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Posts posted by RocketQueen1985

  1. What his ex-bandmates say in interviews probably pales to things they've said to Axl in person while they were still together. I don't think he'd care much what Steven or Matt said on some website.

    In the TMS interview he said he took things very personally and then he had to work on getting over it and that it sometimes took a long time to do that, so I do think he cares to some degree what they say.

    Damn straight,in addition to the meidia's dirty-laundry parade,now there is the glorious internet where anonymous fuckwits can post very hurtful things while they are behind an internet screen.

    If you had to live with all the negative propaganda,speculation,and flat-out lies about you,I can only imagine the toll it takes on a sensitive individual.

    Whoever said "sticks and stones" rhyme was dead wrong,words can wound as well.

    yep. Obviously I dont know how much Axl is hurt by things said about him but the fact that he has become so private as he has says a lot to me. He used to be everywhere, on magazine covers, tv, doing interviews, public events etc and now you pretty much only see him on stage or on some youtube video recorded by fans of him in a hotel lobby or an airport. I dont blame him though, seems like he just wants to avoid attention when he can and not give them anything to write about cause it will just be negative anyways, just like this hall of fame thing has turned into a bitch fest about how much Axl sucks and is to blame for everything. This should be something for him to be happy about but all it does is bring him more shit from the media, public and former band mates...

    He values his privacy,people,fans and stalkerazzi shouldn't be so damn aggressive.

    Remember a certain set of lyrics that go "if there's not enough of me to go around, Id rather be left alone"?

    Whether you buy Albums,merchandise or concert tickets it simply does not entitle you,or anyone access to his private life. I'm not trying to come off like an asshole,but that is the truth.

    i know. I am a Michael Jackson fan so I saw how that man was constantly stalked by papz and completely destroyed by the press and public, it got to the point where he left the US for years just to avoid the press. Axl is obviously not on the same level as MJ but there are certain things that happen to Axl that reminds me of what was done to MJ. People treat them like complete shit to sell stories and to have something to gossip about and then they get mad cause they over the years withdraw more and more from the public eye. What do they expect? Who wouldnt withdraw from such negativity towards oneself? I cant imagine how hard it must be to live with such constant hate towards your person.

  2. What his ex-bandmates say in interviews probably pales to things they've said to Axl in person while they were still together. I don't think he'd care much what Steven or Matt said on some website.

    In the TMS interview he said he took things very personally and then he had to work on getting over it and that it sometimes took a long time to do that, so I do think he cares to some degree what they say.

    Damn straight,in addition to the media's dirty-laundry parade,now there is the glorious internet where anonymous fuckwits can post very hurtful things while they are behind an internet screen.

    If you had to live with all the negative propaganda,speculation,and flat-out lies about you,I can only imagine the toll it takes on a sensitive individual.

    Whoever said "sticks and stones" rhyme was dead wrong,words can wound as well.

    yep. Obviously I dont know how much Axl is hurt by things said about him but the fact that he has become so private as he has says a lot to me. He used to be everywhere, on magazine covers, tv, doing interviews, public events etc and now you pretty much only see him on stage or on some youtube video recorded by fans of him in a hotel lobby or an airport. I dont blame him though, seems like he just wants to avoid attention when he can and not give them anything to write about cause it will just be negative anyways, just like this hall of fame thing has turned into a bitch fest about how much Axl sucks and is to blame for everything. This should be something for him to be happy about but all it does is bring him more shit from the media, public and former band mates...

  3. What his ex-bandmates say in interviews probably pales to things they've said to Axl in person while they were still together. I don't think he'd care much what Steven or Matt said on some website.

    In the TMS interview he said he took things very personally and then he had to work on getting over it and that it sometimes took a long time to do that, so I do think he cares to some degree what they say.

  4. Somehow, it seems that anything that Sorum or Adler says, can only gives Axl less cause to be on good terms with them.

    Adler taking sides and talking about Axl being the one holding the grudges and Slash being all sweet and fine, is an example.

    I also remember something from a few years ago when Matt and Axl met and supposedly made up.

    There was a short video interview that came out after that where Matt was asked about Axl and he says something very casually along the lines of 'how he'd been doing good work and releasing albums since they parted ways but that he didn't really know if Axl had done any shit in comparison'. It was said casually but in a very unflattering, dismissive way.

