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Posts posted by RocketQueen1985

  1. ^^ :thumbsup: Exactly!

    Where are the simularities? Oh yeah, DJ is wearing a t-shirt just like Slash is!!!! :shock: How dare he?!


    Just give it a rest already. DJ's his own person, with his own personality and style.

  2. Well by the order of your thinking, ashba didn't too.

    Ashba is a pathetic copycat who doesn't have his own style.

    Even if i didn't like the Fink's style to play, i would rather ear him playing a thousand times

    than Ashba.

    Stupid Slash wannabe.

    He even imitates Slash when he's talking!!!

    And don't think that i'm a Chinese Democracy hater, because i like the album, i just think that Ashba suck.

    Ashba looked like that before he joined the band he didnt copy slash *facpalm*

    more like he was copying Slash before he joined the band...

    Nothing wrong with that, a lot of people have been influenced by him.

    He was/is inspired by Mötley Crüe (Micks Mars, Nikki Sixx) It's so obvious when you look at the way DJ dress that it's inspired by Nikki/Mick.

  3. I don't agree with what you said about Kurt, but yes Courtney is absolutely fantastic. She doesn't get the credit she deserves which is a real shame.

  4. Here's my question:

    While CD makes it pretty easy to judge the merits of Buckethead, Paul Huge, BBF and Robin, Richard didn't really do all that much on CD and DJ Ashba, while he has been AWESOME live hasn't done anything in the studio that's been released yet.

    That being said, the fact that Richard and DJ haven't contributed all that much makes me wonder why people automatically say stuff like "Richard > Paul Tobias" and "Ashba > Finck" I mean sure they may be great live players, but isn't the studio where it really counts?

    If they can kick ass live then studio will be no troubles!

    Not necessarily. A great live player, especially one who is working with material written by others', is just interpreting another's work. That just shows they have a bit of originality and inventiveness, but it doesn't say that they're a guy who can go in and write a great song (musically I mean) or pull a great riff out of the air.

    I don't know about Richard, but DJ can definetly write lyrics and come up with great riffs. Just listen to his past work. It really speaks for itself.

  5. Here are several valid reasons why my opinion has some credibility over those 'thousands of people' from a website I've never heard of.

    1. Bono knows how to keep a band. Axl cannot.

    2. Bono knows how to keep his music original, fresh and relevant. Axl cannot.

    3. Bono knows how to sell out stadiums everywhere including the USA, Axl cannot.

    4. Bono has been continuing his success since the 1980s. Axl has not.

    5. Bono and U2 have written more than two commercially successful albums. Axl has not.

    6. Bono shows up on time and keeps his fans. Axl has not.

    The list goes on.

    And yet Axl is the one people prefer.



    I think Axl deserves the #1 spot. But I will agree with Nikki Sixx though: Where is Vince Neil on that list? He should at least be on it even if it was last spot on the list.

  6. this is one fan you don't need to thank. GN'R is down the pan.

    I feel bad for you. Instead of doing something productive with your time you sit on an internet message board and reply to threads that have no relevance to you. I'm glad my boredom has never come down to that - if there's a thread I dislike I don't read it or reply. Simple, and it saves me loads of time!

    Anyways, Happy Holidays to everybody in the GNR camp as well as everybody here on the forum!


  7. It is a fact that Matt saved the band back in the day, so all the people who say he ruined UYI are fucking morons.

    The same way Robin saved GnR back in 1997 right ?

    Axl and Slash have both spoken on record about how finding Matt kept the band from falling apart during the recording of UYI, that is a fact, like it or not. The adler infatuation on here is bizarre. The guy is a admitted cocksucker ,and has done jack shit as a muscian since departing the band.

    It's not an Adler infatuation ( even though his drumming on AFD had something special whereas Matt's on UYI was in a complete different style and sounds a bit more dated nowadays ), it's the fact that some "hired guns" seem to be OK ( Matt and Gilby ) and are considered real members and even have the right to express negative stuff about Axl wheras everybody post 1997 just plain sucks in some people's eyes though they have the exact same status in the band : they were hired for recording or touring purposes.

    Which means that Slash is the defining factor when it comes to determining whether a particular GnR lineup can be considered "real GnR" or not, since both Adler nor Izzy seem to have any importance whatsoever.

    :thumbsup: Amen!

  8. Matt who?

    exactly :violin: Matt always has things to say about Axl. The guy needs to find a hobby, honestly.

    And when he isn't talking about Axl, he's talking about Scott Weiland. At least Axl and Scott actually still have a career, they are great frontmen and will be remembered. Matt Sorum? Does anyone who is not a GNR or VR fan even know who he is?

    I actually used to like Matt, but when VR was together he would say that he didn't miss working with Axl at all, then when Scott left/got kicked out of VR (whoevers story you wanna believe) he said that at least Axl could attract a big crowd and Scott couldn't. He is so full of shit. And his laugh is incredibely annoying!

  9. Courtney Love was one of the great rock singers back in the 90s. She had such a raw voice that was carried by emotion. Not as good since she actually tries to sing now. She's got a great scream. Joan Jett is one of the great women in rock.

    I think rock girls are hot. Wish there were more female fronted rock bands today.

    Courtney :wub:

    without a doubt....

    Joan :wub:

    Two amazing rock women. Both amazing. Of course women can sing rock!

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