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Status Updates posted by bacardimayne

  1. i'm pretty sure chile lost the world cup bro

  2. what the fuck did you get banned for?

  3. lol

    hows your studlyness going

    i'll shit on your head

  4. How are HG and SS? Worth the purchase of a DS? If so, would Platinum and/or Diamond/Pearl be worth buying too?

  5. not even the legendaries look cool this time around

    theyre just uninspired black and white dragon things

    the 3d walking-in-circle city shit also looks really bad

  6. black and white look pretty fucking shit though

  7. jk

    i love pokemon

    if i ever bought a DS it would be the sole reason

  8. where'd you go?

  9. I only picked it up because I thought it was hilarious how Nintari worded his rant, but I see your point. Shit could take off.

  10. so do i


    youre probably not even a stud


  11. 15ppd makes me a stud

    u mad?

  12. at least serj tankian isn't retired

  13. The production was bad. They made everything too loud and distorted. It wasn't as bad as Death Magnetic but it was pretty bad.

    Agreed about One More Time.

    He grew on me after listening to the album. I'm also guessing he won't butcher the BS/old Ozzy stuff like Zakk did live.

  14. Also, I've decided I support Gus G over Zakk.

  15. The bonus tracks weren't too bad. I can see why they were left off though.

    The album was pretty good. I'd give it about... 7/10

    The production was pretty bad.

    Hope that was in-depth enough.

  16. rancid punks says he got it on metal sludge

    ask him

  17. it's pretty good so far (better than black rain)

    i'm only up to track 5 and so far they've all been great songs

    i'll listen to the bonus after i'm done with the album

  18. my album art folder

    it's all good

  19. yeah the wiki one's good

    usually they're like 200x200 so i didn't check


  20. i could've sworn i saw you post a pretty big one in a thread

    as long as it's bigger than like 300x300 it's good

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