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Posts posted by RocketQueen1985

  1. Yeah I think Axl's work and the monumental impact that his past still has on people today is all he needs, he's still out there kicking ass and hopefully has a lot more music to give to us, he knows the people that matter to him will always stick by him regardless and he holds a lot of respect despite the idiotic standpoint the media take, Courtney is just not helping herself by meandering on and on whilst seemingly getting further and further away from any form of being taken seriously, she is currently well known for being insane rather than releasing anything of late being useful or interesting to anyone and even losing loyal fans like yourself, she just needs to wake up and smell the coffee!

    I know that to most people Axl is just a joke today but Axl is a legendary rock n roll frontman - that can never be taken away from him no matter how much he is ridiculed or hated, he has talent and even the biggest hater can't deny this as it is obvious. Axl got succes, fame and attention cause of his talent, the drama, gnr fighting etc came later on when he had already established himself as a succesful frontman of one of the greatest rock n roll bands ever.

    Courtney was well on her way to get reckognized as a talented frontwoman of Hole but marrying Kurt made her "Kurt Cobain's wife" which was really unfair as she was just as talented as Kurt but she did continue having success with Hole after Kurt's death, "Celebrity Skin" was a great album and she had respect still and people were loving her/Hole at the time. She ruined it by going the Hollywood way, wanting to be an actress, dressing in expensive designer clothes and attending fashion shows. All things she had always been against in the early 90's she was now getting into at the expense of her music - she went against her own words and many people thought of her as selling out and being fake. So when she starts pointing fingers at Dave Grohl, Axl, Fred Durst or whoever she's being a complete idiot cause, like them or not, Dave, Axl, Fred etc are still making music and touring, they are doing what they've always done, they haven't (to my knowledge) gone against their own words and abondoned rock for the Hollywood glamour scene they used to speak so ill of.

    "I made my bed, I'll die in it" - looks like that's unfortunately gonna be true for Courtney.

  2. She is kerazeee! She would probably have a bias already about Axl since her and Kurt didn't exactly get on with him. I think Kurt got the complete wrong impression of him, the more I think about it, if Kurt wasn't so goddamn stubborn he'd have found a lot to talk about with him, it kinda makes me sad sometimes :lol: I actually think the majority of Axl's rants border on extremely intelligent, most of the time the crowd didn't seem to get what he was on about, i'm talking more about his personal stuff than the IF YOU THINK MADONNA KICKED YOUR ASS... type ones, even though they were comedic gold! He seems very measured and controlled when he talks about something with a lot of emotion whereas Love here seems to just be talking shit for the sake of her own self control of anger inside her, it's just pointless really. She's like the COMPLETE opposite of Cobain, I know he loved her and found a lot of common ground but man if I had someone like this constantly blowing up and picking fights with no rational goal I'd have to run to the hills!

    Yeah, Axl liked Nirvana and Kurt, it was Kurt who started that feud.

    You're right about Axl's rants being intelligent and most of the time they really did have a valid point, I remember often going "Hmm, see I never thought about that" whenever I'd heard one of his rants. Back in the day Courtney's rants/speeches on stage were just as legendary and intelligent, she really was (maybe still is but you can't see it over her crazy) intelligent which just makes it more sad to see how she is today. She was the idol of so many girls (like myself) but she is no longer my idol, she was. Axl is still my idol despite everything that has happened cause he's still out there doing music and performing. He's the opposite of Courtney - he avoids media attention where she seeks it out, he doesn't tweet every single one of his negative thoughts about other people like Courtney does etc. As much as I sometimes miss hearing from Axl I'll take missing him over him being like Courtney, that's for sure.

    That's true with her lack of hate towards Krist, she just can't stand anyone who's somehow got the 'better' of her being liked more, but doing what she does with no real output of her own material or attempt at controlling her life will not get her anywhere.

    So true. Back in the 90's she had Hole's amazing music to back up her crazyness so people would let her uncalled for rants slide cause at least she was such an amazing artist but now she has no band or music to back her up - all she's got is her drug addict reputation, her crazy antics, a dead husband (which ofc is not her fault) and a daughter who wants nothing to do with her.

  3. She has no coherence to her rant at all, there's hypocritical statements all over the place :lol: She should maybe focus on some music of her own and sorting her life out rather than point fingers at Grohl, SHE could solve all the topics she is moaning about... I can understand how seeing Kurt's face at her in shows would be difficult, but again, it's a huge part of her life and they are most likely trying to compliment her as she said, it's something you pay the price of being Kurt Cobain's ex wife and all! I don't agree with what Grohl did buying a car on Nirvana's account or whatever but.. he WAS in nirvana and even if he didn't write the material he is entitled to some cash! He made that money so he can spend it on whatever he wants, he isn't intentionally thinking oh, how can I take away Kurt's relatives money so they can't afford a boiler!

