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Posts posted by Tom-Ass

  1. I'm not saying you're lying, I'm just saying you're fooling yourself. I saw the original band twice. And I too have a lot of hard core classic rock fans... and most of them have no idea who was in GNR besides Axl and Slash, unless they were reminded, of course.

    Fantasy world? Congrats on your near 2000 posts on a rock band forum.

    And that isn't including my posts as Howlin' Wolf when this account was banned at one point for posting some insane message "Madison" had PM'd me one time ;) May have been a couple years.. The people I have been talking weren't just classic rock or casual fans. They were people who I know are Guns fans. Agree to disagree.. You just struck a nerve earlier..

    When Slash's next interview? There's no way he doesn't get asked about this again, maybe we'll get some clarification.

    I bet he is fucking dreading it. I feel like he was totally blind sided by that question. He may have to implement a no Guns questions rule going forward.

    All true, but for me, no Izzy, not going...

    You say that now ;)

  2. $100-$200 for good to decent seats.. I go to a lot of shows but would stop buying tickets to any other band while this was going on and see as many shows as I could within a reasonable distance.

    I really hope they would be able to have some say in this and not let Live Nation and the Promoters dictate the price. It will be bad enough with all the online scalpers scooping these things up and selling them in a secondary market.

  3. I think you are wrong.. I have talked about this with quite a few of fans (in real life not online) and not one of them had said they would be happy with just Slash and Axl.. It was pretty much the same sentiment as on here. The Appetite line-up would be ideal but at minimum Slash/Axl/Duff would be acceptable. Everyone wants Izzy but knows he is a wildcard and surprisingly enough most people said they want Adler in there but just didn't think it would happen. There were also mentions of Gilby if Izzy couldn't do it. No one knows who Fortus, Frank or Pittman are. These are conversations I have had with friends, family and people from work the last few days. No one cares about Dizzy either way but assumes he will be there laying useless keyboard parts on songs like Nighrain.

    As for Axl sending people packing. He really wouldn't have to. He could still keep his current band intact as his solo band to go back to when Guns aren't working.

    If this was to happen, I think compromises would have to be made on both sides but I really can't see Slash, Duff and Izzy wanting to work with 3 guitarists and two keyboard players.. The keyboard thing would be a complete joke.. You don't even really need one never mind two.

    Total BS. If you really believe what you posted, that all these other people (your friends and co-workers) truly believe that Adler and Izzy wants to be there... much less Duff... you're fooling yourself. It probably really goes like this: You bring the conversation up... then you 'educated' your friends and co-workers about the backstory of GNR and the original line-up... then your friends and co-workers agree with you that all original members should be involved just because they want you to STFU about it.

    I've tried having the same type of conversations with people the last couple of days... and 99 percent of them don't even give a rats ass about a GNR reunion, much less who was in the band in 1986 and what has transpired since. The fact of the matter is, the casual fan sees GNR... and has always seen GNR... as Axl and Slash. Just like Page and Plant from Zeppelin. Or Gilmour and Waters from Pink Floyd. Or Jagger and Richards from the Stones. And even McCartney and Lennon from the Beatles. And all of those bands have left a far greater mark on the music world than GNR, really thanks to the implosion of GNR in the 90's. GNR had a chance to rank right up there with those bands... but blew that chance long ago.

    The casual fan has no idea who Duff or Steven or Izzy is... and may only vaguely remember them if reminded about the back history.

    I don't believe anyone who says all of their friends and co-workers all know who the original band is or even cares too much about a GNR reunion at this point. Unless of course you work at a classic rock radio station. Then it may be plausible... but I highly doubt that.

    You're not fooling anyone on here with those comments.

    Don't tell what the fuck happens in my life or tell me what I am saying is BS.. My friends that I have been talking to about it are the ones that I grew up with listening to Guns N' Roses. The ones I was talking to all know damn well who every member in Guns N' Roses were. I have huge Metal and Rock fans in my family (Uncles and Cousins) that all know who the fuck was in Guns N Roses back in the day. I don't work at a classic rock station but of the 2 guys I have been talking to at work 1 was a casual fan and was is a huge fan that knows every fucking member that was in the band back in the day and some of the guys that are in it now. I went to AC/DC last weekend and it was the day the Axl/Slash story broke. We were tailgating with a bunch of people and this topic came up..

    Don't fucking tell me I am making shit up.. Nothing pisses me off more than when people put words in my mouth are tell me I am full of shit when I am not. You don't fucking know me, my friends or who I associate with. Don't tell me how events in my life went when you have no fucking idea just because that is how you would like it to go in your own little fantasy world.

    Your experiences may have been different than mine but don't tell me I am lying about mine. The people I have been talking to know Guns N' Roses and grew up with them. They were a huge fucking band back in the day and almost all of them were household names.

    My guess is that you didn't live through that period.

  4. Yeah, 95% would only care about seeing Axl and Slash. Id say the other 5 care about Izzy and Duff and thats it. No one will "not go" or complain because the drummer is not Steven or Matt or even Frank. People dont care. The face of the band is Axl, Slash and Duff. As long as you have that, everyone - including me -will call it a reunion.

