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Posts posted by TiedHands

  1. I can't believe the guy who said only a "guitar nerd" would notice when DJ fucks up lol. There's a huge difference in, say, Robin overdoing a bend in 'November Rain' because he's really into it, and DJ just flat out fucking up the SCOM intro. I think too many people are butt-hurt because they always seen Robin as the man who replaced The Top Hatted One, and it pissed em off. I'll go with feeling and emotion over technical skill any day of the week. Something else a lot of people don't mention is the amazing chemistry that Robin and Richard had. You could tell they had a genuine love and respect for one another on stage, and I would kill to hear what they could come up creatively, though I have to say, Ron and Richard have recreated that chemistry as of late with their jams, especially that brilliant pre-'Madagascar' jam. Robin rules...

  2. I would love to pick Robin's brain, just as much if not more than Axl's. I think his perspective on the entire saga would be pretty interesting. I wanna know why, above all else, he left. It seems obvious, but is cruel so fate to have him leave RIGHT BEFORE the album he'd worked on for 10 years is released??? Something just doesn't add up to me. And to me, he's always seemed to be in a battered wife relationship with Trent. He'll go back to Trent, then in a few months when Trent forms an all new version of NIN, he'll say things like he "wants a guitar player who pisses on Robin Finck", I'm paraphrasing but it was close to that. But then he goes back. I would assume if the starts aligned and the opportunity rose, Robin would join GNR in a flash. I like DJ, I think he's been good for GNR as far as fan relations and band image, but he's honestly not talented enough to be the lead player in Guns N' Roses. Just compare 'Better'. Whereas Robin might play 10 notes, DJ oversimplifies it with 3 notes and some bad bends. They are night and day. To me, Robin was always the heart and soul of '01-'07 GNR...

  3. I think Robin was an invaluable part of Axl's new vision for GNR, and while Bucket is amazing and an integral part of GNR's history, just listen to the album and watch any of the shows from '02, Bucket was almost nonexistant. Literally half of the songs he would just stand there and not even play anything, which to me is kind of strange because Ron, his "replacement" is playing like a madman everytime you see him. But anyway. I think Robin was a catalyst for helping Axl bring Guns into a new generation, and I think it was great how, in the process, Robin went from a very generic rock/industrial guy to essentially being one of the top blues rock guitarists in music (I know opinions of him are divisive, but being the lead guitarist in GNR is a HUGE deal). Robin is the single most charismatic, expressive guy I've ever witnessed play an instrument, and it was hard for me to take my eyes off of him. I listen to his guitar in 'Better', 'Street of Dreams', and 'TWAT', and his intonation and phrasing are so harmonious, it's literally like the guitar is singing along with Axl. His solos almost seem like another verse to the song to me. I like DJ a lot, though I question his musical talents, and to be honest, he gets nowhere near the flack that Robin gets when he would miss a note and flub a bend...

  4. I remember a guy wearing the same exact shirt that Axl was wearing (the one with the bunny rabbit), and thought that was creepy as hell. DJ must feel like running and hiding...

  5. It's always the popular thing for musicians and comedians and celebrities to come out and hate on Axl and GNR, it's almost like they'll be ridiculed out of town if they don't. It's such a tired cliche by now. It's VERY rare that you ever see someone giving out a positive word, maybe Lars and M.Shadows, but that's it. Yet 95% of them would be utterly star struck if they ever came face to face with the guy. To be honest, the people in his audience were more annoying than he was...

  6. CD is actually my favorite album of all time. I could spend days explaining why, but I won't. The UYI records, honestly, are quite overrated. First off, I can't stand the production. Compared to 'Appetite', which had a very raw and powerful sound, 'UYI' sounds very muddy and thin, and the bass and guitar tones sound horrible. It's weird because they sound way more dated than Appetite ever will. I could go the rest of my life and never hear half the songs from the albums and be perfectly content...

  7. While this is extremely stupid, I do question them choosing GNR. It's such an odd fit, but often times, that stuff works. A lot of times when other festivals have booked abnormal acts (Jay Z at Glastonbury, etc.), it turns out to be a great, special show. But unfortunately, most of us Americans are WAY less open about their musical tastes. They'll keep them for the controversy and publicity and "car crash" element of it, but it wouldn't surprise me for some of the crowd to start shenanigans. Hopefully they'll show up on time (maybe even early!) and just blow everyone the fuck away...

  8. The term "pop" actually isn't a death knell, and truth be told, I like it when rock bands dabble with "poppy" material. That doesn't mean I want them to do something that sounds like Justin Timberlake, but the word is really dependent on the context. Some of the songs mentioned, "SCOM", "Don't Cry", "November Rain", "Yesterdays", those actually have a pretty big pop element to them, and all it basically means is it's more pleasing and accessible to more people, which isn't always a bad thing. I've seen 'Better' described as "pop metal" by several people, and it's kinda true. It's not a down and dirty rock song, it's got a fantastic, simple, effective riff and some amazing lyrics with great delivery and phrasing and it just SOUNDS good. To me, 'ITW', 'Catcher', 'SOD', and 'TWAT' all have pop elements, but in a way that enhances them and makes it a good thing...

