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Posts posted by TheFormerSoul

  1. I would say it bugged him In 2002 but in recent years he's applied a policy of acceptance and just works with what he's got.

    The man complained about turning 27 for goodness sake, back in the 90's...

    I can't imagine how he is feeling right now.

    do you have a link?

  2. Chris hasn't sounded better this last acoustic tour. Every show on the tour was sold out and garnered amazing reviews. Sure Scream wasn't that great but its easy to forget about that when Chris has been this great with just his voice and an acoustic guitar. Plus Soundgarden have been working on new material and their recent live shows have rocked. Scott Weiland's voice has been on a strong decline since Contraband was released. Now he struggles to hit notes and has a nasally tone in his voice that is only not present when he is trying to impersonate David Bowie. STP's last record was pretty much a total misfire and they are struggling to sell out stadiums and Scott's addictions are coming back to haunt him. I love both Scott and Chris, but after seeing them both Chris seems to be on fire while Scott is struggling to maintain the same quality shows every night.

    Booze and cigaretts will do that to you, he also lost alot of his ability to speak sometime last year.

    I actually thought the latest stp record was great, save a few "weiland impersonates bowie" duds. But he wont live much longer if he keeps up this downward spiral.

    Plus Scott is really depressed, divorced, and is broke now money wise.

  3. Yes I remember This! I have that game too and I didn't even realize the references untill I knew about gnr.

    Also on the axel red level, there is a visual reference to the band in the background (guns and literal roses) cannons and growing roses with thorn weeds in the backdrop.

    Alot of the levels have these hints that secretly parrallel the band.

    You may or may not know that some of the other games in the series drop some lines referencing gnr.


    What song does that remind you of?

  4. So at this point either you dig these guys or you dont, very little room in between. If you've never heard of them theyre a prog metal band known for long songs that tend to jump around genres. Their musicianship is off the charts. Im of the belief that from a pure musical standpoint, they're the most talented and accomplished band in music. No one is churning out complex releases at the speed they do.

    Here's a new song from their forthcoming EP. Try not to be blown away


    I like the selkies solo, cant really sit through the constant screaming of the singer though.

  5. Not sure if this should be in its own thread or deserves it's own. Bumblefoot has confirmed

    that Axl has two albums ready to go:

    "There is enough music for another two albums, but these are all 10 year old recordings from the Chinese Democracy sessions. Those songs are not new songs and this current band, this relevant band that contains me and DJ and Richard and Frank on drums, we have yet to get in a studio together and sit down on the floor with guitars and just start writing. We have not done that. The only music that is going to be coming out at this point that I see from G’N’R is going to be from 10 years ago with players that have been gone for 5 years and maybe alternative mixes of songs."

    cool, lets get on with it.

  6. "There was a time"(when i was in shape)

    "Wev'e been dancin' (with Mr. Saint Laurent")

    "Pot Belly Penumbra"

    "Vibe Sniffin"

    "One Man"

    "Sooner than nuthin"

    "Im not crazy(most of the time)"

    "million dollar bullet"


    "Sleepin Like an Angel(At The Gig)"

  7. I have to admit I've finally succumbed to nostalgia for Buckethead. Yeah he was weird in style but with people like Lady GaGa being huge that kind of shit is acceptable now. And as much as I like Bumble--he's a nice guy, he's a great rhythm player and good at lead parts, IMO, he doesn't compare with Buckethead in terms of soloing or his lead skill. Where Bucket could play almost any style ranging from the rigidly technical to the fluid and emotional, Bumble seems to be a very messy, shred focused player. He seems to be like a sloppier version of Bucket with 10 times less the range or talent. It's like replacing Mick Taylor with Ronnie Wood.

    If you had had to pick a replacement, who would you have picked--Who could fill that sort of similar technical meets emotional, wide ranging style?

    Andy Timmons

    Brett Garsed

    skip to about 3:45 for the solo
  8. DJ doesn't have chops, we know this.

    He seems to me to be someone with talent, but took alot of shortcuts as a guitar player to get where he is now. Taking shortcuts will get you some degree of proficiency on the instrument, but it will leave you unbalanced and lacking in essential areas as a guitarist.

    I like Dj, he brings some fun to the live show, he has good tone, and loves the band. But he does lack in the skill department

  9. does anyone else here hate Anne Hathaway?

    Yeah, I'll raise my hand.

    Also, Tom Hardy isn't even six feet tall. He's shorter than Bale.

    He's not that short, and camera angles can make up for the height difference. Have you seen Bronson? He looks freakin intimidating as hell.

    Hardy can fill the part fine, Im very interested to see what comes of this film with him involved.