    Now, anything that Sorum or Adler say about reunions, possible tours or a HOF show will probably just piss Axl off some more and erase any chance that he'd attend an induction.

    I agree. The stuff Steven said just ruined the chance (if there ever was one) for Axl going to rrhof. What did he expect? That when he says these things Axl's just gonna be totally enthusiastic about a reunion and a world tour? :unsure:

    I've always just kinda shrugged of what Steven says cause he seems so harmless but what he said about rrhof and Axl really annoyed me, while reading I just sat there thinking "shut up! You're completely fucking up every chance of Axl going now!"

    Matt seems to compliment Axl when he "needs" him....when VR was at their high point he talked ill of Axl but when Scott was kicked out he trash talked Scott saying how much better Axl was and that he at least could sell out stadiums, to me it sounded like he was sucking up to Axl cause VR was over and so it couldn't hurt getting on Axl's good side

    Fatt Scrotum needs to shut his mouth.

    I never liked his playing, never like his face, and surely never liked his loud mouth!

    +1 His laugh even :fuckyou:

  5. The soundtrack for Kurt Cobain:About A Son I've really been playing a lot the last 6 months, so many great songs on it from great artists stretching from Iggy Pop to Leadbelly. It's a really cool album and it shows Kurt's broad taste in music which is cool as a fan to see.

    Michael Jackson's Dangerous album is an album I always come back to, that album changed my life (I discovered GNR cause of it actually cause Slash plays on it) I havn't listened to it much since he died though, it's not the same now :(

    Mad Season - Above = perfection. Got the album about a year ago and I still listen to to pretty often, especially in my more down-periods, it's like therapy :lol: Layne = best therapist ever

    Chinese Democracy I played constantly earlier this year (from march to june or something like that) Was going through a shit time and just related to a lot of the lyrics on it and since I've really started loving it and I still play the shit out of Better, Street of Dreams, Sorry & This I Love....plus the songs reminds me of the concert which just makes them even better. I've always liked CD, I never understood the hate it got but it wasn't until march this year I really fell in love with it, I play it a lot when I'm in a place where I wanna hear rock but not the likes of AFD but more "deep" stuff which CD has.

    Courtney Love's "America's Sweetheart" This is very hated and Courtney herself hates it but it was the song "Mono" that got me into Courtney & Hole so because of that it's special to me and it doesn't suck like people say! It's a complete mess yeah but that's Courtney! She's all over the place and so is this album, songs like "All The Drugs" are amazing and has great lyrics

    These days I'm really into UYI 2, rediscovering it and falling in love with it all over again :wub: I love UYI 1 too but UYI 2 is more special to me for some reason (probably cause of Estranged & You Could Be Mine) but yeah, I'm really stuck on this these days!

  6. Alice In Chains - Jar Of Flies: it's just such an amazing album to me. Beautiful, sad, raw, great lyrics but I also love the instrumental Whale & Wasp, it's just a brilliant album

    Hole - Live Through This: One of the most important albums to me, it was like my therapy when I was younger

    Stone Temple Pilots - Purple: Also a very important album to me, I love pretty much every single song on it and it rarely happens to me that I love an entire album

  7. Could "this is your victory" be meant as "I don't care that much"?

    I kinda understood it as him saying if it weren't for the fans and them voting and supporting GNR they wouldn't be inducted so as the fans made it happen it's their victory. But of course only Axl knows what he meant

  8. As cool (And interesting) as the Axl pics are, I always think it's kind of weird when singers have signature picks. Dio tossed out signature picks on the '09 Heaven And Hell tour...I got one and I'm really glad I did, but I just don't see the point of it. Even worse, I caught one from Chuck Billy of Testament at one of the Anthrax gigs I saw last month...the fact that he tosses picks just makes his whole air guitar thing even more ridiculous :lol:

    I got a full set this year from DJ, Bumble and Richard, that was perfect for me! B)

    Yeah I was kinda "what?" when I saw the Axl pick but then again the guitar and bass players have picks and the drummer has drum sticks which they can give out, what's Axl supposed to do? Throw piano's into the crowd? So in that regard I can see why he'd have picks with his name on them so fans can have something from him as well. Had no idea they existed with his name though!

