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Posts posted by aArief178

  1. This is a common phenonmenon amongst the community, some people that were at a particular show will swear up and down Axl's just delivered the performance of his career, then that won't transpire in the subsequent videos.

    It clearly has something to do with the mix. The prominence of the guitars probably distort a clear perception of Axl's vocals and clearly there are special effects in operation too.

    In Hartford 2002 I though Axl was amazing. Then I heard the boot and he cracked on Jungle in the worst possible way, it was really funny. Since then I've learned to gauge Axl without being caught up in the moment.

    he uses "soft rasp", that's a new one.

    But you can't hear it on cell phones... only on pro shot dvds. haha

    No kidding here people! I can give examples..

    I would love to hear these examples. Can you post pro shots vs cell phones where the pro shots pick up this 'soft rasp' and the cell phones don't please?

    You're all rather moronic, to be honest.

    I'm in no way defending Axl, he isn't as good as he was in 2010. But the fact still remains that he (and any other singer ever) will always sound better actually live, than on a video. (More so with Axl, because of the rasp everyone so desperately wants to hear)

    Pro footage doesn't mean shit, I actually think it's worse than a regular fan camera, especially GNR's recent pro shot gigs anyway with the mixing. (Reading, London for example) With Reading it sounds better with fan recordings than it does pro footage.

    I was at London, and while he didn't sound as great as he did in 2010 (when i saw him twice), he sure as hell sounded much better than any footage i've seen. It's a completely different experience when you're actually there, with the atmosphere, rather than the band being recorded and edited. I suppose it helps when his voice is echoing and bouncing from wall to wall at the o2 arena, sounding more 'live' and more powerful than the edited pro footage. I never once thought he was off form at all.

    Same goes for 2010 btw. He still sounds amazing in any footage but it was still even better live.

    a new level of delusional.

    I believe what he is saying is that Live... you don't get an accurate perception of his vocals because of the live reverb, so since you can't hear him as good you 'Think' he sounds better than he does. Then when you listen to the mic source, you get the accurate representation... so Axl isn't good live, but the terrible acoustics and on the fly mixing make it seem like he might be good. I'll be damned because Ritz 88, Rock Am Ring 06 and Inland sound amazing to me. Then you throw on London 02 and the VMAs and you're like, wtf?


    on the HD one, you can hear little rasp even on his mickey voice, as i said, he is not as great as 2010, but you eventually hear rasp sharper when you're on high definition sound.

    keep the earphone connected

    Edit: i'm not here to create bad relationship among us all, so, peace :)

  2. This is a common phenonmenon amongst the community, some people that were at a particular show will swear up and down Axl's just delivered the performance of his career, then that won't transpire in the subsequent videos.

    It clearly has something to do with the mix. The prominence of the guitars probably distort a clear perception of Axl's vocals and clearly there are special effects in operation too.

    In Hartford 2002 I though Axl was amazing. Then I heard the boot and he cracked on Jungle in the worst possible way, it was really funny. Since then I've learned to gauge Axl without being caught up in the moment.

    he uses "soft rasp", that's a new one.

    But you can't hear it on cell phones... only on pro shot dvds. haha

    No kidding here people! I can give examples..
  3. have you ever watch O2 london video 720p-1080p using an earphone?

    after you do that, you'll notice the difference

    Yes I have. Are you guys saying that with good quality you can hear Axl using rasp where as with shitty quality you can't? I think that's what I'm disagreeing with... I'm not sure anymore. Because you can tell whether he's using rasp no matter what quality.

    Yes jimbo, i know he is weaker than 2010. But i'm here to say that in better sound quality, he definetly sound better. there are some kind of soft rasp and power. Search some bad quality footage, and you'll hear mickey mouse. But in o2 london hd footage, he sounds mighty mouse, am i right?

    Ps: keep the earphone connected

    youre right, i heared london 2012 with earphones, it improved, now im hearing reading 2010 this i love with headphones, im blown away.
    Thats what i'm talking about :)
  4. have you ever watch O2 london video 720p-1080p using an earphone?

    after you do that, you'll notice the difference

    Yes I have. Are you guys saying that with good quality you can hear Axl using rasp where as with shitty quality you can't? I think that's what I'm disagreeing with... I'm not sure anymore. Because you can tell whether he's using rasp no matter what quality.

    Yes jimbo, i know he is weaker than 2010. But i'm here to say that in better sound quality, he definetly sound better. there are some kind of soft rasp and power. Search some bad quality footage, and you'll hear mickey mouse. But in o2 london hd footage, he sounds mighty mouse, am i right?

