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Posts posted by RocketQueen1985

  1. Just because DJ has new material he wants to show Axl doesn't mean that the CD material won't be released, if Axl wants to work on what DJ's come up with. We did get 2 UYI albums, right? Who says we can't both get the CD material and a new album? One doesn't exclude the other.

  2. How are they odd looking together? Do you expect his girlfriend to look like him or something? That'd be even weirder.

    What? It would be so awesome if he hooked up with a tattooed rock style girl! Nothing against Nicky at all, but I think it would be awesome!

    Nah I mean just because Nicky doesn't have the same look as DJ shouldn't mean they look 'odd' together.

    Oh right, gotcha :thumbsup:

  3. Mike Starr's demons tragically caught up with him.

    The original bassist for Alice in Chains was found dead Tuesday in Utah. He was 44. Cause of death has not yet been released.

    Starr, who battled drug addiction, appeared on the third season of Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew in 2009 and gave a testimonial marking six months and seven days of sobriety during season four.

    But his latest run-in with the law implied that he had hit a roadblock in his recovery.

    Starr was arrested last month in Salt Lake City on suspicion of felony possession of a controlled substance for allegedly having six Xanax pills and six tablets of the painkiller Opana.

    "Devastating to hear of Mike Starr succumbing to his illness. So very sad. Our prayers are with his family," Dr. Drew Pinsky tweeted this afternoon.

    Starr, who was born in Honolulu, played in Seattle with Jerry Cantrell and Sean Kinney as the glam band Diamond Lie, which later morphed into Alice in Chains with the addition of Layne Staley.

    Their first studio EP was 1990's We Die Young.

    Starr left the band in 1993 while they were touring with Ozzy Osbourne and was replaced by Mike Inez. Starr mentioned during his time on Celebrity Rehab that he had been booted from Alice in Chains because of his drug problem.

    Inez was the one to reunite with Cantrell and Kinney in 2005 for a benefit concert for victims of the tsunami in South Asia. Staley died of a drug overdose in 2002.

    "I totally back Mike and I back his efforts to get clean and remain somebody that I and the band really care about—he's a friend of ours, you know, and we wish him the best," Staley wrote in the liner notes to the band's 2009 album Black Gives Way to Blue.


    Just read this on Facebook and it just made me so sad. I remember how much guilt he felt over Layne's death and now the same happened to him, it's just so fucking sad. I hope he is at peace now along with Layne. They were part of a band who's music has helped me a lot over the years and the loss (of both of them) is such a tragedy.

  4. How are they odd looking together? Do you expect his girlfriend to look like him or something? That'd be even weirder.

    What? It would be so awesome if he hooked up with a tattooed rock style girl! Nothing against Nicky at all, but I think it would be awesome!

  5. Plus Axl knows how to handle his eyeliner.

    that's still kinda worrysome

    Hahaha, no I think he pulls it off.

    I'm not a fan of guyliner especially when its put under the eye as opposed to 'onto'. It makes it look really obviously like a kid put it on with crayon or something. Do you think they have a make up artist that does all that for them?

    I think they do it themselves, like they would back in the 80' as well. I love the guyliner though. And rockstars always exxagerate, right? Which is what they also do with their make up.

  6. Fucking LOL at this. For YEARS Nikki bashed poison and swore he'd never play with them, but I guess the dollar signs changed his mind....

    Yeah, that made me wonder too. He usually sticks to his opinions, wonder what happened here :shrugs: Maybe he didn't have a choice? Like Vince said in his book, he only still go on tour with Mötley cause he is under contract. Maybe Nikki is forced to cause of the contract?

    Has Vince's voice gotten any better? It was pretty bad a few years ago.

    It's not the best, but I'd say it's better now than around 2005-2006. He did fine both times I've seen him.

    Has Vince's voice gotten any better? It was pretty bad a few years ago.

    It´s bad yet... very very bad.

    Anyway I would go just for Nikki :rolleyes:

    :thumbsup: Who wouldn't though? :wub:

  7. Epic fail putting this article up. Hopefully it states to the new band kiss-asses through public opinion what people really think of the band:

    1. Ashba looks like a bitch

    2. He trys way too hard to be like Slash.

    3. People want the original band.

    Show me otherwise on that page in a material amount.

    Is devoting a thread to the "marriage break up" of Slash and his misses a win?

    YES!!!! Cause Slash is better at EVERYTHING than DJ is cause he was in the original line up, doh! Slash even dates and breaks up better than DJ could ever dream of doing! I mean, c'mon. It's common sense!

  8. Unfortunately Nikki says there will be no tour.

    Seriously? :( I wanted to see a Sixx: A.M. show so bad.

    Love the song btw. Still growing on me though, but it's very catchy!

    Yeah, me too, but Nikki said they were never meant to be a touring band in the first place. It was just something they did for themselves, not to sell a million records etc.

    Yeah, that's true. But a small tour wouldn't hurt anyone. Hope they change their minds. Or it might be because GN'R or Motley is up to something. DJ talked about a tour, but that it wouldn't happen if Motley or GN'R planned to tour, after all that's their first priority. So see that one...! At least we have a whole album to look forward to :D :D

    And a book. Don't forget the book! :D Mötley got 7 concerts I think, in the US and Mexico for Crüe Fest 3 and then Nikki's book tour, so I don't see a tour fitting in :( I just hope he will come to Europe on his book tour!

  9. Unfortunately Nikki says there will be no tour.

    Seriously? :( I wanted to see a Sixx: A.M. show so bad.

    Love the song btw. Still growing on me though, but it's very catchy!

    Yeah, me too, but Nikki said they were never meant to be a touring band in the first place. It was just something they did for themselves, not to sell a million records etc.

    All I can think about is how good this song would sound with Axl singing and also taking part in the song writing. It really has me excited for them creating a new album together. I love all the other guitar players, but it seems like DJ has the best song writing skills out of everyone they've had since Slash.

    I believe Nikki writes most of the lyrics for Sixx:AM though, at least for the Heroin Diaries album. Can't be sure about this new album.

  10. Solid rock song. I really enjoyed the first album so this is something I'm really looking forward to. Wouldn't mind seeing them live either when the time comes.

    Unfortunately Nikki says there will be no tour.

    I really think that DJ does not deserve the treatment he gets on this board sometimes.

    Yeah, he really doesn't.

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