    As for the lineup, I suppose you guys are right about the hybrid config. I believe Axl would keep everyone who did not leave, except for Tommy - who, well, technically has left before, right?

    Richard would certainly be the rythym guitarist and probably Izzy would show up sometimes.

    Exactly. If Axl, Slash & Duff are onstage together, no one would give a fuck if Bozo the Clown was on the drums, or keyboards, or 3rd backup guitar. Not to mention, Axl is big on loyalty. He's not gonna send anyone packing so he can cash in.

    I think you are wrong.. I have talked about this with quite a few of fans (in real life not online) and not one of them had said they would be happy with just Slash and Axl.. It was pretty much the same sentiment as on here. The Appetite line-up would be ideal but at minimum Slash/Axl/Duff would be acceptable. Everyone wants Izzy but knows he is a wildcard and surprisingly enough most people said they want Adler in there but just didn't think it would happen. There were also mentions of Gilby if Izzy couldn't do it. No one knows who Fortus, Frank or Pittman are. These are conversations I have had with friends, family and people from work the last few days. No one cares about Dizzy either way but assumes he will be there laying useless keyboard parts on songs like Nighrain.

    As for Axl sending people packing. He really wouldn't have to. He could still keep his current band intact as his solo band to go back to when Guns aren't working.

    If this was to happen, I think compromises would have to be made on both sides but I really can't see Slash, Duff and Izzy wanting to work with 3 guitarists and two keyboard players.. The keyboard thing would be a complete joke.. You don't even really need one never mind two.

    Hasn't Steven said in the last few years that he doesn't care about a reunion or Axl anymore tho? And that he's over it? Could be a load of bullshit, but I'm pretty sure he said he saw the HoF as the end of his relation to GnR. Maybe deep down he really feels different tho

    Are you serious. They have all said things.. Steven would jump at the chance.

    I have mad respect for Steven's work on Appetite, and think he's an incredible drummer. That said, I would imagine they all know that he's just too much of a wild card, and that ultimately, he might fuck this whole thing up for ALL OF THEM. Too much at stake, and too fragile as it is to throw in a lawyer-happy, known drug addict with a history of relapse. Not when Frank already knows all the songs and has been with Axl longer than Steven. No chance he won't be there.

    He definitely is a wildcard but he can still play and seems to be doing better than he has in a long time.. As for Frank.. I'd take anyone over him.. His take on the classics make me cringe.

  5. There was definately more stuff in the works, hope you don't think they run into each other and Slash said that right away.

    For all we know, things might had been polished a year ago...

    That is what I am thinking.. I think everything was supposed to be kept under wraps so shit didn't blow up like it is. Then Slash was kind of blindsided by the question and made a little slip.

  6. I am a huge Slash fan.. I have every album/DVD he has released since leaving Guns and then some.. I never miss a tour.. I just agree that this project has run it's course and for me it is just Myles voice.. I have been sticking up for the guy the whole time on the forums and in the real world. I had the Roxy show in my car and my buddy that goes to all the shows with me just blurted out "I can't stand Myles Kennedy, he sounds like a whiny little bitch.. I just like to hear Slash rip". That may have been a bit harsh but I know other Guns fans that I tried to show Slash's solo stuff and they couldn't take his voice either. I am just being honest with myself now.. I don't like it either.. I mean he sounds good on some songs.. I think he sounds great on songs like Back From Cali, Bent To Fly and Anastasia but he just cannot sustain it for an entire album. I liked World On Fire and Listened to it for a month straight but it wasn't because of Myles. I'm done.. I will listen to the next one online before buying it and most likely just buy one or two songs on Itunes,

    • Like 1
  7. I think the best idea would be to try and release an EP before or during any announcement of a reunion and tour. The pressure for the material wont be as much pre-reunion as it would be post.

    Spend a few months, record some songs, get them sounding decent and release it digitally at the time of an announcement/live show. Keep it quiet until then and release it on disc a little later.

    I'd hate to see the expectations of their record AFTER a reunion. It would never come out.

    An EP would the absolute way to go.. Or another complete live album from back in the day and package it with the EP... For the EP they could let Axl pick one of the songs that Slash/Duff/Izzy and Matt did before VR and he could finish it. Then maybe do the same with one of the better songs Axl is working on... Maybe throw in a cover and a song from back in the day that they never released or something.

  8. Because he kind of looks like Izzy.

    I could take him or leave him.. First choice would be Izzy.. Second would be Gilby... I just figure if neither of those work out might as well keep Fortus to keep Axl happy and because he would look like Izzy up on stage from a distance.

    Why would you choose Gilby over Fortus?

    Because I hardly know Fortus and I didn't like Chinese Democracy. Gilby seemed to do a fine job the 3 times I saw him with Guns back in the day. I also liked the work he did on the first Snakepit record and thought the songs he did with Slash and Axl on Pawnshop guitars were great too. I just think it would have more of an authentic feel with him on there over Fortus.