  9. IMO best TIL I've found on youtube so far. So intense, so passionate, so much rasp, so brilliant!

    Amazing vocals

    To people bitching about Axl's voice and crying because he doesn't use enough rasp, you can almost physically see the stress and intensity that singing in full-on rasp brings on him. It's so heavy and intense, he could never do that shit night in and night out and hope to retain a decent voice. That's amazing...

  10. I like DJ, but I honestly don't think he's technically talented enough to fill his role. I'm hopeful he'll pay off in the studio, and he's awesome to watch, and great with fans and publicity, but he's a VERY generic and sloppy player. He takes so many shortcuts when it comes to playing so many things. I play guitar, so my instinct is to watch how these guys are playing, and 90% of the time, he's playing very basic chords and power chords. Other than his solos, I truly think he could not be playing, and between Ron and Richard, you really wouldn't be able to tell. His sound isn't distinct or powerful enough to make a difference. But I've met the guy a few times, super impressed with him personally, and there are some things he does a great job at, but I think studio stuff is where he'll either make it or break it...

  11. I'd say the '02 band, but I'd like to see and hear Bucket on the CD material before I decided on him or Ron. I really like both and it'd be hard to choose between the two. In a perfect would, I'd want the '06 band with a '12 Ron. I think he has come so far since then and has transformed into an amazing guy and player. So basically the '12 band with Robin instead of DJ. That was confusing. Fuck the old band...

  12. Estranged has apparently taken Sorry's spot as the cooldown song after that first run of harder stuff. I personally think Sorry fit better in the spot, but whatever...

    'Sorry' never really worked for me live. The four times I saw it performed live it seemed to take the audience out of the show. Was definitely one of those "well, going to take a piss" moments where most people around left to use the washroom as they waited for the band to come on. If it's not Live and Let Die, perhaps Don't Cry or Civil War could be bumped up a bit to take Estranged's place.

    I never really give a shit about "taking the crowd out of it." Sorry is one of my favorite tunes off CD, and I absolutely loved it. I'm biased of course, by the fact that I now own the pick Dj used to play the solo, but it really is probably one of my top 2 or 3 tracks off CD. Love the song live too, and am definitely sorry to see it go (no pun intended).

    I agree. I never understood the hate it got. I mean, it is a slow, dark song, it ain't a feelgood song. Not sure what people were expecting. I think it was probably the best song off of CD to put in that spot. I miss it, too. Totally agree about KoHD, too. So overplayed and overdone it ain't even funny...

  13. The Pretty Reckless were GNR's best opening act I've seen. Though Black Label Society must have been amazing.

    I've seen probably 300-400 live bands in my life, and BLS (opening for Guns) was one of the worst. And I'm a Zakk fan. But it was a terrible performance. Probably literally the worst sound set up I've ever heard, and not to mention Zakks 10+ minute wankery solo. So disappointed in that one...

  14. Damn alot of users want the tee shirts, perhaps GN'R can sell them on the site after the shows?

    they are on ebay now but expensive

    on another topic did you guys see the controversy going on and what it lead to today?


    I understand some people being offended by that (obviously that's why the cover was changed on the album), but it seems to me that's a case of someone not paying attention. Everyone who's aware of who Axl Rose and Guns N' Roses are know they're controversial, so why would it be an absolute shock to anyone? Seems to me someone okay'd art work before looking at it or something like that. Much ado about nothing. It's a rock n roll show. Get over it...

  15. Okay. I really love Live and Let Die, they took a pretty weak and lanky song and turned it into this loud ass shot of adrenaline. I don't mind it staying, but I wouldn't be disappointed if it was alternated here and there. And Rosie is actually REALLY good, too. They own that song and it's so super energetic. But I think KoHD is so seriously overplayed by now, if they're gonna keep it, they need to shorten it. The RIR 3 version is probably my single favorite live performance of any song ever, and I'm not really feelin' the current version as much. It's too long. But it's the big sing-a-long, I get it. I have 2 gripes with the covers. 1( when they play a cover, they play it to death. Like Riff Raff? Please. And the Neil Young song? It was cool at the benefit, and it's alright to play it once or twice more, but let it go. No one wants to hear that over My Michelle or IRS. 2) I cannot get the logic in playing all of these covers when they have a vast library of brand new songs, and even songs that haven't been played. Like I said, if you polled people, I'm very confident people would rather hear IRS or If The World over Riff Raff.

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