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Posts posted by Tom-Ass

  1. I really liked Libertad, first American rock album I've liked in many many years too. Less of the metal end of things and more groove and polish and focus on tightly written pop songs.

    Agreed. I hated Contraband and liked Libertad. For some reason however you and I are in the minority!

    I love Libertad.. Never understood the dislike for it.. Contraband has some stronger songs but overall I think Libertad was a better album.

  2. Okay, so. Seeing them live didn't really change my opinions on anything really. I won't deny the band sounds tight, but all of that goes down the drain when Myles opens his mouth to me. The fundamental problems I have with The Conspirators are I don't like Myles' voice and I don't particularly like Slash's solo songs. Slash was ripping, but their set wasn't a "revelation" as a number of members in here have told me it would be.

    Wow you caught a bad performance man.. Watching now.. Worst version of Anastasia I have ever seen.. They were playing too fast.. No extended jams on anything.. sound sucks and Slash is sloppy..
    I mean, I didn't really expect any jams - it was a 50 minute set, just like 9 songs. There were points where I thought Slash was a little sloppy (Most notably SCOM), but all in all I can't complain about him specifically.

    For the record, the sound through the PA sucked too. Very treble-y, with no real punch. Drum sound was shit too. Slash was the only main stage act I saw with really bad sound.

    Anastasia was pretty sloppy too.. He had sweat all over his guitar which probably didn't help... He almost seemed to get confused with the stupid doubleneck guitar. I don't like that thing.. It is kind of pointless, I don't like the looks and the song sounds better on a LP anyway.. That Sydney performance out there is awesome.. Agree again about the sound.. Very treble-y.. I was watching the bands prior to that and the sound was fine.. Bummer man.. Hope you give them another shot in their own environment. It seems anytime they play there, it is a festival though. I have friends and family in Columbus..

    Okay, so. Seeing them live didn't really change my opinions on anything really. I won't deny the band sounds tight, but all of that goes down the drain when Myles opens his mouth to me. The fundamental problems I have with The Conspirators are I don't like Myles' voice and I don't particularly like Slash's solo songs. Slash was ripping, but their set wasn't a "revelation" as a number of members in here have told me it would be.

    Wow you caught a bad performance man.. Watching now.. Worst version of Anastasia I have ever seen.. They were playing too fast.. No extended jams on anything.. sound sucks and Slash is sloppy..
    I mean, I didn't really expect any jams - it was a 50 minute set, just like 9 songs. There were points where I thought Slash was a little sloppy (Most notably SCOM), but all in all I can't complain about him specifically.

    For the record, the sound through the PA sucked too. Very treble-y, with no real punch. Drum sound was shit too. Slash was the only main stage act I saw with really bad sound.

    Thats too bad it wasn't really a great show. I hate to join the rest, but I agree a festival is not the best way to experience this band. Honestly, I saw them open for Aerosmith, and if I didn't know they were already great it would have been hard to tell from that. Myles is NOT Axl, so when they are on a bigger stage they lack something. Stage presence, real dynamic stage show, whatever it is. I think the people here that love him would even agree with that. But in a small club, they kick the ass of any band out there nowadays and I firmly stand by that. I wouldn't see him so much if that wasn't the case.

    I actually thought they were great when I saw them opening for Aerosmith... It was still an abbreviated show but the sound was on point and I thought it was cool seeing them on the big stage.. Again, it wasn't there crowd so people didn't know their songs and it was still daylight but I loved it.

  3. Okay, so. Seeing them live didn't really change my opinions on anything really. I won't deny the band sounds tight, but all of that goes down the drain when Myles opens his mouth to me. The fundamental problems I have with The Conspirators are I don't like Myles' voice and I don't particularly like Slash's solo songs. Slash was ripping, but their set wasn't a "revelation" as a number of members in here have told me it would be.

    Wow you caught a bad performance man.. Watching now.. Worst version of Anastasia I have ever seen.. They were playing too fast.. No extended jams on anything.. sound sucks and Slash is sloppy..

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