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Posts posted by RocketQueen1985

  1. I really don't get why people have so much against DJ. I mean if you prefer another guitar player over him, cool. That's a matter of taste. But not liking him cause of his looks...I mean, why is that important? He's a great guitar player, he connects with the audience and he has gotten GNR new fans as his fans now go to the shows cause of him.

    And he wants to write songs for the next GNR album. Give the guy a break.

  2. None so far. I had really hoped Hole would come this year and play the concert they cancelled last year but it doesn't look like it. And so far nothing even remotely close with STP :(

    And I don't see Mötley Crüe or GNR doing anything.

  3. I've always had an interest in mental illness and treatment of especially things like the old Victorian Asylums and wotnot. Documentary here about treatment of patientsat the Bridgewater State Hospital back in the 60's and it's seriously fucked up!





    Watched up until the middle of part 2. I'm guessing it just gets more disturbing as it goes along? It's so fucked up :no:

    I also recently watched The Bridge that someone posted a link to in this thread. That really moved me, amazing documentary. So weird thinking that those jumps are real, it's not an act, but fucking real.

  4. I went on there once and got yelled at for being in some girls "space."

    Anyone else remember that story someone posted about how two girls started pushing her and insulting her because DJ gave her pick? They probably post there. Lame.

    I think you might be talking about me. I was insulted and pushed cause DJ gave me his pick.

    I remember that it was so mean :no:

    Girl DJ fans are SCARY. After the show I overheard two girls talking about how they were going to break through security to get backstage to fuck Dj :confused:

    Am I scary too? :lol:

    I can ask him if Sixx:AM are planning to tour this year since some people were worried it might interfere with GNR's plans.

    I think you win the title of biggest DJ Ashba fan on here but I doubt your the craziest DJ Ashba fan in the world? Or are you? :xmasschef:


    I like DJ a LOT, but I think I handled myself pretty well as I got to hug him, I mean I didn't manhandle him or anything, lol. I could've but didn't. He doesn't have to know he's all that.

  5. ...Jus' sayin...

    Oh come on. Dj gets all these endorsements but has yet to get one from LifeLock, oh excuse me, LifeLock™


    Anthony, DJ's hat is costum made so I don't think you can by it anywhere.

    Why don't you go change your twitter bio page again to make yourself look like a "T Rex fan" and then go harass Slash on a spree just like when you were a temporary "Stone Temple Pilots fan" when you harassed Matt Sorum.

    I am an STP fan. Why would I write to Slash about something someone posted on mygnr? Only if Slash himself said DJ copied him I would have a reason to write him. And I actually happen to like Slash a lot and I respect him.

  6. .... Jus' sayin...

    Marc Bolan


    ...Jus' sayin...


    Anthony, DJ's hat is costum made so I don't think you can by it anywhere.

  7. I went on there once and got yelled at for being in some girls "space."

    Anyone else remember that story someone posted about how two girls started pushing her and insulting her because DJ gave her pick? They probably post there. Lame.

    I think you might be talking about me. I was insulted and pushed cause DJ gave me his pick.

    I remember that it was so mean :no:

    Girl DJ fans are SCARY. After the show I overheard two girls talking about how they were going to break through security to get backstage to fuck Dj :confused:

    Am I scary too? :lol:

    I can ask him if Sixx:AM are planning to tour this year since some people were worried it might interfere with GNR's plans.

  8. I went on there once and got yelled at for being in some girls "space."

    Anyone else remember that story someone posted about how two girls started pushing her and insulting her because DJ gave her pick? They probably post there. Lame.

    I think you might be talking about me. I was insulted and pushed cause DJ gave me his pick.

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