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Status Updates posted by rocknroll41

  1. RIP Aerosmith

  2. RIP Steve Albini

  3. I just remembered that last night I had an inception-style dream (where I went two levels down) and in my dream within a dream I heard loud thunder and I still don’t know if it was from the real world or if it was all in my head lol

  4. last night I had a dream where I could kinda tell I was in a dream but wasn’t 100% sure so I was like “maybe if I go on the internet I’ll see something so ridiculous that it’ll confirm I’m in a dream,” and it worked (I saw a post saying that Izzy was rejoining GnR)

  5. “All that glitters is gold.” RIP Steve Harwell of Smash Mouth

  6. RIP Cormac McCarthy

    1. wendirosez


      Yes i saw this. It is sad.

  7. RIP Tina Turner

    1. wendirosez


      Oh that is so sad. She'll be missed.

  8. Last night I had a nightmare where Axl kicked Slash out of GnR and replaced him with a little girl.

    1. Stay.Of.Execution


      Ian Watkins would like that 

  9. Do we still have the general podcasts thread? Can’t find it.

  10. RIP Taylor Hawkins

  11. Now that HS and Absurd are out, GnR has 90 officially-released songs (26 of which are covers)

    1. Towelie


      That's a shocking number of covers.

    2. rocknroll41


      Yeah but to be fair I’m counting the four covers that were on the Appetite for Democracy CD that was released exclusively in the US (bundled with the blu-ray). So I guess it’s really only 86 songs (22 of which are covers).

  12. Anyone gonna update the tour dates on Wikipedia?

  13. Happy Hard Skool Day!

  14. Eat my silkworms!!

  15. For the few of you who still care: The entire GnR catalog is now in lossless on Apple Music and SCOM in particular is in Dolby Atmos. Edit: WTTJ and PC are in Dolby now too.

  16. RIP Daft Punk (1993-2021)

  17. Happy 20th anniversary HOB2001!

  18. .— . -. . . -.. .- -. . .— —. -. .-. .- .-.. -... ..- —
    ^this is Morse code for “we need a new GnR album.”

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