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Posts posted by RocketQueen1985

  1. Going to visit some family in Germany, Sweden, Spain and Denmark. Same as every summer but always exciting.

    Cool. Where abouts in Denmark?

    I'm not really going anywhere this year as all my money are going towards moving.

    Small towns like Humlebak, Espergarde, and Helsingor. And of course Copenhagen.

    Okay. Nowhere near me then :)

    You sound awfully happy about that! :rofl-lol:

    :lol: Didn't mean it like that though, it's just I didn't count on you going anywhere near me anyways as I live in the "wrong" part of Denmark.

  2. Going to visit some family in Germany, Sweden, Spain and Denmark. Same as every summer but always exciting.

    Cool. Where abouts in Denmark?

    I'm not really going anywhere this year as all my money are going towards moving.

    Small towns like Humlebak, Espergarde, and Helsingor. And of course Copenhagen.

    Okay. Nowhere near me then :)

  3. Going to visit some family in Germany, Sweden, Spain and Denmark. Same as every summer but always exciting.

    Cool. Where abouts in Denmark?

    I'm not really going anywhere this year as all my money are going towards moving.

  4. At Axl's status, why would he settle for less than a Ukrainian supermodel

    Are models the best? I don't have anything against models at all, hell my friend is one, I'm just wondering.

  5. He has what the band needs. Excelent stage presence. The way he interacts with the crowd is great.


    I love Ballad Of Death, I always enjoy hearing him play that solo and I love his work in Sixx:AM. I can't wait to hear what he and Axl can do together musically. DJ deserves a lot more credit than he gets.

  6. I will simply NEVER understand this "Axl as victim" mentality some of you have.

    100% of the shit this guy takes, he brings on himself. This narrative he tries to do right by everyone, conducts himself properly, and damn it...just can't get a break from that evil media is pretty ridiculous.

    Yes, the press takes shots at him. Unwarranted shots? Not from where I sit. Axl makes his own bed and then complains that he doesn't like the sheets. Its all very weak.

    No one said Axl is a victim. Obviously he brings a lot of stuff on himself, like being late for shows, getting into fights etc. That's not what I mean. They critisize how he looks, what he wears, how much he sweats etc. Im surprised there havn't been an article on how Axl Rose doesn't breathe right yet.

    the sad thing is that so many people accept that hideous image the media has created as truth, and that influences their ablity to enjoy the new band and the new music. i think secretly people really like the new music, but because of the anti-axl bias in the press and the world, they don't think it's cool enough to like it. but clearly many people love this album. years later, it's still on the charts. i refuse to accept that it's only haters fueling this monster album.

    +1. People always say CD is shit and when you ask them why many even admits to not even having heard the album! They hate Axl cause everyone else does.

  7. Axl is an easy target. He rarely speaks out and defend himself and everyone views him as a joke now. The same happened with Michael Jackson who also never spoke out in defense of himself and was viewed as a joke until he died where he is now praised, but that's a totally different thread.

    But yeah, I think that some of the stuff the media slants Axl for wouldn't be such a big deal if it were done by someone else.

  8. This is so stupid. With everything Michael went through in his life he's supposed to have committed suicide over debt? Come on, he has had way more serious problems than that. Plus he would earn lots of money from the London shows to pay off debt, so it makes no sense at all.

    Conrad Murray and his lawyers keep surprising me with how low they are willing to go in this case. Murray fucked up and he broke the law but he choses to blame a dead man who can't defend himself. Murray is beyond pathetic.

  9. Pretty sure Scott wrote that press release himself.

    Wouldn't surprise me.

    He has written some beautiful lyrics over the years, I even got one of them tattooed.

    Which lyrics?

    What makes you guys think Scott wrote it himself? I'm not saying he didn't cause I don't know, but it doesn't look like his writing style to me judging from what I've read from him before.

    I got some of the "Wicked Garden" lyrics tattooed on my stomache.

  10. I am very excited that the book is finally comming out and I will definetly buy it! I've wanted to hear Scott's side of the story for so long, it will be great to get a look inside his mind like this. He has written some beautiful lyrics over the years, I even got one of them tattooed.

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