    But it's Dave's money! He doesn't spend money which aren't his, he spends his share of the Nirvana money, money he has earned for his work with Nirvana. Krist has his Nirvana money too but she doesn't lash out at him cause 1) he doesn't have a succesful band now 2) because no one knows who Krist is because he is not succesful atm so mentioning him won't get her in the media.

    it really is that sad.

  4. She's clearly got a few screws loose and chips on her shoulder where she's channeling the crap in her own life into Dave's success, she may well have her reasons to hate him but blowing up in the media is not going to win her many fans. It doesn't detract from her music the same way that Axl's antics used to create this fake media impression of him, she won't get a fair ride from the media at all coming out swinging at one of the most popular and successful figures in music. Dave may not have written anything much in Nirvana but he was still the drummer and a damn good one in the band's massive rise. I think she's just gone apeshit at a stressful show and blown it out of proportion when it could have been settled in a much quieter and more productive manner. Again though, WHY DON'T YOU BUY YOUR LATE HUSBAND'S FAMILY SOME CHEAP HOUSES FFS she cannot whine about that when she even says herself in the SAME interview that she is fine for money!

    Axl may have his tantrums once in a while and do other not always thought through things like his rants but there's a huge difference: Axl's not delusional like Courtney so clearly is. Courtney believes every single lie she tells, there's no doubt about this. Just go look at her Twitter account - the woman has completely lost it :( It makes me so sad as a fan to see that I have unfollowed her. Axl also doesn't live of a dead spouse's money and then point the finger at the dead spouses old band member demanding even more money. Axl takes care of himself financially and he doesn't walk around talking to every low life paparazzi who wants to listen to him about how this and this relative of his is missing a front door and it's all this or that persons fault while wearing designer clothes who could've bought 100+ front doors. Axl has flaws, no doubt about it but compared to Courtney Love he seems pretty fucking flawless but this is another thread.

    oh yeah, Courtney tweeted me about Axl back in October since we're on the subject of Axl. Axl was trending cause he was playing RIR at that very moment and Courtney asked why was Axl trending so I replied to her and gave her a livestream link and she started going on to me about how CD totally fucking sucks, Axl's an asshole, that Slash and Duff should have the GNR name etc and all I could think of was just "Are you serious? You are the ONLY original member in Hole these days though the original members of Hole are against you using the Hole name but you own it so you do. CD sucks? Well, it sure did a lot better than "Nobody's Daughter", didn't it?" She hates Axl for doing what he does but she's doing the exact same thing plus she is jealous that Axl is more succesful than she is! Courtney and the current Hole line up would never play RIR so she lashed out at Axl like she did with Dave - cause she is jealous. Going to fashion shows and trashing everyone more succesful than yourself is not gonna get you succes - I wish someone would tell her that.

  5. Yeah then she started going on about how Kurt's mum hasn't had a warm bath in years or something :S I don't know what this woman is on most of the time but it doesn't exactly endear her to me or display what Cobain saw in her. Though if it's true that Grohl has just bought a car from his ''Nirvana Inc'' credit card and Kurt's relatives ARE struggling for cash (which would be bizarre) then I get her point of being pissed off since i'm sure Dave has MORE than enough cash from foo fighters alone.

    Then again, she's using Kurt's relatives as like a shield, why doesn't SHE buy Kurt's mum a front door lol?? She has enough cash herself.

    Your last sentence was spot on - why doesn't she make sure Kurt's family is taken care of? Kurt's family is not Dave's responsibility, they are grown people and to my knowledge Dave only ever met Kurt's sister and his aunt a few times, he has no connection with these people as Kurt didn't get along with most of his family that much.

    Also the whole front door thing...what crap! Of course the woman got a fucking front door! Just another of Courtney's crazy lies. Frances lived with Kurt's mom for the last 6 years so Courtney didn't make sure Frances got warm baths in 6 years? Well then that says more about Courtney than it does about Dave, doesn't it?

    Some years back Courtney sold 25% of the Nirvana catalogue for 50 million dollars - you get many front doors and warm baths for that! Where's these money today? Gone! Spent on stupid designer clothes, drugs, court dates, lawyers, money to whoever was Frances' legal guardians at the time etc. Courtney has proven time and time again that she sucks with her money - that is not Dave's fault. Kurt has been dead nearly 20 years, it's not fair blaming Dave 20 years later for Kurt's mom missing a front door on her house (which I seriously doubt the woman does!) Buy the woman a goddamn front door and shut up Courtney. Please!

