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Posts posted by RocketQueen1985

  1. Thanks for this :)

    So great seeing him joking and just being happy :heart: cannot wait to see the entire show!

    Very cool clip. I really wish Axl would do more stuff like this. He has such a likable and fun personality so it would really help his public image. I can't tell you how many people I know who bought tickets for KISS, for example, just because they liked Gene from watching his show. It'd be the same thing here - if Axl did a bunch of talk shows with a relaxed atmosphere like this, then people would see he's just a fun guy and might go to one of the shows just based on the fact that they like him or think he's funny. Can't wait to see the whole thing!

    I get what you mean but unlike Gene Simmons Axl likes his privacy and it seems to me he only does interviews when he actually has something to say and not just to be on TV and get media attention (I'm not hating on Gene btw, I like Kiss and I've seen them live even) But if this interview gets Axl positive feedback then maybe he'd be more open to doing more interviews in the future :)

  2. 313114_10150357368487475_208130482474_8390421_1194745974_n.jpg

    This is very cool.

    Not really fond of DJ as a guitarist but damn, he is a very cool person and an awesome performer.

    He really is a sweet person, he goes out of his way to give his fans great experiences and show his appreciation for them, he did it with me, the little girl in this picture and so many other fans. One just have to look at all the pictures posted to his Facebook of him with fans and them thanking him for his time and kindness towards them.

    I do think DJ is a good guitar player though he may not be totally up at Ron's level all the time but Axl chose DJ for a reason and I think DJ have earned his spot in GNR; he's a good guitar player, he's very creative and extremely enthusiastic about recording new GNR material, he gives his all on stage at every single concert and he's good at connecting with the fans both during performances but also meeting them at after parties, hotels etc. He's just over all (from my personal experience and what I've heard from others who've met him) an extremely sweet and kind person who seems to genuinely appreciates his fans. I mean, just look at how often he thanks us on Twitter and FB, it's pretty obvious really.

  3. Met Ron last year when they played in Denmark before the concert as he was going to his meet and greet (I and others were already sitting outside the venue waiting in line) talked to him for about 5-10 minutes, he took pix with all of us and signed my Chinese Democracy album. Super sweet and down to earth guy.

  4. You people are freaks for having even a 3 page thread about an ex-girlfriend from Axl from more than a decade ago visiting a concert.


    Be fair to them.. there's little else to talk about in 'their world' :D

    You're pathetic. You spend more time in "their world" whining about things than almost everybody here. You're just a sad little cupcake with no life.


    And it kinda is a big deal for GNR fans that Erin went cause to our knowledge (or at least mine anyways) she left Axl on very bad terms. I mean a law suit about domestic violence is big deal and then suddenly she's at a GNR concert watching the man she claimed abused her perform and also posts a picture of it online where she must know fans will see it. You cannot blame fans for being interested in this! She wasn't Axl's wife no. 4 or whatever, she was his first and only wife and she could've been the mother of his child if she hadn't miscarried. Axl never having married since, never had children, never having gotten a family - yeah I don't know if it was entirely because of Erin but I think it's safe to say that it probably had something to do with her. Yes he had Stephanie after but that didn't work and since then the public doesn't have a lot of info on his romantic life (not that it's any of our business) so she sorta still is the woman in Axl's life as he has never found someone since her that he'd wanna marry or have a family with, or I'm assuming this cause he hasn't gotten married or had kids. If it's because he said "fuck this, I'm done" and decided he was never gonna get married or have kids or if it's because he just hasn't met anyone he thought of as worthy of being his wife like he did with Erin I don't know but either way, she sure must've had a huge impact on Axl and his life since he has never (in over 20 years) committed to a woman like he did with Erin. So having said that I think it's pretty natural that fans find this interesting and are curious about it.

  5. Go away.

    I'm sorry but :rofl-lol: That's what I thought the moment I saw who posted this cause I knew it would be negative.

    Anyways, why does it mean Axl was out of money cause he wanted someone else to fund CD? Recording an album is expensive especially on the level CD was recorded and over such a long time period so of course Axl would be looking for others to put money into the project, what artist wouldn't? It's being done all the time.

    From what I've read Axl is in no way out of money.

  6. Its probably recorded for Axl himself so he can watch what he did right and what he did wrong. Michael Jackson taped all of his this is it rehearsals so he could study the tapes and correct the things he did not like. Those tapes would not have been released if he was still alive. I cant know for sure but I would not be surprised if gnr shows are taped for the same reason Michael taped his rehearsals - to improve the performance.

  7. Every heard of chucking a sicky. Arranging a day off in advance. Not hard.

    We all don't work minimum wage jobs mate some of us have responsiblities to perform at work ...Also some of us have children which require arranging baby sitters..amazing how people who live with Mom and Dad or have no responsibilities make judgements........

    Wow, way to look down on people who works hard for the minimum wage, that's great. (No I don't work a minimum wage job myself so I'm not saying it cause I felt personally attacked)

    People working mimimum wage jobs also have kids (but a much lower salory to pay for a babysitter with) and I doubt that many of them live with mom and dad (in my experience people who work minimum wage jobs or poorly paid jobs in general are usually people who don't have any other choice or work the jobs to pay for school to eventually get a better paying job)

    Amazing how people who don't work minimum wage jobs make judgements, huh?

    Anyways, back on topic:

    Someone mentioned how it would be a good idea to print on the concert tickets that the show may start later than scheduled so that people are made aware of that (it would actually be really good if it would say so on the website you buy the ticket on as well)

    It made me think that it did say that on the GNR ticket I have from their show in Denmark last year.

    Here it is, my ticket from last years show in Denmark.

    I'll translate for you: "Dørene åbnes kl. 18:30. Ventetid inden showstart må påregnes!" = "Doors open at 6:30 pm. Waiting time before show start is to be expected!"


    Here's pix of my Kiss and Mötley Crüe tickets and on neither of those does it say waiting time is to be expected, it only states when the doors will open. All 3 tickets were bought from "Billetlugen" (a Ticketmaster company I believe) and the Kiss show was played at the same venue GNR played at and only two days after GNR played there, so it's definetly not something that is printed on all concert tickets, only on the GNR ones.



    So as much as the late starts may annoy and frustrate people you can't save you haven't been warned :shrugs: I could be wrong but that's how I saw the FB status as - a warning, a heads up for those who wouldn't feel like waiting for an uncertain amount of time for the band or is not able to as they have to be back home at a certain time for work, school, their kids etc and I agree - it sucks for fans who need a specific time for show start to know if they can be back in time for work, school etc. Really, I understand that. I had to travel 4 hours to see GNR (4 hours to get there, 4 hours to get back home) but luckily a coworker of mine said yes to switch vacation weeks (she was supposed to be on vacation the week GNR and Kiss played Denmark) with me cause I asked her as soon as the show date was confirmed.

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