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Posts posted by Tom-Ass

  1. Psh. My first exposure to Josh was seeing him as "Radley" in one of my favorite movies, Thrashin'. I wasn't aware that he was actually active after that until I saw that he did the voice for KoHD spoken part...and he still sounded like Radley with that full on Valley accent.

    He also had a part in one of my favorite movies called "The River's Edge" with Dennis Hopper and Keanu Reeve's and Crispin Glover....

  2. Axl and Slash need to go out to dinner and hug it out...

    Then kick the worlds ass with a reunion. They all need to give 100% including Axl.. Work out, get into shape. I bet that would do wonders for Axl's voice.. Instead of singing with the "Micky Mouse" voice, just sing in his lower tone most of the time and let it wail when he can..

    Duff and Izzy could sing a couple songs to give Axl a break and they could do th 15 minute version of Rocket Queen like Slash has been doing s well.

  3. I was there and rocking out from Slash's first song til Aerosmith's last.. 7:30 is early but there was still a constant flow people pouring in there if you watch the videos. You see more and more people every song. The place was full and rocking the fuck out by the end of Slash's set.

    Anastasia and Slither also got great reactions.. The were alot better received than most opening bands.

    Looks pretty packed to me

    Sweet Child


    Paradise City


  4. I love Slash's stuff but let's be honest, most of it doesn't stand up to the classic Guns shit. I still want to see him to the Guns stuff live. I didn't think he played enough at Hampton Beach to be honest with only 5 songs. I would have much prefered them do 6 or 7 and there would still be plenty of room for his solo stuff. And sorry Slash, I would still KILL for a Guns reunion, even with Axl's current condition. There is nothing more in the world of music that I want more and I know alot of people who agree.

  5. Will keep my review short as I am insanely busy at work today:


    My friend and I have never been to Jones Beach and we saw why. The drive was atrocious. I work in midtown Manhattan and live downtown. My friend works on Wall Street and lives in Jersey City. He drove his car into the city and parked near Wall Street. I met him down there and we left at 5pm. We did not walk into the theater until 7:20pm. Traffic was horrendous. I know that Long Island traffic is brutal in the summer, but this was God awful. My friend and I should have known when another Long Islander jokingly told us to leave at 12:30pm to get to the show. Even Steven Tyler commented on how awful the traffic. Jones Beach the venue, however, was incredible. Really cool place on the water and the weather was fantastic. The 7:30pm start time was a tough one to make which I think contributed to the lack of a crowd for Slash at the start of the show.


    My friend and I were just getting our seats when Slash started playing. I got lucky and was on Slash's guest list through work and our tickets were pretty good. No chance in hell I would have paid face value for them. I was hoping for backstage passes, but I wasn't given any. Damn!

    1. Ghost sounded fine, but like others I figured they'd open with something else.
    2. Nightrain was fun, but didn't really get the crowd going like I thought it would likely because of the early start time and people were still finding their seats and trying to get settled
    3. Back to Cali was good.
    4. I had my phone ready to record World On Fire since I knew chances were I'd be the first to record the song and I knew the hardcore GNR fans would be interested in hearing it live. After Back To Cali Myles announced that the next song was World on Fire so I started recording with my phone. It sounded good (not great). I admittedly am not a big fan of the song.
    5. Just as I was about to stop recording that familiar drum opening kicked in and they went straight into You Could Be Mine so I kept recording. I thought Myles sounded great on it and Slash was incredible. It was a solid rendition.
    6. Anastasia was awesome. God I love that song. Slash broke out the double-neck guitar and it sounded fantastic
    7. You're a Lie is another song that I don't 'love', but it sounded fine. Nothing really spectacular about it.
    8. When the rif for SCOM started the audience was more settled and was more into the show. I saw LOTS of cameras out for that one. I recorded it as well. Still my favorite Slash solo
    9. Slither was great. I was sitting in the Slash guest section and this got people in the section pretty pumped up. I always forget how much I like the song until I hear it again. My section was singing along with it.
    10. I love By the Sword, but I feel like it killed the momentum of Slither. I would have played BTS first then followed it up with Slither, but it was still a great listen. Slash and Myles sounded terrific as I feel they always do on the song.
    11. Paradise City closed the show and the audience in the lower levels (can't speak for the levels behind me) were very into the show at that point. I filmed PC also and you can see the difference in the audience from the start vs. the end. It was a lot of fun and got the audience ready for Aerosmith.