  6. It's getting harder and harder being a Courtney fan these days...... I will in some way always love her for what she once was and what she once did as an artist but those days seems long gone unfortunately. She's more interested in being in the media and going to fashion shows than she is with making music and performing, just recently she cancelled her Soundwave performance cause of Fred Durst playing there! What about your fans who bought tickets to see you perform there, Courtney? well fuck them, huh?

    Last year she cancelled her entire European tour as well (I had tickets for her concert in Denmark) obviously she doesn't care to perform or do music any longer so why keep on faking it?! Just stop and say you're over it instead of screwing over your fans (the few fans you got left anyways)

    However I understand the Kurt issue; it must be difficult always being reminded of your husband who killed himself. I don't know if this was the case here in Brazil but people have before brought pictures/t-shirts of Kurt to Courtney's show only to yell at her that she had him killed so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt on that one as she may have thought that's what was going on here as well.

    But the whole Dave Grohl thing...shut up, Courtney! That video of her trying to justify her rant on him makes me cringe like I've never cringed over Courtney before and that says a lot! "Why does Dave get to have a Nirvana Inc credit card and I don't?" CAUSE DAVE WAS IN FUCKING NIRVANA!!!! "I however own Nirvana with my daughter and Dave is taking money of my daughters table" You mean the daughter who when she was 16 years old asked a judge to please give custody of her to anyone but you? Which the judge granted and gave to Kurt's mother instead of you (Frances is 19 now and is on her own) When your own daughter turns on you and even has a restraining order against you maybe you need to rethink your life just a bit.

    The real issue here is not Nirvana or money cause Courtney's sure gotten her fair share of Nirvana money, the issue is that Dave has been extremely succesful after Nirvana and still is to this day. Personally Foo Fighters is not something I listen to but as a Nirvana fan I have nothing against Dave or Foo Fighters cause why would I? He has every right to be succesful with Foo's and still get money from the work he did with Nirvana. Courtney is just jealous of Dave's succes, it's that simple and that sad.

    I've always defended her and given her the benefit of the doubt cause she obviously has mental problems (she clearly believes her own lies 100%) but I can't and really don't want to defend this kinda crap. If she ever decides to get help with her issues and goes on to make the music we know she is capeable of making then I'm right here rooting for her but until then...I mean, I'm still a fan at heart and I havn't "left" her cause I know she's so much better than this but I'm not gonna stand around waiting for this train wreck to happen cause it's just too sad to watch. I used to feel so much admiration for her and wanted to be just like her - now I hope I never turn out to be like her.

  7. I'd like just the black medium t-shirt :) how much do you want for that?

    Thanks for offering the clippings but I don't collect clippings anymore sorry, so I'll just buy the three magazines in the picture :) How much for the 3 magazines?

    Also, I just noticed that you on ebay only ship to the US, does the same apply in this thread? Cause I live in Europe. It's not a problem for me as I'm used to buying stuff from the US online and I have paypal but just wanted to make sure you know I don't live in the US and the things needs to be shipped to Europe (I live in Denmark) Is that cool with you?

  8. I tried to PM you but it said you can't recieve new messages, maybe your inbox is full?

    Here's what I wanted to ask in the PM:

    What size is the shirt? I'm a tall girl so I can handle a medium in guy size maybe even a large but an XL will be too big for me so that's why I'm asking.

    The tabs book I'm not interested in as I can't play any instrument, only very little guitar, but the three mags in the picture I'm very interested in.

    You say you have other magazines as well; do you have a list of them? I'd be interested in magazines with Axl mostly (got tons of Slash ones already which I'm thinking of selling myself anyways) like cover stories with him and interviews.

    Do you have other shirts as well? Do you have pictures of them?

