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Posts posted by Tom-Ass

  1. Okay, so. Seeing them live didn't really change my opinions on anything really. I won't deny the band sounds tight, but all of that goes down the drain when Myles opens his mouth to me. The fundamental problems I have with The Conspirators are I don't like Myles' voice and I don't particularly like Slash's solo songs. Slash was ripping, but their set wasn't a "revelation" as a number of members in here have told me it would be.

    I dunno.. I think you gotta see him headlining his own show, with his own crowd and full set. I always prefer to see a band at night as well, when the sun is down.. Something about outdoor daytime shows that just doesn't do it for me...

    They tore the roof off the place last Friday \m/

  2. I would love to see this more than anything in Rock n' Roll.. It would be an absolute dream come true.. The music would be tight as hell for sure. I know Axl has been struggling but hopefully he would take this seriously and give it 110%. Go out on a fucking mission.. Maybe go see a vocal coach as someone mentioned and get into shape. I am guessing that could really help. Duff could always help him with that as well.. He doesn't have to be 1988 Axl but as long as the effort is there who cares.. I think Axl could get away with using his lower voice more in songs where he usually doesn't and it would still sound great.

    There are other ways to help Axl out too. They could incorporate the extended Rocket Queen into the set.. Have Izzy sing a couple of songs like Dust N' Bones and Double Talkin Jive.. They could do an extended intro and outro for DTJ. An extended KOHD jam...

    I would really hope Izzy would be part of this... Steven as well although I have a feeling they would snub him. I would say, at least give the guy a chance to prove himself.

    As for playing CD or Slash songs.. My first reaction was no but it could actually work. It might actually be a really healthy thing to do for Axl and Slash's relationship.. Nothing crazy just a song by each.. I'd say Slither or Anastasia and CD, Madagascar or The Blues off CD... I think Anastasia would sound good in Axl's lower voice..

    As for recording new music.. I would say just shoot for a 4 or 5 song EP.. Maybe re-record one of the above mentioned songs from Slash and CD.. Maybe pull out an old song that was never released.. Maybe present Axl with the album that Slash, Izzy and Duff wrote before VR and have him pick his favorite 2 songs to work with..

    It could look something like

    Shadow Of Your Love

    New song

    New song


    Chinese Democracy

    Well, this is all very exciting to me.. I gotta tell you...

    I would love to see them play the entire Appetite album as well.. Something like this! \m/

    New Song

    Nice Boys/Reckless Life

    You Could Be Mine

    Don't Cry

    Knockin on Heavens Door

    Double Talkin Jive (Extended intro/outro)

    November Rain

    Chinese Democracy



    My Michelle

    Think About You

    Sweet Child O Mine

    You're Crazy

    Anything Goes

    Rocket Queen (Extended Solo)

    Dust N' Bones


    It's So Easy


    Out Ta Get me


    Paradise City

    • Like 1
  3. Here it is!

    Another great show last night. It amazes me how this band when they seems like they can't get any better, they continue to do so show after show.. I believe this was the 9th time I have seen them now. The first

    They went on at like 8:50 last night which was a little early for a Friday night. I think the last time they played Hampton, they went on at like 9:30. The sound was fucking spot on.. There were a couple shows where Slash could have been a little louder in the mix but the sound last night was perfect in every aspect.. Myles and Todd were fucking killing it with their harmonies as well.. So much fucking talent on one stage..

    You're a Lie - Pretty good song.. I don't really feel like it is a must play type of song as the band does but there are worse songs they could play..
    Nightrain - The place fucking exploded for Nightrain last night. You could just tell it was going to be a special night from this point on. People were so fucking into it and singing right along.. Good stuff.
    Avalon - Not one of my favorite songs off WOF but it isn't bad..The band was so tight last night that it made every song better.
    Ghost - As someone else noted I am kind of tired of this song at this point.. Live anyway... I really liked that first record but at this point the only song I care to hear this band play off of it is Back From Cali. I am just being nit picky here. It is still a good song..
    Back from Cali - Always good to hear.
    Wicked Stone - Kicked ass as expected.
    Shadow Life - One of my take it or leave it songs off WOF but it went over REALLY well live last night. It sounded great and people were really into it, clapping along and all that.
    Double Talkin' Jive - Sick fucking shit right here. So good..
    You Could Be Mine - Kicked ass.. This band owns this song..
    Doctor Alibi - Beer and piss break. This song does nothing for me. Waste of a spot as far as I am concerned..
    Welcome to the Jungle - Awesome!! So much energy.
    The Dissident - Weak song in my opinion.. The chorus comes off cheesy as hell to me.
    Beneath the Savage Sun - Fucking monster live. Sooooo good.
    Rocket Queen - Fuck anyone that whines about this song ;) jk.. It was incredible last night though.. I guess I can see why for some that it could be too long at times. Not for me personally but I can see why some would think that i guess. Well last nights rendition was 15 minutes and I thought it was perfect. No one was walking away or complaining.. People were getting more into as it went on by whistling and cheering while Slash got crazier and crazier by the minute.. Great reception when it was all over too. People ate it up and that is why they continue to play it. Take the opportunity to grab a beer or take a piss if you don't like it. Note, that no one was running to do either last night.
    *Edit.. I actually don't know how long it was last night. They one I saw on youtube was actually from last July's show there.. I didn't time it last night. It didn't seem overly long though.
    Bent to Fly - Loved it and was very happy to see it in the set last night.
    World on Fire - Much like You're a Lie, I don't really consider this a must play. I do like it though..
    Anastasia - Incredible as always.. Although I do prefer when he plays it on the Les Paul.
    Sweet Child O' Mine - Awesome... Obviously a crowd pleaser. My favorite guitar solo of all time.. Would love to see him play this with Izzy again some day.
    Slither - Always good..
    Paradise City - Predictable but always good..
    So another great fucking show.. My only real complaint is that the Slither/Paradise City Encore has just become too predictable... I know once in awhile they throw in a surprise but for the most part, they don't. If there was a crowd that deserved an extra song thrown in there, last night we were one of them.. People were still very into it and cheering loudly at the end.. Would have loved another song... I really hope to see Out Ta Get me one of these shows..
    • Like 1
  4. Rocket Queen last night on Hampton was 15 minutes. Does everyone agree that is an acceptable length? He definitely didn't lose any of the crowd last night. It was AWESOME! Killer fucking show.. review to come ;)

