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Posts posted by tastyfish

  1. ok let me get my facts straight!! if it works, and u get the password - we can buy them online at ticketmaster from 8am friday?

    Mysteron posted this on htgth

    "We will be closing the pre-sale application in about 30-40 minutes

    The pre-sale window will be tomorrow morning between 8 and 9 am (UK time). "

  2. Anyone advise me of where to get a train to from Manchester and then how to get to Hammersmith. Only been once before and that was in a car. (went to see Europe! lol).

    Get yourself in the presale first @ http://www.heretodaygonetohell.com/london.php

    Trains from Piccadilly to Euston are every hour or so, then you just need to get the tube i think. Don't worry! - http://www.thetrainline.com


    Yeah cool, Ive already added myself to the presale list.

    If that fails I have a friend who works a ticketmaster.. will they go on sale there too?

    Thanks guys.

    Yeah, I called ticketmaster and they said they are selling tickets on Friday

  3. Wow, didn't know they were worth that much. Gonna hang on to them all. Not sure mine would fetch that much, its pretty faded. Did you see the guy selling a boxfull of 'misprints?' Don't know if they were fake or not but he claimed the front was printed on the back and vice versa and they were just packed away. The thing that made them look dodgy was the colour, it had ornage sleeves.

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