  9. In 2006 people hated the look he had then though, at least many did and he constantly got shit cause of the braids. He looked amazing in 2006, he looked like when he was young with the exception of the braids. He looked real good in the tms interview, when he smiled it took me right back to his early interviews, people make it worse than it is really. Yes hes changed but he will be fifty soon! Also looking at the tms interview he does not need to lose weight (eddie trunk does) he really looked good there, its the concert pix that he doesnt seem to look his best on, probably a mix of his jackets which makes him look real big at times and because hes performing, pulling faces cause he is singing etc. He doesnt come across as good in pictures there days but on footage he does so much better. Even my friend said that if he would just lose the moustache he would look really good and she is not a gnr fan so she has no bias. When he had the braids she couldnt look past them, she said they ruined his look completely but on tms she thought he looked great except for the stache. I guess my point is just that someone will always be unhappy with his looks but I think people are too hard on his looks, hes not a fashion model after all. Plenty of rock stars are not good looking, some never even were! But we still listen to them cause they are good at what they do, not cause of their looks so give Axl a break. The man is on top of his game right now and people focus more on his looks than on his performance which I think is pretty sad.

  10. "That was 20 years ago and he is still doing it..." True but aren't the others as well? Not saying it makes it right or anything, just saying they're all doing it (except for Duff these days) the blame game and finger pointing is nothing new in GNR world.

    by "he is still doing it" I meant starting the shows at ridiculously late start times. But he blames it on Slash and others for shit that happened 20 years ago.

    Oh I see, I misunderstood you there, my bad.

    He said "it all goes back to 1991 when we were super late getting on stage" and I just took that as him telling how it started but yeah that was then and has nothing to do with why he goes on late to this day still.

  11. I must admit I assumed they were sorta involved after seeing the pic of her in Axl's hotel room and the picture of her backstage at the GNR concert in Mexico which Fernando posted on Twitter and cause she was with the band last year too. Oh well.

    Where are these pics?

    The backstage one was posted by Fernando on Twitter, can't remember where I saw the other one.

  12. Yeah MTV vj apparently

    Fans have actually been harassing her? :thumbsdown:

    I must admit I assumed they were sorta involved after seeing the pic of her in Axl's hotel room and the picture of her backstage at the GNR concert in Mexico which Fernando posted on Twitter and cause she was with the band last year too. Oh well.

  13. Exactly. I hope it also made people realize that he's not as bitter and pissed about the old line up as he's sometimes thought of as being, he seemed pretty cool and relaxed about it which was great to see.

    You don't think? It seems more to me like he was trying to put on a good face. When they asked him about the late start times he twisted it around and started blaming the old band and started whining that they didn't care about him That was pretty ridiculous since that was 20 years ago and he is still doing it..

    Nothing do do with the old band but his point about preparing for a big show is like preparing for a big sporting event was dumb too.. If the kick off for the superbowl is at 7pm it is at 7pm. They don't postpone it until all the players are ready lol.

    "That was 20 years ago and he is still doing it..." True but aren't the others as well? Not saying it makes it right or anything, just saying they're all doing it (except for Duff these days) the blame game and finger pointing is nothing new in GNR world.

    Maybe Axl truly felt they didn't care about him? It may not have been the case but it may have been Axl's perception of things. And if management really said it would be on Axl if Slash OD'ed on heroin I can understand him being upset about that as that could never be his fault.

    But yeah he didn't really give a valid response to the late starts question no but did you really expect him to? He's always dodged that question.

  14. I've got a serious dislike for the holier-than-thou attitude that some grunge fans have as well. But I guess it's not surprising-- people like Kurt Cobain were very vocal in their hate for all things Axl Rose, GnR and what they stood for (in his opinion). I read a whole interview with him once where he basically did nothing but bash and make fun of Axl.

    In general, I'd have to agree with the impression that there are way more GnR fans who like grunge than the other way round.

    Back on topic, I love Alice In Chains and I would love to hear Axl sing some of their songs. It's a nice thing to imagine :)

    I agree with the Kurt thing, many Nirvana/Kurt fans still hate Axl over something that happened back in the 90's...move on! :rolleyes: Kurt hated a lot of people but obviously he hated himself most of all since it ended the way it did, not trashing Kurt, I love Nirvana as a teenager (still do but rarely listen to them anymore) but Kurt also hated Eddie Vedder for a while until Courtney and Dave Grohl kinda forced them together in 92 and they were friends after that.

    Sorry to go off topic!

  15. Pointless trivia: Layne Staley named the original Alice (pre-Cantrell) Alice N' Chains as a salute to Guns.

    Layne was also a huge Kiss fan, he said he dressed up as Paul Stanley for Halloween three years in a row :lol:

  16. That's true yeah, you're right about that.

    The other forums I've been on such as Michael Jackson, Courtney Love and Stone Temple Pilots forums people have just in general been even more open and acceptive of various styles of music than I've experienced on GNR forums, not saying though that GNR fans are real bad with being close minded cause they're not, in my experience there's just been other fan bases even more open to other music than the GNR fan base :)

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