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Posts posted by RocketQueen1985

  1. He seemed to be in pretty good spirits at the show I was at.

    Same at the show I was at. I remember him making a joke about his beer belly (Axl's said that, not me!) and how he needed another Carlsberg and when the crowd cheered as he mention Carlsberg he was all smiles. To me it seems like that he for the most part was in a good mood during the concerts.

  2. Yes. I get the late starts and all that stuff, he does bring that on himself. But to critizise his looks and all that superficial stuff is so lame. Some people hate on him no matter what he does, that's what annoys me.

    Also, the whole GNR name thing - get over it already! He is still friends with Izzy and Duff, so if they can let it go and move on then why can't some fans? No one was forced to sign and no one was forced to leave the band.

  3. I seen them At Sonisphere festival last year. What aload of shit.

    Vince forgot most of the words and just didn't put any energy into it. Very disappointed

    At which Sonisphere? I saw them at the Sweden one and I thought they did good. It was pissing down but they still kept the mood high among the audience.

  4. Motley are pretty awesome (I knew as soon as I read the thread title that RQ would've posted in it, haha)

    I've seen them 4 times, and it's always a good show. The first two albums are the best, and after that it's a little hit-and-miss, but there are some good records after those ;)

    I'd say definitely start with Too Fast and Shout, then jump to Feelgood. If at all possible, stay as far away as you can from New Tattoo, that album is just absolutely horrible. After those albums, I'd say check out a few songs from each album to get a feel for them:

    Use It Or Lose It

    Wild Side

    All In The Name Of...

    You're All I Need

    Primal Scream

    Find Myself

    Let Us Prey

    Sick Love Song

    Animal In Me

    Face Down In The Dirt

    Goin' Out Swingin'

    Haha, you know it! Can't shut me up on anything Mötley related ;)

    I don't even own New Tattoo :ph34r:

    And I agree with the list of songs you made. Primal Scream is amazing live! I love the bass intro and how the audience gets so into it. This video is a good example of what I mean.

  5. pretty much the same as gnr just they don't cuss. i like them.

    too fast for love is appetite's blueprint, and dr. feelgood is a really good album.

    The difference between Mötley and Gn'R is that Mötley is fake to the bone whereas Gn'R isn't.

    Fake how?

    I voted yes and Shout At The Devil. I also really love the Girls Girls Girls album though. I've seen them live twice and both times were great. Tommy has great contact with the audience and seems to really enjoy himself on stage. Mick gives his all and plays awesome. Vince's voice is a lot better now than it was around 2005 imo and I think he does good on stage. Nikki's prescence alone is very powerful (at least I thought it was) like Axl's is, he gets more attention than any of the other band members and seems to be the favorite among most fans.

    Anyways, Mötley is my fave band after GNR, so I definetly recommend them.

  6. Why does every thread have to turn into a bitch fest? I can't believe a magazine cover can piss people of so much! They are celebrating the 20th annivesary of UYI, isn't that just a good thing? If the article was about them performing at RIR or about CD then yeah a current member should've been on the cover, but Slash is on the YUI albums which this article is about. The thing I noticed is "where are the others?" You know, the rest of the band. GNR wasn't/isn't just about Axl and Slash but the focus are always on the two cause of their feud which overshadows the music and the other band members who were just as much a part of GNR as the other two and should be on the cover as well, don't you think?

    We could argue about who should and who shouldn't be on the cover OR we could talk about the article and UYI and what we love about those albums and that era.

  7. Terrible choice of socks.

    :lol: They're matching the shoes though

    Pretty nice of Axl to pose for the photos, he does seem like a cool guy to fans when there aren't hundreds of cameras around.

    From the stories I've heard he's nice and will sign autographs and take pictures, he just doesn't say much.

  8. What DJ has done with Nikki Sixx and James Michael won't be what he will do with Axl cause they're not the same people! Just like VR wasn't the same as GNR or how Loaded isn't the same as GNR.

    Axl belives in DJ and I believe in Axl. He hasn't given me a reason not to so far.


    ASHBA Swag - Demented Love Pillow Cases and Embroidered A-logo Bath Towels! Available now, in black and white!!... http://fb.me/uaL0gQUB

    2 hours agoFavoriteRetweetReply

    :sleeper: We get it, you got a shop! Now post some funny drunken stories like you used to before I unfollow you <_<

    haha! Do people really buy this shit? DJ Ashba pillowcases and bath towels, really?

    I like DJ, I think he's awesome and I do own a t-shirt of his (one of the old ones from last year though) but pillow cases and bath towels I wouldn't buy no. I'm sure some fans do though.

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