    *Edit.. I actually don't know how long it was last night. They one I saw on youtube was actually from last July's show there.. I didn't time it last night. It didn't seem overly long though.

  5. I just don't get the bitching about Rocket Queen.. Every time I have seen it has been great and went over really well with the audience... I have seen it a few different times now with different groups of people and everyone always loves it. The only people I see bitch are here really.. The longest one I have seen was like 15 minutes and 7 of it is the song itself.. He switches it up every time and it is bad ass.. Much better than the tired Godfather or blues jam in my opinion.

    Now I can see people getting antsy if it gets longer than 15 minutes. Has he generally been doing it longer than that now? I personally love it no matter how long it gets. I watched that 30 minute one on you tube a few times haha.. 15 minutes seems totally reasonable to me though.. It is fucking Slash and I want to see him go off for awhile! Something he wasn't allowed to do in VR really.

    Anyway I am really looking forward to it tonight! I know my twin cousins are as well. It is their 30th birthday.. The last show they went to, he broke a string at the beginning of it and just skipped it.

  6. First full video of The Unholy ! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

    I'm not all that familiar with Slash's solo stuff, so when I was really fucking digging this song last night, I had no clue what it was called. So thanks for posting this video, I wouldn't have known otherwise!

    Seriously though, I was really surprised at how good the show was last night. I went in with the mindset of just seeing Slash to see Slash, especially since he was playing so close to me, but I had a really good time and it's changed my opinion of World on Fire a lot. Myles can sing his ass off and Slash has really upped his game (I swear he was almost sweep picking during some of his solos). Could've done without the 15 minute solo during Rocket Queen though, haha. Now I can say I've crossed out the main three of the original line up too, Axl in '06, saw and met Duff in '13, and now I've got a Slash show under my belt. 14 year old me that was obsessed with GNR must be dying of joy right now.

    Yeah these guys will sure win you over live... Glad you had a great time.. I can't wait for the 15 minute Rocket Queen Friday night!! He usually does some sweep picking in that since you mention it ;)

  7. I go back and forth with Myles.. He has a great range and his voice works really good on some songs and other times not as much.. I think he has come a LONG WAY with the GnR material and I love hearing him sing those songs now.. He sounds perfect on songs like Anastastia, Iris, Bent To Fly and Back From Cali. I always thought he sounded real good on the VR material. Then there are songs like One Last Thrill that are cringe worthy. His voice definitely has a generic radio rock vibe to it at times but overall it works for me. His stage presence could use a little something as well. He isn't the greatest singer / front man out there but he seems like a real cool guy, Slash really digs him and he isn't going anywhere. Slash is playing out of his mind these days and the shows are amazing. That is good enough for me.

    *I'll add that Myles sounds alot better on WOF than he did on the the last record.

  8. About the SCOM out of the set, i was kidding guys, i told that and Todd replied "well tbh when i see KISS i hate when they play 'I was made...' but now that's ok, it's a part of the show!"

    Regarding the guitar solo, he should just do an extended version of Double Talking jive ! You know he has the fn' GUILD doubleneck, he could play both parts unplugged / electric !

    I thought the Double Talkin Jive extended solo works great. The extended intro as well! He can do DTJ and Rocket Queen.. This is fucking Slash we are talking about. There are alot of people that want to see him go off. He is one of the greatest guitarists of all time. That is one thing that was missing from Velvet Revolver. Slash couldn't be Slash.. There were songs with no solos and there were no real solos and extended jams from Slash during the live shows.. Maybe at the end they did a couple of blues jams but that was about it.

    That Back From Cali sounded different and fucking awesome!

    Todd sounded great on Out Ta Get me.. Love that f'n song

  9. Safari Inn AND Godfather theme?! http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/slash-feat-myles-kennedy-and-the-conspirators/2015/auditorio-banamex-monterrey-mexico-43cb07fb.html

    I think that's pretty cool but I could see some people getting restless. Still, together they're still probably shorter than the Rocket Queen solo :P

    Safari Inn is a cool little album track but I can see it being boring live.. Kind of like Watch This... The Godfather is cool once in awhile... Rocket Queen just works for me though and people always seem to dig it. The 30 minute one may have been a bit much (although I loved it) but 12 - 15 minutes is awesome.. He always starts off with a little sloppy noodling until he finds his groove.. People may be a little restless at that point but you can hear people getting more and more into it as he tightens it up, finds his groove and starts going off like a mad man.. By the end people cheering and whistling. Then when he grabs that slide and start morphing back into the song it is pure magic.. Works for me every time! I just hope he plays it at Hampton for me and the people I am going with.

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