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Posts posted by RocketQueen1985

  1. I really, really like Ron but his part on the show did nothing good imo. I wish they'd interviewed DJ instead really.

    DJ could've interrupted and blabbered on but he didn't, probably cause he knew that this was Axl's interview and it was Axl people wanted to hear from so I think that was cool of DJ cause there's nothing worse than people interrupting just to hear their own voice or cause they feel left out.

    I liked Axl's little joke at the end though about DJ talking over him :lol:

  2. It's interesting....it seems like the majority of people, at least in my experience, who are primarily GNR fans also like AIC a lot, but people who are primarily AIC fans are always talking shit about Axl/GNR... :shrugs:

    I find in my experience GN'R fans are more open to different types of music than a lot of other fanbases, so that could have something to do with it.

    I have the completely opposite experience. Actually in my experience GNR fans are some of the more close minded fan bases when it comes to other types of music but I guess it all depends on what other fanbases one have "experienced".

  3. It wasn't that bad of an interview, we did learn something like his attitude about HOF for instance. People have been speculating about HOF since they were announced as nominees and Axl let us know that he's not totally against it like many people thought he would be so there = new info.

    That part of the interview made me really happy actually. To be honest, I was already picturing one of these epically embarrassing HOF fame inductions (like the Blondie one, or the Van Halen induction), but I feel a little more optimistic now.

    Exactly. I hope it also made people realize that he's not as bitter and pissed about the old line up as he's sometimes thought of as being, he seemed pretty cool and relaxed about it which was great to see.

    I'd love it if they could go there and show the world that they have grown and have moved on from all the drama, that would be awesome.

  4. To be fair, Slash's taste in music is pretty consistent, whereas Axl listens to some random shit.

    But Axl does make me listen to other music. Whenever he's inspired by an artist, I check them out.

    Yep Slash's taste in music is consistent and that's cool for him, like I said each to his own. Personally I get bored to death with the same type of music for a long period of time so I tend to be more like Axl and listen to lots of different music instead, I need something new to relate to/be inspired by and maybe Axl's the same way and he wants to grow as an artist probably.

  5. It wasn't that bad of an interview, we did learn something like his attitude about HOF for instance. People have been speculating about HOF since they were announced as nominees and Axl let us know that he's not totally against it like many people thought he would be so there = new info.

  6. Slash said in his book that he was annoyed that Axl was getting into "shit like Pearl Jam" or something to that effect,

    How anyone can think Pearl Jam (or grunge as a genre is shit) is beyond me but each to his own.

    Eddie is a huge supporter of The West Memphis Three and helped create awareness about them and I know Axl's a supporter too and he's worn the Free The West Memphis Three t-shirt at several occassions so I've always wondered if he and Eddie may have crossed paths because of that but we just don't know about it.

    If I remember correctly Axl also loves Soundgarden :)

  7. Definitely photoshopped, but it's cute :lol:

    Speaking of Duff, I was kind of surprised to hear Axl say that he wasn't convinced that the whole meeting was really just a strange coincidence. Wonder what was about? Does he think Duff somehow set it up or something?

    I don't get why I never noticed it was photoshopped until now, I guess I just saw what I wanted to see! :lol:

    Sounds like it, but he went along with it telling Duff he could come and play at the show if he wanted to so I guess it didn't bother him if it was set up. Or maybe it really was a coincidence but Axl found it to be too much of a coincidence to actually be a coincidence if you get what I mean but either way it's because of that Duff is opening for GNR so coincidence or not = win!

    I read Duff's account of the whole story in his book and it sounded very genuine and I believe him. Axl's a little over-suspicious here, imo :lol:

    But yeah, either way it's win and maybe we're gonna get some more real pictures of Axl and Duff together out of this whole thing :heart:

    I'm over-suspicious myself a lot of the time so I can relate to that :lol:

    It'd be weird if there isn't taken a few pix of them together when Duff is on tour with them, I sure hope there will be some!

    Definitely photoshopped, but it's cute :lol:

    Speaking of Duff, I was kind of surprised to hear Axl say that he wasn't convinced that the whole meeting was really just a strange coincidence. Wonder what was about? Does he think Duff somehow set it up or something?

    I thought he meant more like "fate brought us together" or something like that. In Duff's book he also said something along the lines of that he couldn't belive it was just a coincidence that out of all of the hotels they could have stayed at they ended up literally right next to each other

    Oohhh...That could be how he meant that yeah, didn't think of that as I havn't gotten Duff's book yet unfortunately.

    Haha :wub:


  8. Definitely photoshopped, but it's cute :lol:

    Speaking of Duff, I was kind of surprised to hear Axl say that he wasn't convinced that the whole meeting was really just a strange coincidence. Wonder what was about? Does he think Duff somehow set it up or something?

    I don't get why I never noticed it was photoshopped until now, I guess I just saw what I wanted to see! :lol:

    Sounds like it, but he went along with it telling Duff he could come and play at the show if he wanted to so I guess it didn't bother him if it was set up. Or maybe it really was a coincidence but Axl found it to be too much of a coincidence to actually be a coincidence if you get what I mean but either way it's because of that Duff is opening for GNR so coincidence or not = win!

