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Status Updates posted by thatblondegirl

  1. we're actually not. but I copy people alot when I've just talked to them :| lol

  2. it is nice to be appreciated.

  3. am i doing well so far?

  4. or I could always annoy people who click my profile.

  5. ah, ok. I went there before, but everyone was bitching. and not in that funny way. i'll keep waiting for a good topic, i guess? ..

  6. yes. but anyway, which one is the fun part of this board?

  7. Neither do I. that's sad in a boring, average way.

  8. A very bored underachiever who wastes her time making a colorful profile on message boards? Actually the question would be why.

  9. Whatcha looking at?

  10. I'm not on your friends list? ...seriously disgraceful! Obviously your taste in people is just as bad as I'm told your music taste is. :P

  11. Xaxa, dolgocasim se. Pa password sem spet dognala, tako da sem spet tu. :P

  12. Pretty much! :X Apart from WTTJ; too heavy for me. :P And Patience and maybe some others too. I know, I know: horrible knowledge by your standards! :D

  13. Yes. ^_^ And lol, not that much, actually! :P But I'm sick, bored, Leksiless and don't feel like studying, so I got inspired to join through listening to SCOM, Don't Cry and the other popular songs you will shake your head at me for only naming. :P

  14. Well hello there, my self proclaimed perfect gent. Guess who. Or do you flirt with everyone like that, sob sob? :P And yes, she got me to join this as well, lol! :D x

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