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Posts posted by RocketQueen1985

  1. True...

    At the Paris show, there were more young people than Guns n' Roses veterans.

    Oh and lol, I saw two girls actually CRYING while looking at DJ Ashba near the end of the concert

    Dude has quite a few female fans...

    And they can be pretty bitchy! When I saw GNR I wore a DJ t-shirt which he noticed so during Nightrain he jumped of the stage like he usually does and he stopped in front of me, went up to me and leaned against me so of course I held onto him while he played his solo. He then smiled at me and went back on to the stage. He also gave me a guitar pick, one of his cigarettes and his towel. After he went back on stage two girls behind started calling me a whore, a bitch, yeah well you name it. One of them even pushed me really hard in the back and said I didn't deserve having held him like that before they turned around and left :confused: Like, damn!


    I would be jealous too, but pushing and calling names? That's not the right thing too do

    Yeah, that's me

    It was you who showed me that picture you had taken of DJ when you met him in Copenhagen right? And see, I didn't call you a whore lol! Was I jealous? YES! But come on, I would never say something like that to another fan. It's pathetic imo.

    Yes, that was me :) And DJ is very hot

    How about that Honky tonk woman? There must be a vid of it out there

    He's even hotter in real life :tongue2:

    Honky Tonk Woman?

  2. True...

    At the Paris show, there were more young people than Guns n' Roses veterans.

    Oh and lol, I saw two girls actually CRYING while looking at DJ Ashba near the end of the concert :rofl-lol:

    Dude has quite a few female fans...

    And they can be pretty bitchy! When I saw GNR I wore a DJ t-shirt which he noticed so during Nightrain he jumped of the stage like he usually does and he stopped in front of me, went up to me and leaned against me so of course I held onto him while he played his solo. He then smiled at me and went back on to the stage. He also gave me a guitar pick, one of his cigarettes and his towel. After he went back on stage two girls behind started calling me a whore, a bitch, yeah well you name it. One of them even pushed me really hard in the back and said I didn't deserve having held him like that before they turned around and left :confused: Like, damn!


    I would be jealous too, but pushing and calling names? That's not the right thing too do :thumbsdown:

    Yeah, that's me :)

    It was you who showed me that picture you had taken of DJ when you met him in Copenhagen right? And see, I didn't call you a whore lol! Was I jealous? YES! But come on, I would never say something like that to another fan. It's pathetic imo.

  3. True...

    At the Paris show, there were more young people than Guns n' Roses veterans.

    Oh and lol, I saw two girls actually CRYING while looking at DJ Ashba near the end of the concert

    Dude has quite a few female fans...

    Yeah experienced some DJ Ashba groupies myself. One girl was on her phone behind me saying to a friend: 'Slash wasn't there tonight but an even sexier lookalike was there. I need to get backstage and fuck him'. Classy eh?

    Saw people in the sitting areas trying to throw their bra's at him.

    Ashba is definitely the ladies favorite

    And they can be pretty bitchy! When I saw GNR I wore a DJ t-shirt which he noticed so during Nightrain he jumped of the stage like he usually does and he stopped in front of me, went up to me and leaned against me so of course I held onto him while he played his solo. He then smiled at me and went back on to the stage. He also gave me a guitar pick, one of his cigarettes and his towel. After he went back on stage two girls behind started calling me a whore, a bitch, yeah well you name it. One of them even pushed me really hard in the back and said I didn't deserve having held him like that before they turned around and left :confused: Like, damn!

    They were just mega jealous take no notice. Calling YOU a whore? Pretty sure it was a case of pot... kettle... black... on their part.

    lol, yeah I guess. I was kinda shocked by their behaviour so I didn't even say anything. Now I regret I didn't tell them how good he smelled and how soft his skin was just to piss them off even more, lol

    Can't believe I'm not there. The first thing Bumblefoot said when he saw me was "are you coming to Barcelona aswell??" I wish.. After this, we have no idea when they will return to Europe. Damn... I'm gonna miss these guys so much.

    Spot the groupie

    Dude.. I'm addicted to see them. I honestly have no idea how to go on with my life without having a GN'R show planned in the near future. I'm thinking of going to Israel though. That makes everythign easier.

    If You by mistake orders an extra ticket + plane ticket Aalborg->Israel, then just send me a message..

    Could eaisily happen! If so, I'll send you a message


    At the Paris show, there were more young people than Guns n' Roses veterans.

    Oh and lol, I saw two girls actually CRYING while looking at DJ Ashba near the end of the concert

    Dude has quite a few female fans...

    And they can be pretty bitchy! When I saw GNR I wore a DJ t-shirt which he noticed so during Nightrain he jumped of the stage like he usually does and he stopped in front of me, went up to me and leaned against me so of course I held onto him while he played his solo. He then smiled at me and went back on to the stage. He also gave me a guitar pick, one of his cigarettes and his towel. After he went back on stage two girls behind started calling me a whore, a bitch, yeah well you name it. One of them even pushed me really hard in the back and said I didn't deserve having held him like that before they turned around and left :confused: Like, damn!

