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Posts posted by Tom-Ass

  1. tbh as big of a fan as I am, I'm not really up for reunion

    mickey axl is just gonna embarrass himself and slash will look like he's playing the worst shows ever

    Axl really is the wild card here.. We know the band can still play but Axl is a far cry from what he used to be.. His voice and stage presence have been awful.. If it happens I just hope he gets in shape and gives it all he's got.. Hopefully he is working out with Duff right now!

  2. The reason Frank Ferrer is likely to still be in the band is because GNR's official website has been touting him as the bands drummer in a competition only a few months back. I doubt they would make reference to him at all if he was no longer in the fold.

    And it makes me laugh seeing people act as if Gilby fucking Clarke is in any way more legitimate than any of the past NuGuns members. Second to Ashba, he actually contributed the least to the band out of all the different configurations. People take the piss out of Dizzy Reed, but he contributed far more to GNR than Gilby ever did.

    Gilby was part of the ERA when Gn'R were still fucking huge. He was part of one of the most legendary tours of all time... He was in Gn'R videos and DVD's... He played On Spaghetti.. Axl and Slash played on his solo album. He was in Snakepit.... Gilby is far more legitimate to Guns than any NuGnR member in the context of a reunion.

    • Like 3
  3. It would be cool but I won't go ape shit over it... If there were alt least 4 of the 5 Appetite guys involved I was planning on traveling to shows and seeing as many as I could afford.. Even having

    If Axl/Slash/Duff/Richard and Frank.. I will most likely just go to one local show... Just doesn't do it for me. Hell even Gilby in there over Richard would be better... And Frank?? It is painful watching him..

    I just messaged a guy at work who is a Guns fan.. This is what he said.

    Andrews1, Steven 9:54 AM
    Oh yeah?
    I wouldn't pay full price for that
    Izzy, and Sorum or Adler or Fitz. Then they can have my money. haha
    Marshall, Thomas 9:56 AM
    Or even Gilby
    Andrews1, Steven 9:56 AM
    I have a mancrush on Fitz's playing. He's flawless.
  4. On the off chance that any of those guys read Rolling Stone, this has got to be the WORST possible time to bring all that up,

    Fuck it hahaha. I was just talking to someone today about how cool it would be for the intro video for concerts show them all talking shit about each other over the years.. Maybe a minute or two on how they ruled the world then a minute of them trashing each other.. Then lights out.. YOU KNOW WHERE THE FUCK YOU ARE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    • Like 3
  5. I'd just like to see GNR successful again, I really don't care who's in the band going forward.

    My ideal situation would be just an honestly well-made album and succesful touring. Some radio airplay from a few succesful singles would be nice. But I think radio and popular current music is a beast I don't understand. I haven't listened to the radio in years and don't listen to many modern artists

    My ideal situation is the chance to see Guns play live again.. As close to the Appetite line up as possible. Anything else is a bonus..

    • Like 1
  6. I just got this email from Wyco Vintage.com and they posted this big message saying that GNR are days away from announcing a 2016 reunion tour and Axl, Slash and Duff are on board. Something like will Steven be there and will Matt commit?

    I think if there will be a reunion tour, it will be with Slash, Axl and Duff and probably the rest of Axl's GNR as of now. We all know Steven wasn't on the UYI albums, so I doubt he'll be able to play them and I doubt Axl or even Slash or Duff would want to have Matt, so it seems logically that they might combine the two band members.

    Let's face it, if it happens, all we would care about is that Slash, Duff and Axl share the same stage anyway. I would love to see Izzy and Steven there too, but I doubt that will happen.

    Speak for yourself.. Some people really under estimate the amount of fans out there that would prefer the Appetite line up.. I love Duff but I would pick Izzy over him any day if I had to pick one.. Sure having three of them out there and calling it a reunion would still be huge but having 4 if not 5 of those originals would be that much fucking better.

    • Like 1
  7. Jesus, how many Steven threads will pop up from now on?

    btw a topic exists for his "art": http://www.mygnrforum.com/index.php?/topic/210407-50-an-art-collection-by-steven-adler/

    Don't be so miserable.... Sorry, I haven't seen a thread on it or comb through the forum searching for one.. There are alot worse things in this world to be annoyed by. Sorry to ruin your day..

    If you go through the collection they are all named after Appetite's songs. Presumably they are his interpretation of each song?

    Interesting swirls and patterns although I'm not really an admirer of modern art so I'm perhaps the wrong person to judge.

    Yeah, I had seen that.. The LIES songs and Civil War as well.. I am not even a huge art fan but they images grab my attention. Do you know if they were painted? Were they drawn digitally somehow?

    • Like 2
  8. I would fucking love to see the classic line up play "Think About You".. Such a tragically underrated song.

    No specific Order


    Its So Easy


    Out Ta Get Me


    Paradise City

    My Michelle

    Think About You

    Sweet Child O Mine

    You're Crazy (Slow Version)

    Anything Goes

    Rocket Queen

    Reckless Life

    Nice Boys

    Patience (Only If Izzy is there)

    Civil War



    Don't Cry

    Knockin On Heavens Door (old school style stripped down)

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