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Status Updates posted by RocketQueen1985

  1. I like Jerry, but I relate to Layne and Layne's lyrics. The new singer is a good singer, but I love Layne more and always will.

  2. Thank you. I've always loved Jackass and Dunn was my favorite and it's very sad he had to go in such a way. I will miss him. He made me laugh a lot.

  3. 5 stars for your AIC post in the "what are you listening to" thread

  4. ?! I pay more for ONE beer! I'll be on the next flight over!

  5. That would be really cool! I've always wanted to go to England. You got cheap beers right?

  6. We should totally party together one day dude. Just totally glam out and just party until the cops show up and when they show up we should go all Axl on them!

  7. I got beers so I don't complain ;)


  8. Helloooooooooooo how low how low!

  9. Thank you, but I doubt I will...

  10. Yeah, people always think I'm a lot younger than I really am. I wonder if that's good or bad?

    People don't find Reid attractive cause he's different. I love his intelligence and innocence.

  11. I don't dance at home, I just blackout here!

  12. Sweatervests always makes me think of Chandler from Friends, lol. Drunk dancing is great!

  13. I live with chavs like you call it in England. They play their loud and lame techno 24/7, their dogs shit in the hallway, they slam doors, shout at each other etc. I'm getting too old for that shit, haha. Why are your roomates boring?

  14. Yeah, Copenhagen is good too, but you gotta be rich in order to afford living there. I live in kind of a dorm right now and it's getting on my nerves cause of all the noise people make constantly. I'm normally not fuzzy, but some days I just need it to be quiet, you know.

  15. I already have my own place, but I want a bigger place, this is just a one bedroom apartment. Just gonna stay in the same city, might as well since the entire country of Denmark is equally boring, lol.

  16. Awesome! I'm not really doing anything at all, cause I wanna save up so I can move.

  17. Sounds cool. Where are you gonna go?

  18. Yeah, havn't been much on lately. Been watching tons of documentaries (the thread on here inspired me) and Criminal Minds instead. What have you been up to?

  19. Thanks :) Why are you never online the same time as me?

  20. Thank you :) and you're absolutely right. I doubt I'll be posting any pictures in the future though.

  21. I'm guessing you're refering to what that mmsomethingwithnumbers person wrote in my comments and in the general thread, so thank you :) 5starred you too ;)

  22. Well Nikki sometimes replies to me on Twitter (DJ has once too!) so who knows? I'll definetly try ;)

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