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Posts posted by RocketQueen1985

  1. wtf is Sixx:AM being given a thread in a GN'R forum ?

    lock it

    move it

    delete it

    DJ is a current member of GNR. Isn't that the rule for a thread being allowed to be in this section?

    DJ is a hired hand. Hired hands side projects should be posted in the another section. Since when have side projects go anything to do with Axl Rose / GN'R

    If the moderators agree with you it will be moved. I don't really care tbh.

  2. I made a thread about it in "My World" as well.

    I really, really loved it! I loved the lyrics, James' voice, the melody etc. The video was really awesome too, I love how it started with Nikki talking, that was a really great opening. Seeing the pictures in the video just made me even more excited about the book being released. I have a feeling it's gonna be just as great as the Heroin Diaries!

    Good work Nikki, DJ and James.

  3. I was disappointed when seeing Kiss.


    Sometimes you want to see something, just for the fun of it or just to have seen it, or for the memory, allthough not really your style. And Kiss live is fun! I also have seen U2, but only like the older music, but when a band like that comes, big show and all, I want to see it. I also went to Madonna and I have nothing with her music, but had to see it. Probably I just wanted to see her hang on that cross ;) ) I keep on missing Kiss, I was going to the last time, but had to cancel, later I found out Axl was there!

    So again why?

    I just found their show boring. Maybe it was because I had seen GNR two days before. I had just expected more I guess.

  4. he was probaly direct messagin somebody and forgot to actually click on the DM button Dana White has done that a few times and accidentally posted his personal phone number

    DJ did too once.

    But yeah, like someone said, probably just a mistake. Or he did it just to go on mygnr and laugh at all the people trying to figure out the secret message behind it.

    you mean to tell me theres no secret encrypted da vinci code message behind axls deleted message? :shocked:

    It's shocking, I know. I'm considering deleting my Twitter because of this. The world has officially gone straight to hell and a handbasket :no:

  5. So basically Axl is an asshole for playing GnR songs with members of NIN, Primus, The Replacements but when Slash plays on a horribad remix of SCOM by the friggin' Black Eyed Peas ( worst hip hop/pop band there is right now ) it's cool because he loves to play guitar...

    I know he isn't calling that Guns n' Roses...but I bet you wouldn't be so fond of the performance if he did, just be honnest...

    Slash is doing with VR what Axl is doing with GNR, but no one seems to mind that.

  6. I really don't get why people have so much against DJ. I mean if you prefer another guitar player over him, cool. That's a matter of taste. But not liking him cause of his looks...I mean, why is that important? He's a great guitar player, he connects with the audience and he has gotten GNR new fans as his fans now go to the shows cause of him.

    And he wants to write songs for the next GNR album. Give the guy a break.

    Agreed. DJ comes across as a really genuine nice guy who is super sweet to his fans. The amount of time and effort he gives to the audience is fantastic. He interacted the whole time more than any other member. Threw things at the audience etc think they were cigarettes? From what I've heard people who have met him in person say hes nice too.

    Leave DJ alone :fuckyou:

    He is supercool to the fans and treated me and my wife as nice as Ron. But that doesnt make him a better player IMHO.

    Also, Robin used to throw water bottles to the audience in 2006 summer tour.

    No, it doesn't make him a better guitar player. I was just listing his positive qualities which benefits the band.

  7. I really don't get why people have so much against DJ. I mean if you prefer another guitar player over him, cool. That's a matter of taste. But not liking him cause of his looks...I mean, why is that important? He's a great guitar player, he connects with the audience and he has gotten GNR new fans as his fans now go to the shows cause of him.

    And he wants to write songs for the next GNR album. Give the guy a break.

    I don't like his looks. He looks like an emo fag. But that's a separate issue like you said and has nothing to do with how he plays.

    Fair enough. Personally I like his look. I don't understand why anyone would think he looks like a fag though. Or an emo for that matter.

    I really don't get why people have so much against DJ. I mean if you prefer another guitar player over him, cool. That's a matter of taste. But not liking him cause of his looks...I mean, why is that important? He's a great guitar player, he connects with the audience and he has gotten GNR new fans as his fans now go to the shows cause of him.

    And he wants to write songs for the next GNR album. Give the guy a break.

    Agreed. DJ comes across as a really genuine nice guy who is super sweet to his fans. The amount of time and effort he gives to the audience is fantastic. He interacted the whole time more than any other member. Threw things at the audience etc think they were cigarettes? From what I've heard people who have met him in person say hes nice too.

    Leave DJ alone :fuckyou:


    I have never heard anyone say he was rude or didn't have time for his fans like you sometimes hear about other rockstars. And lately he did that chat thingie with his fans. How many others do that?

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