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Posts posted by TiedHands

  1. That one made me cringe. It was nothing but a slight at Dizzy. I mean, yeah, it was the cool thing to blast him and Axl for not showing up, but then they praise Sorum like he was some drum god or something. Please.

  2. Pitman added all kinds of kick ass stuff back in '02, even to older stuff like in that awesome video. 'Live and Let Die', 'You Could Be Mine', and especially 'Rocket Queen'. His role basically is relegated to next to nothing now. I'd be very curious to see and hear his actual stage set-up, I have a theory that in most songs, he's not even plugged in. I noticed at one of the UCAP shows I went to, he had this mic up there with him, that was just sitting on top of some speaker or something, I think that's all of the sound that he actually gets. I really don't even think he's plugged directly into the soundboard. Seriously.

  3. I would be curious to hear them do this song earlier in the set. I know do to it's epic nature, it kinda feels like an end-of-set song, but I'd bet Axl could do a lot better if it were, say, in the spot 'Sorry' is in. The band were nearly perfect, sans DJ's solo mess-ups, but dammit, Ron was spot on...

  4. I miss the way Slash played the Nightrain solo.

    Argentina 1993, best Nightrain ever.

    Fuck that one's great! Never seen it before. And whats with Gilby starting the solo? Never seen him do that before. Gilby and Slash had a great chemistry on stage. I think he was pretty much worthless in terms of song righting, whereas Izzy was the foundation for a lot of songs. For a live show, I really couldn't care less if it was Gilby or Izzy on stage. Both of them fucking rock.


    You gotta be kidding. That was sloppy as shit.

  5. I think the GRNDCTRL people are shady anyway. When they were handing out VIP laminates at the shows I went to, they were acting like shifty-eyed drug pushers or something. They were taking cash-in-hand for laminates for people that hadn't showed up yet. I'd bet everything they pocketed that shit. Why did something this easy get screwed up? Thank God I've waited on joining. If I got that stuff in the mail, I'd be halfway tempted to sue them for false advertisiing. That is NOT a "Fan Club T Shirt"...

  6. Another anti-Axl piece that makes no sense. They spend 17 bullet points bashing the guy (is there really a HUGE difference between "dreads" and "corn rows"? they used two different points for that?) But then of course, after mocking the guy, they beg him to get back with the old guys. You can't cuss and harass the guy and then get on your knees pleading with him for a reunion. I'll never understand this. All of these people bash Axl making fun of his hair, his weight, his clothes, his "plastic surgery", his weirdness, his tardiness, his disrespect for the fans, talking about how he can't sing anymore, but then they whine and cry because he won't go back to Slash. If you hate the guy that much, why???

  7. Good on ya. It kills me, all of these Reunionists shit all over Axl talking about how he can't sing anymore, looks terrible, etc. yet they're all about to piss themselves wanting him to get back with the old band??? If you hate him so bad, why would you want that?? Fuck off. Axl doesn't want to sing for Velvet Revolver...

  8. I still can't grasp this idea that declining an invitation to what amounts to an industry awards ceremony, that has ZERO to do with fans, is somehow a slight to all GNR fans and complete disrespect to anyone that's ever even heard a Guns song on the radio. If the HOF had fan ballots, and the fans had voted them in, yes, I could see a little bit of dissent with the decision but that's not the case. To answer, Axl in a round about way, caters to no one in particular. He really kinda does what he does and if you enjoy it, great. But if not, sorry. This whole scenario kinda proves your point. In turning it down, he then proves he DOESN'T cater to anyone...

  9. @mattsorum

    From today forward I will not be commenting on Guns N Roses . Or making any remarks about the future . Thank you to all the fans. The legacy continues without my commentary. Matt Sorum Former member of GNR


    I have to say, that was a really fn' great evening. Thanks to all the fans for the support. W/out that, nothing would have happened. IiiI; )'


    It was so great to be a part of last night. Thank you everyone! Great way to end that chapter of my life now on to the future, lets ROCK!

    Here is another, I am ripping the vids so it is easy to watch for everyone:


    source: http://www.rollingstone.com/videos/new-and-hot/guns-n-roses-adler-and-sorum-on-axl-rock-heroes-20120415#ooid=puMW9nNDpqkAgT87we8-0ZS8ZPkTf0r6

    :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: I can't stop laughing at Stevie. Fuck, he's so hilarious and goofy! Hahahahahaha!

    PS: You should consider uploading these videos on a secondary account because all you have uploaded will be taken down (I guess) and your account will be closed =/.

    I agree, this video is hilarious :rofl-lol::rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: Steven is so fucking comical in that one. one of the highlights for me for sure.