  9. Since the Chinese era began, Axl has met and spoken to Duff (London), Izzy (multiple times), Matt (NYC), Gilby (Los Angeles), and Steven (Las Vegas, I think).

    Correct me if I'm wrong but was Duff's appearance in London the first time the guys had spoken to each other since Duff left the band?

    Axl and Izzy reconnected before the Hammerstein shows in 2006?

    Axl played with Gilby in 2000.

    Steven was at one of the band's warm up shows before their American tour in 2006?

    Matt gave him a ride home?

    I've seen a picture of Axl and Duff from 2006 so they've definetly spoken before London 2010, I'll try and find the picture if you wanna see.

    Interesting :blink: I for one would like to see it, because I've never seen or even heard of such a picture existing and I'm usually quite on top of things when it comes to pictures.

    argh it's photoshop, sorry man. Only saw a smaller version before and it looked real. My bad :(


  10. Since the Chinese era began, Axl has met and spoken to Duff (London), Izzy (multiple times), Matt (NYC), Gilby (Los Angeles), and Steven (Las Vegas, I think).

    Correct me if I'm wrong but was Duff's appearance in London the first time the guys had spoken to each other since Duff left the band?

    Axl and Izzy reconnected before the Hammerstein shows in 2006?

    Axl played with Gilby in 2000.

    Steven was at one of the band's warm up shows before their American tour in 2006?

    Matt gave him a ride home?

    I've seen a picture of Axl and Duff from 2006 so they've definetly spoken before London 2010, I'll try and find the picture if you wanna see.

  11. I love alice in chains! They are probably my fave band right after gnr. They are still great despite Layne being gone and this comes from i huge Layne fan! Id love to see Axl work with them at some point. Has he ever shared his opinion on them? I know he loves soundgarden but what about aic?

  12. Axl on Stardom:

    ok thats all I got, thanks for posting the VH1 links, sorry for the quality of rips but well, soon enough we will have the real deal :)

    You can see that he is still the same guy, he wants his private things to stay private.

    Totally. Avoiding answering the question and making a joke instead. I really respect him for wanting his private life to stay private though.

  13. Wow. Now you know why Axl doesn't do more interviews. People will nitpick everything he says to death. And apparently try and analyze hand movements to accuse him if lying.

    Obviously some people sit around and dream up ways to try and antagonise fans of this forum. About once a week some new weird complainer will surface.

    +1. I've been saying this ever since I joined this forum - the man cannot win!

    Also, Axl's always "talked" with his hands a lot so unless you wanna claim he's always lying then the hand movement thing's pretty lame "proof" of Axl lying

    Here's an example of the hand "talking"

  14. On the "late starts" segment, something came to mind about people lying, and the symptoms:

    Unusual Body Language: Body movements and facial expressions are the best indicators of catching a lie. When a person is telling a lie his body language will slightly start changing. The person's body would soon get stiff because of the nervousness and his body movements will talk about his discomfort. There will be a change in his breathing pattern. Usually the breathing gets deeper and can get audible at times. There will be unusual and untimely postural shifts in his body. His actions will start looking defensive, with his shoulders pulled up and elbows more into sides.

    Hand Movements: A person who is lying will have two types of hand movements. The first type is defensive in which palms are closed and fingers are tight. The second type is fidgety in which a person will fidget a lot with his hands while talking. He will be restless and will make too many hand movements that could be easily noticed.

    Unusual Pauses: The speech of a liar will be full of unusual pauses. This happens because while a person is telling a lie he has to think of a story which he fakes as an answer to any given question. Thinking about a picture and making up a story takes time. Even an ace liar will take at least a few seconds to think of a story and tell a lie. So, watch out for unusual breaks in a liar's speech.

    Slight Delay in Replying/Answering: The reason behind the slight delay in replying is same as that of unusual pauses. It also happens because a liar's sensory pattern slows down while telling a lie. On being asked a question about minute details, the person will tend to get defensive at first to avoid a delay in replying. He would then, take a little pause and continue telling a lie. One should be able to read between the lines, besides just observing the body language.

    Now, the thing that I noticed the most was his hand movements whilst explaining everything. He also wasn't being direct about the reason why he starts late, he kind of talks around the situation and remains vague. If the whole interview is aired, and it is prooven that he only does this in specific parts in the interview such as this, I'm afraid he's lying (making up stuff).

    How could he be lying? His nose didn't grow.

  15. Cool, I DVR this show every week and had no idea Axl was going to be a guest on it.

    I wonder where the interview was, doesn't look like the regular That Metal Show set.

    Usually as a rule they have only 2 sometimes 3 guests per show so that's why the whole band is not there.

    Maybe Bumblefoot will be the guest guitarist that plays right before they go to commercial?

    Be real funny if they got Slash to do it, but that would never happen.

    It's backstage at the Miami gig I believe.

    If you're gonna record the show could you upload it for us outside the US so we can watch it as well? Pleaaaassseeeeeeeee :heart:

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