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Posts posted by RocketQueen1985

  1. Reading over this last page, I'd just like to add that ya, rich and famous people DO get slamming girlfriends even if they're fat, ugly, or old but like someone said... it's gotta be for the money. I mean, I'd say the common person has a better chance at the whole "true love" thing so they're not really as lucky as it appears at face value...

    Not saying this about Axl in particular in anyway at all, just sayin'

    A fan wouldn't go for the money or fame.

  2. ^^Came here to post that. I must admit I didn't see that comming at all. They seemed happy together, DJ was always posting/talking about her. Glad to see he's mature about it and wishes her well.

    Lol the guy was in pictures with groupies every other day

    What pictures?


    If I'm not mistaken Nicky took this picture, when he posted it he wrote "taken by Nicky" or something like that

  3. Oh, I still listen to the music! I have nothing but respect for Tommy and Mick, it's Nikki's own stuff like his books and all the shit he preaches I'm done with and I won't support his lies any longer. I will always love Mötley for what they were in the 80's (even though I am too young to even remember the 80's) I love/admire their attitudes and the early music a lot and I will never regret having since them live twice cause it was great experiences with great friends that I'll always remember :)

    But Nikki Sixx, as a person and a "solo" artist/persona/whatever no longer has my respect and I will never support him again.

  4. I am ashamed to have ever supported and been a fan of this man. He is beyond pathetic and the last couple of weeks he's really let it show with the constant trash talking of other celebs (especially Michael Jackson, trashing a dead guy who can't defend himself, how badass :rolleyes: ) and blocking people on Twitter if they had a different opinion on something than him. Now he does this, jumping a fan for filming a concert, something which he has always trashed Axl for cause it ruins the shows and blah blah. All the things he's always been against: trash talking and judging a person for being different (MJ), treating his fans like complete shit (twitter) and now this camera thing. What a complete fucking faker :thumbsdown: In like 3 weeks I've gone from loving this man, his music and his attitude towards most things and especially his talk about how society needs to be more open to people who are different, to feel nothing but disgust for him as I now see it's all just a lie, that he is no different from the people he tells to be more openminded. Not only is he like those people, but he's also a liar and a coward.

    I know people are saying he's been doing this for publicity as if that would make me think it's okay then, but that only makes me think he is even more pathetic! If you got the talent then you don't need to do this shit to get in the news. Fuck Nikki Sixx.

    Wow, you were a diehard fan. Strange!

    I found it hilarious.

    Yes, I was. No one calls me a sheep with a low IQ (that's what he calls MJ fans) not even Nikki Sixx and when I told him that he was disrespecting his fans who are also MJ fans he blocked me on Twitter. The man is 52 years old! He retweeted all the tweets agreeing with him and then blocked us who dared to disagree :rolleyes: What a fucking loser. Just put all the shit I own with him up for sale online.

    Strange that I was a diehard fan or that I no longer am?

    No, understandable - I was just surprised that you'd gone to such lengths and really changed it round when you found his true nature. I respect that.

    Impressive though, you see many people sticking with him through it.

    Well, thanks.

    Yeah, watch them change their minds when it's them he pisses on.

  5. I am ashamed to have ever supported and been a fan of this man. He is beyond pathetic and the last couple of weeks he's really let it show with the constant trash talking of other celebs (especially Michael Jackson, trashing a dead guy who can't defend himself, how badass :rolleyes: ) and blocking people on Twitter if they had a different opinion on something than him. Now he does this, jumping a fan for filming a concert, something which he has always trashed Axl for cause it ruins the shows and blah blah. All the things he's always been against: trash talking and judging a person for being different (MJ), treating his fans like complete shit (twitter) and now this camera thing. What a complete fucking faker :thumbsdown: In like 3 weeks I've gone from loving this man, his music and his attitude towards most things and especially his talk about how society needs to be more open to people who are different, to feel nothing but disgust for him as I now see it's all just a lie, that he is no different from the people he tells to be more openminded. Not only is he like those people, but he's also a liar and a coward.

    I know people are saying he's been doing this for publicity as if that would make me think it's okay then, but that only makes me think he is even more pathetic! If you got the talent then you don't need to do this shit to get in the news. Fuck Nikki Sixx.

    Wow, you were a diehard fan. Strange!

    I found it hilarious.

    Yes, I was. No one calls me a sheep with a low IQ (that's what he calls MJ fans) not even Nikki Sixx and when I told him that he was disrespecting his fans who are also MJ fans he blocked me on Twitter. The man is 52 years old! He retweeted all the tweets agreeing with him and then blocked us who dared to disagree :rolleyes: What a fucking loser. Just put all the shit I own with him up for sale online.