    Seriously? :o Some people just doesn't get it.

    No, they don't. If they wanted his attention maybe they should've worn one of his t-shirts or waited in line since noon to get a front spot. They didn't, I did and that's why he noticed me I guess.

    But I will say that many people were also happy for me, saying how cool it was and that it was on the big screen and everything, lol.

    Like I get totally jealous when I see pictures of people who have actually met him and talked to him, but I would never say shit to them, that's just stupid. They are fans too and they deserve it just as much as any other fan.

  4. True...

    At the Paris show, there were more young people than Guns n' Roses veterans.

    Oh and lol, I saw two girls actually CRYING while looking at DJ Ashba near the end of the concert :rofl-lol:

    Dude has quite a few female fans...

    And they can be pretty bitchy! When I saw GNR I wore a DJ t-shirt which he noticed so during Nightrain he jumped of the stage like he usually does and he stopped in front of me, went up to me and leaned against me so of course I held onto him while he played his solo. He then smiled at me and went back on to the stage. He also gave me a guitar pick, one of his cigarettes and his towel. After he went back on stage two girls behind started calling me a whore, a bitch, yeah well you name it. One of them even pushed me really hard in the back and said I didn't deserve having held him like that before they turned around and left :confused: Like, damn!

  5. Celebrity Skin is a good country mile ahead of Live Through This imo.

    The new albums okay, but it blatently rips off that Verve song.

    I love CS, but nothing beats LTT.

    What Verve song?

    "Don't be ashamed, it's a fucking good song!" :rofl-lol:

  6. Hey Axl, get rid of your mustashe, you look like a mid west pimp and its aweful.

    I only wish you the best m8, and every fan who agree should sign up here...

    Instead of dropping the mustache, I'd prefer that he drop his current band and get Slash, Izzy, and Duff back in the mix.


    No matter what Axl do or look like people complain, he can never do anything right. Mustache or not, he's still Axl Rose. He doesn't owe us fans anything.

  7. "Auschwitz". I bought this on dvd some years back and it's really good. It was originally aired on BBC and it's in 6 episodes so it's pretty long, like 5 hours or something. But it's really good and very detailed.

  8. What an awesome night.

    Axl was like a man possessed, probably from sucking too many Strepsils for his sore throat. :lol:

    He is totally on top of his game vocally and fitness level, not so out of breath as he was in Paris. His screams were some of the best I’ve ever heard him do and he seemed really happy and enjoying himself.

    Richard, Bumble and DJ couldn’t have done any more to involve the crowd and they played out of their skins. Tommy, Frank, Chris and of course Dizzy were excellent.

    In my opinion last night was so much better than Sunday at the LG. Yes there was booing but as soon as the band came on the place rocked.

    I have a love/hate relationship with Paradise City. I love to hear it but I know it’s the end of the gig, and this time the end of the UK leg. I hope it’s not four more years before they come back.

    After the gig we had a walk round before the drive home.

    There was a small crowd by the gates at the back of the MEN where the trucks were loading up. One of them was a little boy of 11 with his mom. He was really cold but he wanted to stay and see DJ come out as he really loves him. A security man got on his radio and spoke to someone inside the building and told him about the young lad. The reply was that DJ was in the shower but to send the lad in with his mom and he would see him. So they went inside and when he came back out his little face was a picture. He had seen DJ and all the band had signed his ticket. Priceless, and probably a new fan for life. :kiss:

    At the end only a few of us were left when Axl came out. He came over to us and through the bars in the gate he shook hands and signed autographs. He said that through the bars he felt like he was in jail and someone said back to him ‘well it wouldn’t be the first time’ which Axl found really funny. Someone asked if Axl remembered Hammersmith 06 and he said ‘Hell Yeah’.

    He was really happy, relaxed with his now trade mark hat and a long overcoat on. They were flying off to Spain in a few hours so he had to go. He thanked us, we thanked him for an awesome gig and told him to take care of himself and to come back soon.

    What a fucking legend he is. The press are never around for moments like that just there for shit shovelling. He is a truly great frontman.

    This tour for me has been amazing. I have memories to cherish of meeting and speaking to Axl twice and for the autographs and photos.

    Thank you Axl and the lads for the four great gigs that I was lucky enough to attend, and to my ‘gig buddy’ you mean more to me than words can say. :wub:


    Seriously, how sweet is DJ? :wub: He is always so sweet to the fans, always taking his time. Letting that little boy in to see him like that...I bet he'll never ever forget it!

    And you're so right about Axl! Not that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting him (unfortunately) but I know people who have and they have only had good things to say about him. So jealous of everyone who has met Axl (and DJ), I really hope I will one day too.

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