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Posts posted by Tom-Ass

  1. So my Uncle came over for the Pats game Sunday and this is the CD I decided to give him. only had to chop one song to fit Anastasia. I think I made the right choice ;)

    World On Fire


    Shadow Life

    Automatic Overdrive

    Wicked Stone

    30 Years To Life

    Bent To Fly

    Stone Blind

    Too Far Gone

    Beneath The Savage Sun

    Withered Delilah


    Dirty Girl

    Iris Of The Storm


    Safai Inn


  2. Whisky A Go Go

    - Five Guys : A, S, D, I & S

    - only few guitars, bass, drumkit and amps

    - no LED screens, no laser- & lightshows,

    - no Chinese Songs

    - no KOHD 30 Minutes Version (4 Minutes are enough)

    should include:

    - Classic Songs like WTTJ, SCOM, PC, Estranged and November

    - accoustic set with UTLH, Patience, Dead Flowers, KOHD, You're Crazy

    - Solospot. Slashs Godfather Theme and goes into SCOM (Like in Made In Stoke Movie)

    - a long version of Rocket Queen (like in Made in Stoke Movie or Live in Sydney with Slash and Myles 2012)

    I like it all except copying the exact acoustic set from the skin n' bones tour.. Probably don't need an a coustic set.

    If I had a choice I would say they play the whole Appetite from front to back and throw in 10 other songs.

    An 5 minute movie scanning their heyday, some of the fighting and events leading up to the reunion

    You Could Be Mine

    Down On The Farm

    Used To Love Her

    Civil War


    Don't Cry

    Knockin on Heavens Door

    November Rain

    Some Kind of skit/movie to get everyone jacked the fuck up


    It's So Easy


    Out Ta Get Me


    Paradise City

    My Michelle

    Think About You

    Sweet Child

    You're Crazy

    Anything Goes

    Rocket Queen (long extended jam)

  3. The other guys are not in Oz so there's no other way than that fn' backing track lol

    Am not saying it's his fault but its not going to go down well, he'd be better of staying home I reckon. This could of done great things for Slash over here if the whole band played say World On Fire, Bent To Fly and Paradise City

    How do you think this would go down in America playing too a backing track at the NFL super bowl ?

    It happens at the Super Bowl all the time.. The Chilli Peppers just did it.

    So I put the album down after listening to it for a couple weeks. For those two weeks I was intentionally listening to it and getting to know the album.

    Now the songs are stuck in my head and I am just putting the album on every time I get in the car. I can't even let myself put it down.. This didn't happen with AL.

    Unholy is my track of the day.. What is that one about anyway?

  4. I would also love to see Brent Fitz take the drumming duties.. His drumming on WOF is outstanding.. If Steven can't do it, definately not Matt or Frank..

    Best scenario forst and so on. My best scenario wouldn't have Dizzy but I think Axl would need him there as his security blanket and he has been in the band for 25 years.



    Izzy (yeah right)






    Izzy (yeah right)










    This one is borderline for me, but would still be good enough.







    One reason for Axl NOT to do it is fear he may look like the weak link.... Especially with Slash playing his best ever... I think for a 3-5 song set, Axl could be Axl. A full show, well, you will have some terrible moments vocally.. If Brian Johnson can still sing, Axl should be able to as well.

    Rob Halford is a better example.. He has been doing it alot longer too.

  5. At this point I think I'd prefer the afd lineup, and trade Myles for Axl at this stage in their respective careers.

    no way and not worth it

    all axl has to do is clean himself up and get in the swing of things

    I dunno, I think the Appetite lineup with Myles would be pretty bad ass.. I do agree if Axl was on his game, it would be better.. But what are the chances of that? He would need to get in shape and give it 110% like he used to.

  6. I officially like every song on this album.. Sure I like some more than others... I don't think Dissedent, Avalon and Shadows are great but they aren't bad..

    New favorite is "Iris Of The Storm"... LOVE IT!! After the first couple listens I actually didn't think I was going to like that one. Man was I wrong.. Myles sounds phenominal on it too..

    • Like 1
  7. I would LOVE to have Izzy in on this.. Just call it the fucking conspirators or something. Izzy was close to wanting to do the VR thing, he just didn't want to deal with a singer. I agree that if there is a singer out there he could deal with, it would be Myles. Hell, who knows.. He may even enjoy touring with this band. This would be a dream come true for me..

    The Slash/Izzy combo is my favorite guitar team of all time.. Their chemistry is unmatched IMO.. They just bring out the best in eachother. There styles are different but mesh incredibly well.

    Izzy could pen some lyrics and sing a couple songs as well..

    • Like 1
  8. I'm so bipolar with this album. Just listened to the entire thing again and I'm starting to appreciate it in a "one sitting" sense like I did Apocalyptic Love. It definitely loses steam in the second half though.

    Stone Blind, Too Far Gone, Withered Delilah, Dirty Girl, Iris of the Storm, Avalon, The Dissident, Safari Inn and The Unholy are all completely expendable.

    I'd also like to apologize for what I said about Wicked Stone. Wonderful song.

    Stone Blind? Really? I LOVE that song hahaha. I like most of those songs to be honest.. I actually love Iris of the Storm, but I didn't care for it early on. I was CRANKING it the other day.

    The only songs I could really do without are probably Avalon, Shadow Life and Disident..

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