    Strange that I was a diehard fan or that I no longer am?

    Fair play to him though, Michael Jackson was just sort of like a shit James Brown :lol:

    Couldn't disagree more, so now I'll have to block you! I won't! But if I was Nikki Sixx I would've.

  6. I've seen him live. This, is not really a representative picture.

    Good news is : neither are the pics of him where he looks horrible.

    He looks good for his age.

    Agreed. He really looked good when I saw him.

    As for the "He could do better" comment :rolleyes: Now the woman he (might) be seeing isn't good enough either? Some people seriously bitch about everything relating to Axl.....

  7. I am ashamed to have ever supported and been a fan of this man. He is beyond pathetic and the last couple of weeks he's really let it show with the constant trash talking of other celebs (especially Michael Jackson, trashing a dead guy who can't defend himself, how badass :rolleyes: ) and blocking people on Twitter if they had a different opinion on something than him. Now he does this, jumping a fan for filming a concert, something which he has always trashed Axl for cause it ruins the shows and blah blah. All the things he's always been against: trash talking and judging a person for being different (MJ), treating his fans like complete shit (twitter) and now this camera thing. What a complete fucking faker :thumbsdown: In like 3 weeks I've gone from loving this man, his music and his attitude towards most things and especially his talk about how society needs to be more open to people who are different, to feel nothing but disgust for him as I now see it's all just a lie, that he is no different from the people he tells to be more openminded. Not only is he like those people, but he's also a liar and a coward.

    I know people are saying he's been doing this for publicity as if that would make me think it's okay then, but that only makes me think he is even more pathetic! If you got the talent then you don't need to do this shit to get in the news. Fuck Nikki Sixx.

    Wow, you were a diehard fan. Strange!

    I found it hilarious.

    Yes, I was. No one calls me a sheep with a low IQ (that's what he calls MJ fans) not even Nikki Sixx and when I told him that he was disrespecting his fans who are also MJ fans he blocked me on Twitter. The man is 52 years old! He retweeted all the tweets agreeing with him and then blocked us who dared to disagree :rolleyes: What a fucking loser. Just put all the shit I own with him up for sale online.

    Strange that I was a diehard fan or that I no longer am?

  8. I am ashamed to have ever supported and been a fan of this man. He is beyond pathetic and the last couple of weeks he's really let it show with the constant trash talking of other celebs (especially Michael Jackson, trashing a dead guy who can't defend himself, how badass :rolleyes: ) and blocking people on Twitter if they had a different opinion on something than him. Now he does this, jumping a fan for filming a concert, something which he has always trashed Axl for cause it ruins the shows and blah blah. All the things he's always been against: trash talking and judging a person for being different (MJ), treating his fans like complete shit (twitter) and now this camera thing. What a complete fucking faker :thumbsdown: In like 3 weeks I've gone from loving this man, his music and his attitude towards most things and especially his talk about how society needs to be more open to people who are different, to feel nothing but disgust for him as I now see it's all just a lie, that he is no different from the people he tells to be more openminded. Not only is he like those people, but he's also a liar and a coward.

    I know people are saying he's been doing this for publicity as if that would make me think it's okay then, but that only makes me think he is even more pathetic! If you got the talent then you don't need to do this shit to get in the news. Fuck Nikki Sixx.

  9. D.J. Ashba / Ex-Beautiful Creatures

    He has a very nice cock, above average in length and it's pretty thick. He can go ALL NIGHT! He's kinda aggressive, so beware. He will actually take time to get to know you, and is into anything you are into. He does like oral but will give it in return so that is a plus!


    Duff McKagan / Ex-Guns 'N Roses

    Duff is a quick shooter.


    Slash / Ex-Guns N Roses, Snakepit

    Average in size and nothing to write home about.


    Matt Sorum / The Cult, Ex-Guns N Roses

    This guy fucks like a true rock star and has about an 8 inch cock. Will take you out to an expensive dinner in his Cadillac and then take you home and fuck the shit out of you. Very into eating pussy before and during sex. Nice smooth body. Great kisser.


    Izzy Stradlin / Ex-Guns 'N Roses

    Our source reveals he is a VERY good lay! Sometimes those guys who aren't the pretty boy of the bad are better lays than the good lucking guys. The pretty boys sometimes think they don't have to put any effort into anything. Just look at Vince Neil!

    But Izzy IS good looking :question:


  10. Yeah...but there are too many people on here that can't take any constructive criticism with the band. Idk if its paranoia or what, but you even remotely criticize anything they'll just deflect their bitter anger and call you a cupcake, instead of just accepting that uncle axls made a few mistakes...