    My Youtube channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG6Iafg8iqHVeTdXEkDAxWA


    I'll keep this brief. I had never seen Aerosmith live. I regret having skipped their shows after seeing them last night. Steven Tyler is a maniac and Joe Perry is a lot of fun to watch. Say what you will about their latest new music from the last 15 years or so (I don't like it either), but I would never label these guys sell outs. They put on a great show. I went into it with low expectations and they far exceeded them. Highlight for me was Kings and Queens. That is the one 'deep' track by them that I really dig. It sounded awesome. Slash not joining them onstage was a surprise I will admit. I kept waiting for it to happen, but it never did. Oh well, it was still a great performance and a great evening.

    Glad you liked Aerosmith.. When they play a setlist like you saw the shows kick ass. When they lean on the newer stuff it sucks.. I am hoping to hear Chip Away At The Stone and Kings and Queens on Weds!! You lucky bastard.

  6. Wifi kicked in.... here is video #1:

    World On Fire & You Could Be Mine

    Other videos will be uploaded tomorrow


    WOF sounds better live

    YCBM sounds OK, i like Slash tone, but Myles at the fast part looses big time, then he omitted the end scream which is a crime...

    They fiucking nailed the song and Myles will get better at that middle spoken part just like he did with Civil War. He is just learning the shit.. As for the cheesy scream thing at the end, I think what he did was perfect. Do we really want him to do that? I think he was spot on, let the crowd to it iof they want.

    The band fucking nailed it.. Pretty funny all the people saying that they shouldn't do it. It ended up sounding better than the current Guns doing it.. The vocals and the band. I was actually shocked how good Myles sounded on last nights clip.

  7. I have seen Slash alot and it wasn't his best show. It was you still really good and a blast though. Just wasn't GREAT.

    It was the first show of the tour so there was a little rust.

    Slash's guitar wasn't loud enough the first few songs.

    You Could Be Mine I thought was a bit rough. Not because they can't do it, but they just need to tighten it up and I am sure they will. Myles was reading the lyrics and the solo was off.

    Only 5 guns songs.. Could have used one or two more.

    There was no solo, blues jam or god father.

    They only new song I got into was Word On Fire. Not because they were bad but because I didn't know them. I like to hear songs I know.

    Those are some some pin points. Mostly what kept it from being GREAT.

    Hard & Fast - Songs is meh for me
    Nightrain - Awesome, people were jacked. I was bummed his guitars weren't a little louder.
    Standing in the Sun - Love this damn song.. Guitar level was starting to bug me more.
    Back from Cali - Good song, always fun live
    Apocalyptic Love - We all walked over to Slash's side of the stage for this one and got situated. Guitars sounded better!
    Stone Blind (Live premiere) - New song obvioulsy.. wasn't familar with it. My friend said he liked it, I really can't remember it.
    You Could Be Mine (Live premiere) - Fist time Slash has played this since Gn'R. Awesome to see but was a little rough. It will be awesome after a couple shows.
    Doctor Alibi (Todd Kerns on vocals) - Not too big of a fan of this song either
    Not for Me - Love this f'n song and it was great.
    30 Years To Life (Live premiere) - Another new song, can't really remember it.
    Rocket Queen - Fucking awesome, extended jam included. Have seen better but still awesome.
    No More Heroes - I like this alot too. Was watching/listening from the beer line. Its small venue so you don't miss anything.
    Starlight - Not a huge fan of this song but it is pretty good live
    World on Fire (Live premiere) - New song that I knew. It was killer live \m/
    Anastasia - Awesoem as always. Am I the only person in the world that doesn't like "Godzilla" though? Ugliest guitar ever
    You're a Lie - pretty good
    Sweet Child O' Mine - Insane live as always
    Slither - Good

    By the Sword - Not my favorite encore but was good they did more than one
    Paradise City - Always good.

  8. I hated Rod Jackson's voice on Aint life grand. If it's five o clock somewhere was the guns record, I would be very happy

    Didn't like Rod Jackson either.... Or that album for the most part..

    Hey Slashtobaz how are the chances of "Good to be alive" to be played during this tour ? Thx in advance ;)

    With a long jam at the end? Yes please....

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