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Posts posted by RocketQueen1985

  1. That's like saying why doesn't he post on mygnrforum any more.

    He's nearly 50... I guess all this technology just doesn't grasp him as it does to others who are younger.

    I don't think his age has anything to do with it. Many people his age use Twitter constantly.

    He probably just doesn't have anything to say right now.

  2. This Is why Axl Wants his band mates to keep there fuckin mouths shut...........

    Anyone else find Ron kinda not the same as the 06 tour, doesnt seem to be interested, anyone think that he may have been pissed when DJ was added to the band, AS maybe he thought he payed his dues and should have been the Lead Guitar player? Just a question, Dont bite my head off to much :P

    If Axl didn't want the other members talking don't you think he would just tell them to shut the fuck up?

  3. True enough that even people on tour with GnR have to go by the rumour mill. From other accounts, Axl does keep to himself, travels separately most of the time. Probably doesn't share a lot of info.

    I find it interesting to read what people closer to the inside are hearing. The Perla angle is interesting and I hadn't heard that before.

    I don't know if it's true, but wasn't she also the problem with VR? That she managed them at one point and the other band members weren't really happy about it?

    Yes, I remember reading something about everything being fine until the wives got involved. Didn't Perla have some role in managing Slash?

    Yeah, I believe Scott said that. And yeah, I think she did.

  4. If GNR wont release a new album, I hope Sixx A.M. will release "This Is Gonna Hurt" album early next year. I'm now enjoying listening to "The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack", these 3 guys are really great creating music.

    Sixx A.M. releases their album early next year 2011 and so GNR..... ??? Ashba ???

    This Is Gonna Hurt will be out in March :thumbsup:

    Is the album gonna be named that? I know Nikki's book is.

    Yeah. I read it somewhere a while ago, and that's what DJ said too. He also told the songs won't be as much after the book as on heroin diaries, even though the title is the same.

    Awesome! I can't wait! I really hope they will tour with it, maybe even some European dates. I would love to see DJ and Nikki together.

  5. i wonder if andy-robertson even believe that shit himself

    Well if you read the last part of my post again, I said that I highly doubt that my friend is knowingly lying to me (he's not like that), but I did question the validity of HIS sources. He was just passing on the things he's heard from people much more knowledgable than any of us on these matters. A lot of the guys on the crew have been with GNR for many years (ie, during the UYI tours etc), and whilst it may look on the face of it that there is every chance of a reunion, he did say afterwards that "it all depends on the Ginger One, and I personally can't see it happening".

    So like I say, I believe that my friend DID hear/see all of the things that I mentioned above, it just remains to be seen if HIS sources/friends are accurate. Either way, I thought it was an interesting perspective from an 'insider' of sorts, and something that people on here might want to hear about.

    I don't want to come on here and get called a bull$h1tter, hence why I was quite clear on using words/phrases like 'apparently', and 'from what HE's heard' and 'I trust him, but don't know HIS sources'. Whilst I haven't got 10,000 posts like some people, I have been on these forums fo a good 8 years now, and those that can be arsed to look through my previous posts will see that in general (apart from the odd drunken outburst every now and then!), I'm a pretty level headed guy, and above all, a FAN of the band. I don't go around spreading rumours, I'm just passing on what I heard.

    Personally, I'm undecided. As much as I'd love to see an Axl/Slash reunion (was too young first time around), I'd still be perferctly happy with the current band touring and releasing material, and seeing Slash/VR on their own.

    It's a nice idea, but I doubt it would ever happen. Doesn't mean that what my friend told me is untrue.


    True enough that even people on tour with GnR have to go by the rumour mill. From other accounts, Axl does keep to himself, travels separately most of the time. Probably doesn't share a lot of info.

    I find it interesting to read what people closer to the inside are hearing. The Perla angle is interesting and I hadn't heard that before.

    I don't know if it's true, but wasn't she also the problem with VR? That she managed them at one point and the other band members weren't really happy about it?

  6. If GNR wont release a new album, I hope Sixx A.M. will release "This Is Gonna Hurt" album early next year. I'm now enjoying listening to "The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack", these 3 guys are really great creating music.

    Sixx A.M. releases their album early next year 2011 and so GNR..... ??? Ashba ???

    This Is Gonna Hurt will be out in March :thumbsup:

    Is the album gonna be named that? I know Nikki's book is.

  7. I don't know what I think of the song yet, I guess I need to listen to it some more.

    But the fact that Michael never released it was probably because he himself wasn't happy with it. I hate that he doesn't have a say anymore, that it's up to others to release his music and other people cashing in on his work. It's disgusting.

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