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Posts posted by Tom-Ass

  1. Finally got around to listening to the whole record. I was pretty "meh" on the first half, as it sounded pretty "Apocalyptic Love II." That latter half however was quite good.

    Is this your take after listening the whole record once? If that is the case your opinion doesn't hold much water. This is a true album and there is alot to digest. I would consider this album a "grower" which often turn out to be the best ones.

    I am not saying this about you, but I find it comical when people listen to a song or album once and then spew their opinion on the internet. I mean some of my all time favorite songs and albums are ones that didn't jump out at me right away. That song you never really cared for on an album, then one day you are suddenly find yourself rocking the fuck out to it.

    That is just the way the world is these days though. Sad really..

  2. Finally got around to listening to the whole record. I was pretty "meh" on the first half, as it sounded pretty "Apocalyptic Love II." That latter half however was quite good.

    Pretty much the opposite of my opinion.

    That's why I'd never say an album is to long.

    I disagree, I think cutting 5-6 songs would make this album a far better and less monotonous listen.

    Love the album. There is only one or two songs that I would cut.

  3. Not sure I have heard of this EP.. I assume I have heard all the live versions though? As much info as possible would be greatly appreciared.

    Was this an offcial release anywhere?

    Was is the complete track listing?

    Is it all from one show?

    Is it really live or is it like LIES?

    Googling now..

    Doesn't look like anything most haven't heard but still pretty cool none the less..


    They are selling online from $90 to $140 bucks..

  4. I just think it looks totally cliche and cheesy at this point. I get that it is his signature hat but to wear it every song of every show is just overkill. It looks especially silly when he is headbanging and it is just stuck to his head. He should just bust it out during Paradise City or something..

    I get he is 50 and is most likely balding or whatever. Why not just wear a ballcap or one of those aither hats he wears when you see him joining some band onstage at a club? They look a hell of alot cooler..

  5. He's been around since the beginning of the Apocalyptic Love Tour in 2012, I think to my recollection. I think he's ok. He goes in and does his job as a touring guitarist without any bad distinctions. Everyone in the band likes him enough. As for including him in whatever future studio recordings? Ehhhh, hmmmm, I don't think that's happening. Slash probably made things clear that he's not really looking for another guitarist to play off ideas with like he did with Izzy for this solo band.

    Isn't Myles in the Izzy role when it comes to rhythm guitar on the last two Slash albums?

    I believe Slash did all the guitars this time around. I think it was in the Reel to Reel where Myles says that he concentrated 100% on the vocals this time around where as last time he was also involved in the guitars parts somewhat. I must say that the results are a whole lot better.

  6. Frank pulls off the live shows. He has nothing to do with the writing or recording process though. An interesting fact I found out while watching the Reel to Reel special they had on AxsTV was that Frank is only 24 years old.. I would say he is doing pretty good for himself.

    I prefer him over Bobby Schneck..

  7. Real To reel 1h documentary will be broadcasted on Scuzz special week end on Sky 367 oct11-12.

    Check your DVD-R UK Slashers ! :headbang:

    Is it a compilation of the YouTube videos or something new?

    It is much more.. It was a compliation of the youtube videos but there was ALOT of studio footage that didn't make the youtube vids. There is also footage heading to and rehearsing for the first show of the tour. Also soundcheck footage and interviews from the Hampton Beach Casino show. At the end they show a proshot of "World On Fire" . It was an hour broadcast so yeah, there was a TON more than the youtube vids ;) Don't miss it! \m/

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  8. I think Myles sounds fucking killer on this record where it was hit and miss on AL....I haven't stopped listening to this album since it came out and haven't gotten sick of it yet... I have no issies with the lyrics either. I actually think they are pretty damn good...

    The only song I don't really like is "Dissident". Out of 17 songs, that's not to shabby!

    I also skipped "Safari Inn" for the first time this morning. It is cool for what it is and I liked it the first few times, but instrumentals don't really do it for me. I feel the same way about "Watch This". They just get boring after awhile.

  9. Gotta disagree on that one, Tom-Ass. Ain't Life Grand is a killer record.

    - Serial Killer is an incredible song.

    - Back to the Moment is a really good ballad.

    - Mean Bone, Just Like Anything and Been There Lately have killer riffs.

    Maybe you need to give it a second chance? One thing is for sure, though, the band was completely killer live.

    It just isn't for me. I listened to it a lot when it came out and even liked it at the time I am just not a Rod Jackson fan. He just comes off with a butt rick vibe to me. aside from Slash, the whole band did actually.

    I did see them live twice.. Once at a little club which was really cool and the other time, they were opening for AC/DC... That was pretty weak.. I don't hate the album. There are a couple ok songs.

    Been There Lately - Good song

    Just Like Anything - Don't like it and it was the worst song of the show when Slash played it last year. It sucked the life out of the place.

    Shine - Good song

    Mean Bone - Good song. Too bad about the awful intro

    Back To the Moment - Hate it.. Cheesy

    Life Sweet Drug - Would be better without Rod maybe.

    Serial Killer - Everyone seems to like this song but I find it terrible cheesy. It even came on my ipod the other day and I tried once again what everyone loves about it. Couldn't even make it through the whole song.

    The Truth - Can't even remember this one

    Landslide - Mehhhh

    Ain't Life Grand - Could be good, just don't like Rod at all

    Speed Parade - Love the riff. Would be better without Rod and the stupid overdubs.

    The Alien- Don't like it

    Anyway, it is all good. I thought Libertad was fucking awesome and no one here seems to like it hahah.

  10. Haven't listened to the entire album in around 2 weeks. Just found a new love for Shadow Life.

    Fuckin' kick-ass album!

    Love it when that happens! I think Dissident is the only song I don't really like.. And even that song has a good solo. One of the riffs is pretty cool too.

    I can really "Bent to Fly" being a huge fucking song.. It is time for a new fucking single and that needs to be it.

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