    I think it's all how one goes about it. Goes for everyone btw. Calling others "Axl nut swingers", "blind sheep", "ass kissers", "Slashites" etc. - and at the same time trying to give a valid point. It doesn't exactly invite to constructive discussion.


  11. Yeah...but there are too many people on here that can't take any constructive criticism with the band. Idk if its paranoia or what, but you even remotely criticize anything they'll just deflect their bitter anger and call you a cupcake, instead of just accepting that uncle axls made a few mistakes...

    They have ALL made a few mistakes, only Axl's is the ones being discussed day in and day out though. It's like beating a Dead Horse!

  12. SunnyDRE,

    He has shared before, now he doesn't share at all, which is in my guess is, cause when he did he only got negativity in return - so you're right, NOW he doesn't share at all.

    People were bringing up Slash so it was only a matter of time before the word "reunion" was mentioned. (I am a fan of both orginal GNR and the current GNR, I don't see why one has to chose sides here) If they did a reunion - I'd be happy! If they don't - well, I'm still happy as I like the current line up too!

    "You don't know that" - Yes I do. Knowing how this board works it's pretty obvious, don't you think?

    Doesn't touring and releasing CD show Axl acknowledge he has fans?

    How am I saying we should kiss Axl's ass? Cause I suggest we sometimes look at the the things he does do, which we've hoped he'd do, and be happy about this instead of always focusing on the stuff that he doesn't do? If people did show positivity about the good things he does do maybe he'd wanna do more? Who'd wanna do more for people who always bitch about what you do? Would you?

  13. Some of you people are just praying that he's out, aren't you? You cannot wait to see the entire band fall apart because in your minds it equals a reunion, right? But it doesn't. If they wanted to reunite they would have, but they havn't and they won't if Ron leaves (which I don't believe he is)

    "We don't get enough info from Axl boo-hoo". Could there be a reason for that? Maybe he doesn't feel like sharing anything because people always bitch no matter what it is. "They so won't tour except for RIR this year" Then the tour is announced and then because one band member doesn't have some dates up on his website everybody starts creaming their panties about a reunion. Everything Axl tweets/says etc is turned in to reunion talk or critiszism of what he said/did. The guy can't really win, can he? Even he just just now tweeted that CDII would be out in november for instance then people would bitch about what a bad timing it was because it's after RIR and then here we go with the bitching again. Am I the only one who thinks this?

    If I were Axl and all I got from my "fans" were critizism no matter what I say/do and only heard about a reunion I probably wouldn't hurry with CDII either as the release of that would probably just end in another bitching thread.

    I'm not saying we should kiss Axl's ass, but when he finally does do something we've talked about (RIR, the tour) maybe instead of finding some small detail to bitch about, maybe we could...well, this might be a little out there but...be POSITIVE?! If all he gets back is 100% negativity 100% of the time he probably won't bother, you know? I know I wouldn't.

    I think this is one of the reasons he does not come back here ...

    surely someone will ask about a possible reunion ... this is very annoying!

    Probably the main reason. He took time to answer fans questions in those chats he did on here, something he did not have to do and yet he did it and what does he get in return? Negativity. And some wonder why we don't hear from him more often.... :rolleyes:

  14. Some of you people are just praying that he's out, aren't you? You cannot wait to see the entire band fall apart because in your minds it equals a reunion, right? But it doesn't. If they wanted to reunite they would have, but they havn't and they won't if Ron leaves (which I don't believe he is)

    "We don't get enough info from Axl boo-hoo". Could there be a reason for that? Maybe he doesn't feel like sharing anything because people always bitch no matter what it is. "They so won't tour except for RIR this year" Then the tour is announced and then because one band member doesn't have some dates up on his website everybody starts creaming their panties about a reunion. Everything Axl tweets/says etc is turned in to reunion talk or critiszism of what he said/did. The guy can't really win, can he? Even he just just now tweeted that CDII would be out in november for instance then people would bitch about what a bad timing it was because it's after RIR and then here we go with the bitching again. Am I the only one who thinks this?

    If I were Axl and all I got from my "fans" were critizism no matter what I say/do and only heard about a reunion I probably wouldn't hurry with CDII either as the release of that would probably just end in another bitching thread.

    I'm not saying we should kiss Axl's ass, but when he finally does do something we've talked about (RIR, the tour) maybe instead of finding some small detail to bitch about, maybe we could...well, this might be a little out there but...be POSITIVE?! If all he gets back is 100% negativity 100% of the time he probably won't bother, you know? I know I wouldn't.

  15. I didn't vote cause none of the nonGNR drummers listed are my favorites, you should make a "other" option.

    GNR drummer: Steven Adler very closely followed by Frank, I thought Frank was amazing when I saw GNR live.

    Non GNR drummer: Dave Grohl

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