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Posts posted by RocketQueen1985

  1. Ron is amazing, no doubt about that but DJ is also a good guitar player and I think some fans are too harsh on him. He really, really gives 100% at every show and he has contributed with two great guitar solos he's written himself, he doesn't get enough credit for that imo.

    Axl must see something in DJ since he wanted him in GNR.

  2. there is nothing wrong with the late starts, just as long as most people know about them and expect them so that the crowd doesn't grow restless while expecting the band to hit the stage at 8 pm and then turn against axl when he comes out at 11:30. I say they should just post the late start time on the tickets, that would solve everything. Something like "show starts sometime between 11 pm and 12 am."

    it says on my ticket from last year to please be aware that the show may start later than advertised. I remember cause thats the only ticket I have which says that and we got a laugh about it cause only a gnr ticket would say that.

  3. when I was at London when Duff was there :P I expected it to end late and I was cool with it, I planned and got bus routes and stuff, didnt get home till 4am or something but was soo happy that night, you see your fave band and all.

    exactly. My feet were killing me and I had to pee so bad but once they went on stage I forgot all about it. Didnt get back home until three in the morning but I was so excited I couldnt sleep anyways. Its something you will never forget, an experience for life and if the only thing you remember is how the band was late or how it sucked you did not get a full nights sleep then concerts are probably not for you. Pull an all nighter, it wont kill you. Its one fucking work day out of your entire life.

  4. I'm glad to see how many people liked his new solo, even people who didn't like DJ before are now saying that they like it :) That's awesome!

    I too hope that Axl will use DJ to write songs with cause obviously he's talented and is full of ideas, it would be a shame to see all of DJ's creativity and talent go to waste. If they do write together and record and Axl isn't 100% happy with it then okay, at least he gave it a shot and that's what I really hope he'll do - give it a shot! As Axl seems to really like DJ and since they're now gonna be on tour together maybe on their off days they could talk some ideas over or something and maybe if DJ presents Axl with some stuff he's been working on Axl might be enthusiatic and get back into the creating/writing process. Sometimes you need someone/something new to get you motivated again and hopefully in time DJ will be that motivation, cause like others have mentioned, if they do not at least try to work together then all these talents are simply wasted and that would be such a shame.

  5. It's the dailymail. Now that Michael Jackson is dead they have to find someone else to write shit about.

    They make it sound like Axl's extremely obese when he's simply not. Once he lost the yellow coat he looked just fine!

    C'mon does this picture make you think "wow, Axl's sure been pilling on the pounds!"


    It's the shape of the coat that makes it look like he's a lot bigger than he really is


  6. If you really wanna go there (again) Slash didn't write the Godfather theme, DJ wrote Ti Amor. Not that it matters or is in any relevant in this thread so let's drop it.

    DJ delievered a great new solo at RIR, he played something new he had written for the occasion, he as the only member of the band, delivered something new and still it's not good enough for some people.

    If the band had played new songs at RIR I bet that wouldn't have been good enough either, I can just imagine the bitching over how the songs would never be hits, how that guitar solo was weak, how Axl's voice is awful in that song etc etc. Some people always will find something to bitch about.

    DJ wrote and played a great solo, don't like it well too fucking bad cause he's probably gonna be playing it for the rest of the tour!

  7. Watching CSI, currently watching season 10 on dvd and keeping up with season 11 on TV.

    Will they ever catch Nate Haskell?! You can do it, Nick. You and Greg, together you can get this guy! GO GO GO GO NICK & GREG! :thumbsup:

    I tend to get very involved when I watch CSI, so excuse me. Even though Grissom has left the show (which I was sad about cause I love him) it's still such a good show with good storylines. I think it will always be my favorite TV show.

  8. Very good topic actually. I just think he's really unhappy. He starts out positive, makes jokes etc but as soon as something goes wrong he no longer is in control and keeps thinking about it and then he gets stressed out and as result of that makes more mistakes and then things starts going down hill and he cant handle it and storms off stage, flips out on a fan, a bandmember etc. I dont think hes proud, not at all. I think hes insecure and for every year that passes it gets worse. He cant not be affected by all the hate and negativity he gets, can he? Maybe thats why he is so rarely seen in public, to avoid that. I dont know...

  9. I can't tell if he is thinner than he was, or if the clothes are just making him look bigger.

    Axl has such an odd sense of style when he's not on stage or at parties.

    Yeah, it's hard to tell, but I'd say he's either lost a little or he's the same weight still.

    He just wear sweats though, right? Like he did at LAX when he hit that paparazzi last year. But to be fair we don't see how he dresses at home or when hanging out with friends etc, we pretty much only see him at airports except from onstage and or at parties. Beta is dressed down too in her sneakers, jeans and t-shirt. It's probably cause Axl's clothes are so big on him it looks kinda odd :shrugs:

    Not the best pics of Axl

    If he'd not been wearing that clothes I don't think people would think the pictures were bad.

    Axl looks cool though, nice shoes..

    Must of been a long ass flight, cut him some slack

    Exactly, long flight. He probably slept most of the way.

  10. All Forum bullshit aside, make sure you go see Axl if you get a chance. The man still puts on a show like no other, and you would be a fool to miss him just because you are bitter about the name or the way he conducts business.


    I was blown away at how amazing of a show it was when I saw them last year. If people don't go cause it's not the original line up they're gonna miss out on a great concert and a great band.

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