    Ps: keep the earphone connected

  5. 1. Mid 30

    2. Hits, Axl, and brand name

    3. They were very impress.. even they said axl's mickey voice were great, but still said he is weaker. And, all the media said gnr were tight, and worth Rp2.000.000 (around $175) and 30 minutes late before the concert

    They also impressed about TIL, while other impressed by catcher.

    Many people praises bumble, i think because he plays our national anthem, but they also mention skills, and many creates fan pages..

  6. Problem is....

    Axl is afraid of singing them live, it would kill axl if he sings a 5hour setlist every 3 days for, say 4 month tour

    And, the case of him being weaker these days..

    Also some problems like "you, me!"

  7. CD music sounds great to me.

    Just people expecting To hear more classic rock song, not the classy one.

    something like another AFD kind of song when it comes to GNR, not some Axl's feeling song.

    Lyrics on CD are somewhat Axl's cry moment and confession.

    Yes, UYI has its 'Axl's cry moment' song, just CD has it all over the album, except the title track.

    Look at these lyrics i quoted from each song on CD:


    "No one is stopping you from doing what you want to do.

    "I don't believe theres a reason"



    "A broken heart provide the spark for my determination"


    "What i thought was beautiful were lies i could not see"


    "You're the only one i had ever love that have ever loved me"


    "there was a time i would do anything for you

    "Broken glass and cigarettes, writing on the wall"


    "But everytime i see them makes me wishes i had a gun, if i thougt that i was crazy well i, guess i'll have more fun!

    "You took our innocence beyond that stares"


    "Sometimes i feel like the world is on top of me breaking me down in an endless monotony"


    "All my frustation"

    Sorry: all over the song


    "There's not anymore that i can do"


    "I won't be told anymore that i've been brought down the storm"


    "Theres no one else could ever make me feel im so alive"

    Prostitute: contains all axl's sad and unanswered question.

    Those lyrics particularly are not fit of the brand name 'Guns N Roses' for those haters, and those who couldn't forget the classic lineup.

    Happy ramadhan for all the moslems mygnr family has :D

  8. This person is not Axl's gf. It is a friend and they have been friends for over ten years. I for one am glad he had a good time in Vegas.

    No where in the article does it say he "picked up" anyone. The man is allowed to have friends - men and women. Geez you people stalk him like he's sasquatch.


    Sometimes it's too easy. And it only took 12 minutes.


    MBRose............maybe it can be both. But IMO, only if the person doesn't know the other person is super rich before hand. No 25 year old super model is looking at Axl Rose physically and saying "ooooh, that 51-year-old with the funny mustache and who is out-of-shape is HOT." Let's be honest here. Axl doesn't light up a room because of his personality on his own.......he lights up a room because he's Axl Rose, famous rock star with a huge reputation (good and bad), who you never know what might happen with from minute to minute.

    But I know that some posters on here will disagree and go on and on about what a nice guy he is, and how they'd think he was hot and sexy even if he had no money and wasn't Axl Rose.

    I don't get celebrity worship though - seems really creepy and weird to me. But whatever makes people happy. (Not saying you, MB, just people in general).

    Yes it was way to easy for you to once again act like a cock hole and show your unhealthy obsession with people on this forum who have a life I suggest you get one too

    Hilarious that I knew that YOU would instantly be on here to argue the fact that Axl wasn't dating this girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I also think the "get a life" comments are funny when people make them in reference to other people who post on the SAME forum that they do!!! Me making a comment about you means I have no life.............but you knowing the history of EVERY female friend that Axl has clearly shows that you have a very exciting and entertaining life!!!!! Lol, how much is it bothering you that people think Axl has a GF!!!!! Don't worry wa....I mean sai......I mean Tabitha, I'm sure one day Axl will see your devotion to him and you guys will end up dating.

    Lolcano - for once can you contribute to a topic rather than just making personal attacks on people?

    Coma - seriously? Your the one who started a topic yesterday SPECIFICALLY to complain about people.........before those people had even posted anything!!!!! What happened to you? You used to be one of the better Nutters. Sure, your obsessed with Axl and you constantly defend and praise his every move. But you used to do it with respect and a bit of common sense, and you used to have pretty normal posts on here. But the last few days you've become more angry and bitter and are starting to post like Lolcano and his ilk.

    The Axl nutters are a funny bunch. They spend more time moaning, whining and crying about other posters than they do talking about the band!

    Stop it coma, volcano, groghan.

    Fight in attitude if you want!

  9. good that someone made this thread! it might come true! who knows?

    he might had read the thread about us wondering if its cool to see him and steven tyler in a pic, then he manage to do it.

    he might also do the same here

    Think Positive :thumbsup:

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