    I got DJ's pick last year, at first he tried to throw a pick to me (I was wearing a Ashbaland t-shirt which he saw so he wanted me to have a pick) but I can't catch anything even if my life depended on it, he even threw several picks before giving up and I felt like such an idiot not being able to catch them. Then he gave a pick to a GNR security guy who walked over to me and put it in my hand and closed my hand around it and he showed DJ my closed fist as to tell him that I'd gotten it and DJ laughed. I was pretty embaressed at the time but now it's just funny. sorry for taking over the thread with my inability to catch things :ph34r:

  9. People are idiots. If they have such little knowledge of a band why even bother spending money on a ticket to go to their concert? Yeah sure, of course they can go and it's cool people go see GNR but I'd never use that amount of money on a ticket to see a band I was that clueless about. I mean Mr. Brownstone is the only song they knew?

    And Kid Rock wishes Axl was wanting to look like him - it's the other way around. Maybe the guy should go see Kid Rock next time, maybe he'll know more than just one of his songs :lol:

  10. "Life sucks, but in a beautiful kind of way"

    "Truth is the truth hurts, don't you agree?"

    "Thanks to the lame ass security I'm going home" - I'll just replace the word "security" with whatever it is that makes me wanna go home. It's kinda become a joke between me and my friend since I've said it so often, just today it was "thanks to the lame ass internet connection I'm logging of!" It's lame but it's so lame it becomes funny to us.

  11. Rocketqueen, that seventh pic you posted, with the full band where Axl only has the bandanna on. Even though it's not the clearest, it is probably the best picture of him this whole tour. He looks almost just like his old self, I really think the hat and glasses combo makes him look older.

    Yes I agree. He wore hat and glasses last year too but during the show he'd take them off where he now seems to be keeping them on the entire show. Maybe he covers his face up cause of all the negative talk there's been about his look since RIR

  12. Wow, looks like I missed one hell of a party! Civil War?! :shock: Well you lucky bastards with your Don't Cry, Estranged and now Civil War too! I don't wanna hear more complaining about setlists anymore!

    Here's some pictures I found from the show on Tumblr, sorry if they've been posted










  13. Alice In Chains - Rotten Apple

    I've been on a Layne kick recently actually. Have you heard his side project Mad Season with the guitarist from Pearl Jam? If not, I seriously recommend their album Above. It's a lot more laid back and has longer songs than most grunge bands though. Sort of like Jar of Flies, I guess but with some plenty of electric guitars. If you want to check out a few songs on youtube from them search "mad season I'm Above" or "mad season Long Gone Day" (this one features Mark Lanegan on vocals with Layne.)

    Above is in my top five grunge era releases ever. It's beautiful but it takes a little while to get into for some due to repetition and song length. Put on the album at night as you're lighting a joint and by the end of the first song Wake Up you realize just how great Staley was and the musicians involved in the whole scene. Long Gone Day in particular is very different from everything else going on in the scene with trumpets and a jazz influence. I can't say enough about that song. There is some Alice in Chains style creepy heavy songs on it too like Lifeless Dead and I Don't Know Anything.

    I own the album :) It's a masterpiece, I listen to if often when I need some quiet and relaxing music. Both lyrics and melodies are beauiful.

    Alice In Chains - Down In A Hole

  14. I deactivated my Facebook back in august I think it was. I don't miss it at all! I see why it's practical to have one, it's easy to keep contact with people you don't see often etc but it just got to a point where I was getting frustrated with it. Everyone is on there and some people you just have to accept as friends to avoid the "why haven't you accepted me as a friend on FB?" drama. I also felt like I often had to censor myself in status updates to avoid someone taking offense to something I might say, also I felt like everyone could just have a look around in my personal life (yes I know about privacy settings but still) so I just deactivated it. My real friends I never talked to on FB anyways so...."But how are you gonna get invited to parties now?!" Erhm, the same way I was invited before FB existed? :rolleyes:

    anyways cassette tape hiss, glad you're enjoying yourself on here :thumbsup: It really is extremely positive on here these days :)

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