  10. Sorry if this has been discussed before.


    Is there any, confirmation that these vocals were re-recorded in the early 2000's? Iv'e read up on a few rumors that Axl indeed replaced many vocal tracks on these. The clip above has audio from "pretty tied up"

    and listening to it it sounds like the vocals were done in studio...not only that, but there are sections where you can hear Axls voice reaching near "mickey mouse" like qualities. His voice sounds, a bit different, 2002 esque.

    just curious

  11. Love this video...

    Axl's walk from the car to the curtain is one of the coolest things ever

    Axl 2006 is god like.

    Yep, the good ol days ;)

    With the shows that have been happening recently, I think we are still in the good ol days.........don't you?


  12. To those of you not familiar with them Alter Bridge is basically Myles Kennedy with Creed minus Scott Stapp.

    I'm really kind of lukewarm towards it. The song is just kind of all over the place.

    Having heard him with Slash this past year, I think he sounds way out of place singing speed metally heavy kind of stuff like this now. His voice is much more naturally suited for the blues based rock kind of stuff Slash does whether he realizes it or not.

    Here is the song:


    I listened to it, can't put my finger on it why it sounds so.....odd. Its metal and heavy, but it is definatley strange in its composition. "All over the place" like you said.

  13. First off, apologies if there is a similar topic about this in this section right now, the server is falling apart at the seams and I can't really read anything, or check if there are other topics on this.

    Let me summarise:

    GNR have gone onstage about an hour/an hour and a half late at Reading. One of the most respected, loved festivals in the world, EVER. Axl Rose is not, has never been, and will never be bigger than Reading, Leeds, or indeed Glastonbury, V, T, Coachella, or any music festival, anywhere. The biggest acts in the world couldn't demand something as ridiculous as turning up way later than advertised. The Rolling Stones, U2, even if the Beatles got back together (and out of their coffins), they couldn't make such a demand. It serves Axl right that the crowd are booing every song, which is only right. That crowd have stood there all day, in the rain and mud, and it's now VERY fucking cold, and they're being made to wait, for what? An ego. An overblown, inflated ego. Guns N Roses haven't been relevant for years (No, Chinese Democracy is not relevant in today's world, for those of you furiously defending the album. I love it, but popular, it is now.) This was Axl's ONE chance to show the world that actually, he can lead and orchestrate a succesful new incarnation of this band. If he'd shown up ontime, he could've blown the fucking roof off the joint. But no, because he thinks he's King, he can do as he please.

    As for all you idiots stating 'Pfft, all the fucking indie kids at Reading obviously don't know a good show when they see one'. Reading is a ROCK festival. And the fact that Lostprophets, Biffy Clyro, QOTSA and more, can show up, rock the whole festival, and SHOW UP ON TIME, just makes GNR seem even more of a ball ache. The crowd know a good show when they see one, and they know that GNR aren't one.

    Seriously, I've grown the accept GNR's shortcomings, but this takes the fucking piss. And before you all retort with 'Don't let the door hit you on the way out' or 'If you don't like it, fuck off', this is a FAN FORUM, and the DISCUSSION section of that forum. I'm allowed to have my opinion, of which many of you I'm sure will agree with. If all we're allowed to do is praise and arselick that band/singer, then it isn't a forum, it's a mockery. I'm raising my very valid thoughts, and my fucking frustration with a band who have no respect for their fanbase. I rarely post in this section, my main haunts are the AG sections, so it's not like I'm losing out by not posting in here anyway.

    But I am done with this band. I won't buy future albums/gig tickets, and I simply don't care. I'm tired, and overall, dissapointed. What a fucking piss take of a band!

    Honestly, Im not going to flip my shit over this...Im sure its more than Axl whos to blame.

    however, regarding the general attitude and disrespect coming from the gnr camp and disregard to the fans, Id say Its better to not get too attached to this band. Everybody knows how much potential is wasted in this lineup.

    Whether it be fear or pride or what have you, Axl has no right to do what he has been doing for years. This is a band that promises and never delivers.

  14. I turned it off when "Young Guns" started playing.

    Are they the 'Mega Mega Lolz lolz' guys? The mega lolz dudes look like New Kids on the Block and sound like fresh warm fluid crap. :thumbsdown:

    Haha, perfect description

  15. It looks as if the BBC will only be showing edited highlights on the main BBC3 feed. They will be showing the full set on the BBC3 Red Button.

    As Im sure most UK viewers know the Red Button is only available to those who use Freeview. If you have Freesat its not going to work as the BBC haven't bothered to put in the development work.

    You can watch the Red Button streams online:


    For those outside the UK who want to watch the stream your best bet is to use a UK based proxy server. Google 'how to watch bbc iplayer abroad'. Im sure someone can figure something out between now and the set and post here fore everyone else. Some of the services that make you pay have free trials that will probably work.

    For anyone who has a decent mac this programme is meant to be really good http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/29604/iplayer-grabber Don't know how it works but I've heard good things.

    Im getting some kind of live feed, but can we still watch guns on this stream? Im not sure if I understand how this works.

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