few tours. He doesnt owe anyone weight loss or improved vocals, regardless of peoples sense of entitlement on here

    On Kimmel he won't call it a reunion or pander to any media label, he'll announce he's bringing Duff and Slash back into the band (he legally owns Guns n Roses so its his choice what players he hires)

    When you are an entertainer it is your job to deliver.. Axl will be making a shitload of of money.. It isn't a sense of entitlement.. Axl should do whatever it takes to give he best performance of his ability.. If that means getting into shape than so be it... It goes the same for 99% of musicians, athletes and movie stars out there.

    I think as Guns N' Roses fans we also want to see them come out and kick ass... Seeing Axl overweight, out of breath and sounding awful doesn't kick ass.. He can do it.. He did it when he first came back and he did it in 96.... Whether he does it or not is a different story..

    • Like 3
  8. for god's fucking sake just please kick frank out

    hell he can even get ulrich to play and it's still better than frank

    4tus can stay tho, 4tus cool as fuk

    but izzy should be there too

    Agreed. I am sure Frank is a talented drummer but I had listening to what he does to Guns N' Roses music.. He changes the whole vibe of the songs.. Anyone but him..

    Fortus is ok if we can't get Izzy or Gilby...

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  9. Here's to hoping Axl puts forth the effort to get in shape and show up on time, not holding my breath on either of those. I wanted this reunion for years, but without Izzy there, I have next to no hype, especially if a new album isnt in the works. I'll go if they come to my neck of the woods. Though, I'm not near as excited for this as I would have been 10 years ago.

    I share a lot of the same feelings...

  10. I never in a million years thought id see people complaining about a guns n roses lineup that finally involves axl slash and duff...

    I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens. I haven't complained.. But Slash and Duff have been playing together forever.. If Axl comes out looking and sounding like shit, is it really that special? I don't really think so. Anything closer to the classic lineups would make it better.

    If it is just Duff and Slash joining Axl's remaining band for a tour and Axl sounding like he has the last 5 years, that also wouldn't be that great. I watch these videos with Frank in them and they are awful. I really don't like his drumming style for Guns N' Roses songs. Are there still going to be two keyboardists?

    If Axl somehow comes out sounding awesome then yes it will be cool to have just him, Duff and Slash onstage again. If he doesn't, then this might be a little too late.. Ten years too late.. I was just watching videos from 2006.. That is the Axl we need to make this thing work. Not the one of the last 5 years.. Or maybe even 2010 Axl.. He didn't seem to have the stage presence but the voice was still there.

    I guess it is all speculation at this point...

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