    After watching videos like this, it really makes Axl look like a dickhead and a crybaby. Of course i'm an Axl fan too, but he really did handle this thing in the entirely wrong way, and I lost some respect for him.

    Yeah, Steven's funny, I get it, but you think Axl should've been standing there with him laughing when Steven had just called Axl's band "hacks" and "scabs"? I don't think Axl found that so hilarious...

  10. It is sickening, Axl should ashamed of himself for thinking as an adult he can make his own choices without consulting his often insane fan base. Who the fuck does he think he is for not taking the stage with a man he feels has misrepresented the facts.

    Axl you are a sellfish fucker, do what the fans want regardless of your own feelings.

    Was that sarcastic enough?

    Wow, what the fuck dude. You've got it completely backwards. Part of being an adult is learning how to do things you don't want to do. Things like paying bills, working, changing diapers, kissing police officers asses when they give you a ticket you didn't deserve, eating at the inlaws despite the fact that you want to kill them etc. By not playing the RRHOF, Axl's acting more like a teenager. You know, remember the old "fuck the teacher, fuck the principle, fuck my parents, fuck the cops...nobody can tell me what to do because I'm a bad ass that does what he/she wants" days? Yeah, highschool.

    We ALL have to do shit we don't want to do when we grow up. It's part necessity, part maturity. Axl should have played to please the fans. Go up there, play a few songs, make millions of fucking people happy, then walk away. No one said he had to enjoy it. No one said he had to reunite the old band and make a double album. It's just three songs. Take some fucking Prozac, get up there and play three songs and move on. It's called selflessness and thinking about everyone else for a change.

    He's incapable of that, which is sad imo....very sad.

    I don't think it's as easy as that. You must know that if Axl had shown up and performed, we'd NEVER hear the end about a reunion. Never. It would have been impossible for it to be a one off thing, everyone just shake hands and go home and close that chapter. The reunion talk would have been amped up by a million. And even then, people still don't believe Axl when he says "never", why would they start magically believing him then? It really was a no win for Axl. And again, spare us the "for the fans" shit. They played in a place of 6k, probably which of less than half were even GNR fans, and the show on HBO might be watched by a couple million, at most. It's not like they were hinging on a reunion for a Super Bowl performance with a billion people watching. This had SHIT to do with the fans, it's an industry event...

  11. why this thread about velvet revolver is on gnr section??

    Zingah! Good one, sir. That's what I find hilarious about this whole thing is people act like these guys haven't played together in 20 years. Uhm, I seen VR live and they played 'Brownstone', and I seen Slash play SCOM and PC live. What's new? Adler? And Sorum playing the tambourine and singing back-up? Please. Fact is, this whole charade is nothing we haven't seen over the last few years.

  12. php0yWbUsguns7.jpg

    You posted a pic of VR with Slash's singer? Cool story, bro. Tell it again...

    That's like saying a picture of Axl's band is a bunch of guys nobody knows with Guns N' Roses' singer....

    Oh yeah, that is what people say

    Only difference is that "Axl's band of a bunch of guys nobody knows" IS Guns N' Roses, whether you agree or not. FACT: Slash, Matt, and Duff are in Velvet Revolver, not GNR. And Myles is the singer in Slash's solo project. What I said was true in every sense...

  13. As far as all of this Axl bashing goes, and I like the guy, but why does Izzy get a free pass for not showing up???? No one has called him a pussy, disrespectful "to the fans", etc. Just like Axl, he simply decided not to go, but for some reason, that's fine...

  14. Seeing a huge rockstar like Flea go up there, and be so modest, humble and grateful.

    Just makes Axl seem like an ungrateful diva IMO


    Just stop already. The shit is done and over. It was an honor that was bestowed upon Axl, and it was his decision not to take it. That's fine, it's his decision, the end. Doesn't affect you or me, just stop.

    I have to cry bullshit on this one. He has every right as a fan to voice his opinion.

    I agree, yes, but he's done nothing but trash Axl, which is pointless. Axl's decision to not go has fuck all to do with anything about the fans like he's been claiming. If you win the lottery, but decide not to take the winnings because maybe you're afraid of all the shit it will bring into your life, the crazies, the lawsuits, the beggars and hanger ons, does it make you ungrateful? No. It's just a decision you made for yourself.

  15. Seeing a huge rockstar like Flea go up there, and be so modest, humble and grateful.

    Just makes Axl seem like an ungrateful diva IMO


    Just stop already. The shit is done and over. It was an honor that was bestowed upon Axl, and it was his decision not to take it. That's fine, it's his decision, the end. Doesn't affect you or me, just stop.

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