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Posts posted by TheFormerSoul

  1. after 1year+ of CD being released and having listened to it more than 4 or 5 times each month I can now say that "This I Love" is probably the masterpiece of this god damn good album and that the wait has been worth it after all... I love the new lineup but you always imagine how Slash would have nailed the solo for this one... ;)


    hate the song, but I like the rest of the album.

  2. Meet the family.

    I've also got a Silvertone that someone gave me, a single cut version of the red Les Paul, and a 1976 Gibson G-3 bass (<--sexy)


    Very very Nice! I like that red les paul and that tele! Is that a eddie van halen finish on one of them too?

    I see a fresh box o Ritz crackers has been consumed recently, along with a can of beer perhaps 0.0

  3. Some of you people are practically in line to take a swing at this guy.

    Go ahead, be my guest. But this kid doesn't have a million dollar studio to record in, let alone does he have great engineers behind him dialing in the tone so carefully that it becomes boring and again, boring. Also... He doesn't record the solo multiple times and then compile the best track.

    Still he manages to get pretty fucking close in terms of tone and time. It's just so retarded that you guys sit behind your computer screens and talk shit about people like this. This guy clearly have some unique talent.

    Because he can play a "Gnr song that really isn't that hard" as some of you say?

    No, but because TONE is in your FINGERS. And he is getting the tone he wants with what I would call, modest means.

    I've been around and worked with enough guitarists in enough studios to know a good player when I see one.

    Maybe this guy can't WRITE his stuff. But believe it or not, in these days.

    A good example must be Howard Benson who has two hired studio cats to play the guitar parts all over again after the band has written the songs cus he wants his records to sound a certain way. I know that happens elsewhere too.

    SO just MAYBE.... just MAAAAAYBE.... before you guys talk shit about a guys talent. You start taking some other things into account... like... the stuff besides being able to write... but also stuff like being able to build a career on ur talent. You might be the best chip-chop Vai copy guitarist in the world, playing faster than God can think. But none of that matters if you can't market your talent and have some business savvy.

    All I can say, if this guy has AVERAGE writing skills he has the chops to be as good as anybody.

    Slash wasn't the best guitarist in the world in terms of speed or whatever. Maybe the riffs are simple.

    But that just goes a long way to prove my point. You don't NEED that shit to be good.....

    It's a spaghetti of many things!

    Maybe this guy can't WRITE his stuff. But believe it or not, in these days.

    I Didn't understand this sentence...


    Anyway, your partially correct in your idea of a good player. Being original and creative are probably the most important traits a guitarist can have. But barely any guitarist can market or sell their work nowadays unless they are a session musician, can read music and copy guitar parts perfectly.

  4. idk if any of you have seen his videos, but this guy sounds exactly like slash. he should be the lead guitarist of the new line up :tongue2:

    here's 2 perfect examples, the rest are all on youtube

    - nailed the intro

    - amazing

    Haven't listened to Estranged for such a long time! Thanks, just reminded me why I come here!

    On Topic : Liked his playing, he's a wee bit better than me ;)

    I could never get that fast bit in Sweet Child sussed.

    Me neither :)

  5. I just bought a Digitech Whammy pedal and I have been fooling around with it all night. Damn, this thing is fun! It's definitely one of the coolest pedals I've ever used. Naturally, Buckethead and Bumblefoot's use of it is what got me to try it out, but now I'm glad I did! The drop tune option is great and convenient, and the sounds you can acheive with it certainly add some creativity to lead playing with all the harmonies and octave jumping.

    Anyone else have one of these? How have you put it to use?

    The two-octave jump is probably my favorite part of it so far. I've been working with some of my band's tunes to try incorporating it, and of course I've been attempting the Chinese Democracy solo (I'm almost there, perhaps I'll record a cover of it). I also managed to make my own cool Shackler's solo with it. Gotta love those Rock Band tracks!


    I always wanted to try one of those pedals, does it have harmonizing settings as well?

  6. Great videos!! :thumbsup: Thanks for posting everyone! I just saw them!

    I can't explain how happy I am. This band is great! Axl sounds PERFECTLY GOOD! :thumbsup: All of them sound great and perform very good.

    And I'm loving Ashba more and more show after show! He's AWESOME!! I loved him the first time I saw him playing. He's great, but now, it's like "OMG! I don't want him to leave this band ever!! I'm in lub!! :wub:

    Me too! Never been more psyched for this band, loving their sound, and man to these player compliment each other!


    That is, without a doubt, the greatest nightrain i have ever heard in my life. it literally puts the old band to shame,


    Sorry if this hurts your feelings but the new lineups play Nightrain better than the old band did, and Axl sounds better singing it than he did back in the day

    This is true

  8. has anyone watched raulx10's version of Patience??? :rofl-lol: CHRISTMAS NO 1 !!! :rofl-lol:


    the world weary feeling in his voice, nice

    "DJ ASH BAA"

    I can't stop grinning!


    by Raulx10

    "Shit a tear cause Im miss in you, Im still alright to smile.

    Gur a think about u Every day Nauuuuooogh......

    was a time when I was'nt sure" but u..set mah mind at eae

    There is no doubt your en my heartt NAUOGGHHH WOAh

  9. Sounds like your typical reunionist hater garbage from that board.

    Also the above pictures don't support the "Half the crowd left before the show started" statement.

    He said they left half way through the show, Not before the show. They left in order to catch the train since it stops passing at 11.00 PM.

    I can't imagine in a huge city like that, the trains stop running at 11pm. What are the people who go out at night supposed to do? That story sounds totally made up.

    Subway/Tube stops at midnight in London and Paris, I imagine even NYC is the same.


    giggle giggle!!

  10. This would be an album I would be more apt to listen to is slash made a similar intrumental aproach.

    I think we still have yet to hear Slash's best material until he branches out, and goes into areas of music he isn't entirely comfortable with.

    What do you guys think?

  11. http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=129987

    Joe Perry is bitter. He want's to rock the boat until Steven quits, I have not read any article online that Steven intends to quit the band, the only thing he remotly said was he wants to do somthing with his own brand.

    Im sure Joe just wants him out for whatever reason.

    Read a little between the lines,

    Joe refuses to even say Steven's name, he just refers to him as "the other singer".

    In the end nobody wins, Joe perry's solo album is bland, and nothing Steven is going to dish out will be any different.

    Rock history repeats itself I suppose.

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