    I also think Gilby fits better because like Izzy, he has a huge Stones influence and you can hear it in his playing.

  9. I think it is a great idea and one that should have happened years ago. What Axl has done since 2000 is so far removed from what Guns N' Roses were. It truly was his solo band. If that makes him happy he should keep that as a creative outlet. They should all keep their currents projects.. Something to go back to for awhile so the pressure of Gn'R doesn't burn them out..

  10. ^^ Well, if we're all being honest here, I'm feeling like this band has somewhat ran its course as well. Heck, this is probably the reason why I feel like I'm opting to not go to any of their three shows in SoCal during the fall tour. I mean, sure, they will probably deliver a great performance and the World on Fire songs will be great to hear live (some of it I didn't hear last year, since the show was only a month before the album was out), but other than that, there probably wouldn't be anything else that they can offer that can really interest me as oppose to an Alter Bridge show or the idea of a Myles solo show.

    This is what happens when you release albums and do big tours on an other-annual basis. Another mistake, I feel like they've made, was that they were playing You Could be Mine (a song I just could not care about at all in the first place, even before this solo band was formed) on a regular basis now, including festivals. It just means that a song slot for something that could peak my interest (A Slashpit song or something from the Slash album, other than the usual songs there, or maybe an obscure VR song that could surprisingly intrigue me) is out of the picture.and I rather have that over stuff like You Could Be Mine or the Extended Rocket Queen solo.

    Just my two cents here.

    Aside from Anastasia, the Guns songs are the highlight for me.. Rocket Queen right at the top.. I just can't do Myles anymore... Slash is playing as good as ever and I love the fact that he is himself again and we get to see him do blues jams and extended solos again.. I will go see him live every time for that. That is something we just didn't get in VR shows for the most part. I just can't see myself purchasing anything else with Myles on it. I just got the Roxy show on CD.. It has it's moments but after two listens I am done with it.

    But like you, I kind of feel like it has run it's course as well. Just for different reasons.

  11. Not really interested in hearing Slash play any of those songs. They should do the Appetite album front to back a few from Lies and a few from the Illusions. I would also like to see Izzy sing a few to give Axl a break.. I think Izzy would sound cool as hell on Bad Obsession. He did vocals on the demo...

    If they had to do one CD song, I think I would pick The Blues... But then Axl would have to sing on Anastasia!!! ;)

    • Like 1
  12. With Led Zeppelin I feel like they gave us all the music they could. With Gnr it was like we were teased with how great they could be then they disappeared. So while I love both bands the Gnr reunion means so much more. It's like a story that wasn't finished

    For as huge as Guns were and as much as the band and their music meant to a lot of us, there sure wasn't any closure.

    • Like 1
  13. Did Fortus say that something "phenomenal" will happen in 2016 with GNR in this interview?

    Thanx! Its obvious, something is happening. Dont think there will be a new record yet, but axl, slash, duff, fortus....3 guitar players? izzy? Frank?

    I can't see it working with Frank.. I know some people here like him but he sure butchers those classic songs. If they do it why not just do it right and go with the Appetite Line up.. Axl can keep the current band together as his solo band.

    Not a huge fan of Frank neither. Just having a feeling it might be a mix of old and "new". And of course Dizzy...

    If it has to be, this would work for me I guess but I certainly wouldn't consider it Guns N' Roses





    Brent Fitz


    The ultimate dream for most is the Appetite line up though.

    Just gotta have these 4 or it just doesn't seem right.




    Izzy... If everyone else was on board, maybe he would just give it a shot

    Steven... He seems to be doing better right now. He is on tour, he can still play. I can see why they might pass but it sure would be great.

  14. Did Fortus say that something "phenomenal" will happen in 2016 with GNR in this interview?

    Thanx! Its obvious, something is happening. Dont think there will be a new record yet, but axl, slash, duff, fortus....3 guitar players? izzy? Frank?

    I can't see it working with Frank.. I know some people here like him but he sure butchers those classic songs. If they do it why not just do it right and go with the Appetite Line up.. Axl can keep the current band together as his solo band.

  15. Sorry but i prefer a full AFD reunion than the surviving members of Led Zeppelin. Also, we already had one reunion in 2007.

    In my opinion, Axl + Slash + Duff + Izzy + Steven would sell a lot more tan Page + Plant + Jones.

    I agree..

    There is no way that Dizzy would be left out at this point. Not a huge fan but I would be fine with it if they just used him as needed.. Nothing worse than hearing piano in songs like Nightrain...

  16. I believe the appetite line up could make good music in the studio again.

    My only concern would be Axl live. He just doesn't look or sound good anymore.. His stage presence is just odd these days.. I thought his stage presence was good when he first came back prior to CD coming out... Then for a bit around 06 I think.. he looked in shape.. I think if he took the whole thing serious he could be great again.. Work out with Duff and get in shape. Maybe sing in his "Brownstone voice" more often. I'd rather that than Mickey..

    He doesn't have to be perfect as long as he is giving it 100% and they are all happy.

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