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Posts posted by aArief178

  1. Maybe they're just doing Vegas and Coachella. Hence no interviews, announced dates, etc.....

    I don't think Axl can afford to do 4 shows with Duff and Slash, then go back to new Guns. People won't have it.

    Vegas and Coachella really set up the US tour. Slash might have the same problem.
    Daisies wouldn't replace Richard and Dizzy if its just 4 shows for them serving Axl, Duff, and Slash. I guess the big tour is on for Guns.

    I agree. Fortus and Dizzy have to be in for a long tour for the Daisies to replace them. If this was just a few shows, they'd never leave the DD. I'm glad Fortus is still with GNR. He's been in the band for a long time, is a great player and doesn't seem to have the huge 'look at me play' attitude/ego that should work great with Slash.
    Izzy's junior is always better than Slash's junior ;D
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  2. Maybe they're just doing Vegas and Coachella. Hence no interviews, announced dates, etc.....

    I don't think Axl can afford to do 4 shows with Duff and Slash, then go back to new Guns. People won't have it.

    Vegas and Coachella really set up the US tour. Slash might have the same problem.
    Daisies wouldn't replace Richard and Dizzy if its just 4 shows for them serving Axl, Duff, and Slash. I guess the big tour is on for Guns.
  3. Good call fortus. Even makes you think about the time he said there would be a slash co write on the next GNR record.. The interview was from last March. So yeah.. Fortus doesn't lie

    Did he really said that Slash would co-write at that time?

    We should've known reunion would happen if he said that at that period of time.

    No, he said that they were working on all kinds of stuff, even some of Slash's stuff from way back. He didn't say it was new stuff.

    Ahhh I see.. thanks.
    But now Alan Niven says izzys been writing new music as well. Either way slash could have and probably will have a co write. We'll get new music, even if it's only a couple of songs.
    Yaa, just don't hold your breath. Holding breath in GNR world isn't a smart choice.
  4. Good call fortus. Even makes you think about the time he said there would be a slash co write on the next GNR record.. The interview was from last March. So yeah.. Fortus doesn't lie

    Did he really said that Slash would co-write at that time?

    We should've known reunion would happen if he said that at that period of time.

    No, he said that they were working on all kinds of stuff, even some of Slash's stuff from way back. He didn't say it was new stuff.

    Ahhh I see.. thanks.
  5. To be honest I totaly don't understand the idea of criticizing and buying tickets. The wheel is on your hands, if in all those years when nu-GNR were touring without releasing anything new all who didn't like the idea restrained from buying tickets and going to shows, Axl would have to release the album to financially support himself. It's as simple as that. On a free market it is you who decide.

    I didin't buy the ticket for the new band with no new record. I will, now, if they come anywhere near because I love that they reunited and support it wholeheartedly even without Steven and Izzy.

    To be honest all the arguments here and all of the uncertainity of the GN'R world and its fanbase is the main reason i read this forum. So, if everyone shuts up, then its no fun.
  6. https://twitter.com/htgth/status/683979608136519680

    Jarmo posted that 13 hours ago, then he said the show isn't happening about an hour ago.. if he said it never been confirmed, why the fuck did he post the link to ABC where it states Axl Rose will be on Kimmel?

    Because everyone wants to be "special" on the internet

    Seriously I am really starting to hate every single person on any GNR forum sites on the internet who use the "I have a source that I can't say but...." thing. Just in general


    I mean i cannot bring up an another band's fanbase that does this kind of thing...

    Every fucking insider are fake as fuck

    If you have sources, then share it, otherwise you're a fraud or a slave

    This is laughable and sad at the same time

    I don't claim to be an "insider" or anything other than a fan who owns a fan site. I have a few emails to various people who are connected to the band. They are willing to share information so long as they're not named.

    So the choice I'm left with is to keep quiet and say nothing or help fellow fans with news and information. If you choose to not believe me, that's fine. I can only vouch for the information as it's being told to me. I'm not hearing it directly from Axl so take it for what it is.

    I'm sure I voice the opinion of all when I say your efforts are greatly appreciated!

    Now that that's out of the way....

    What's the full lineup? :lol:

    I'm hearing strong rumours of Traci Guns, Ole Beich, and Rob Gardiner rounding out the lineup.


    No clue. There's a rumour the lineup will be confirmed tomorrow, but we'll see.

    Did they use black magic to bring Ole back to life or something?
    They turn into the dark side, Darth Axl and his apprentice, Darth Slash has already learned that black magic. Darth Axl has the most midi-chlorian in this planet.
  7. I don't know what to expect of this...

    Its 50/50 for me wether he will come to Kimmel or not.

    He WILL. How does anyone think he won't?
    Well, its probably bcs that I'm really into it, I mean, I'm too excited, so the idea of him not coming to the show has grown to be a big fear for me.

    It is funny, in a tragic way, to see that Axl's fans are so scarred from previous disappointments that they nearly refuse to believe something good it's happening.

  8. What if Axl is afraid of if the reunion with slash scheduled, he will die before the day they play together on stage. Because, before, he said that reunion is "not in this lifetime".

    Knowing that somehow, Axl may believe superstition like that would really happen. After they made the Don't Cry video, there is a footage of Axl (in 'Making Fuckin Video' or so) which Axl broke his fake tombstone, fearing that he will be dead soon if he did'nt destroy it.

    Lol, i don't know i'm joking or not, but it made sense.... probably...

    Yeah just maybe........

  9. Guys, meanwhile on the other thread, on 3rd october 2015...

    They should stop asking him questions regarding the reunion, they should ask him to elaborate more on his renewed "friendship" with Axl.

    Honestly? They need to stop BOTH of these things before they annoy Slash, or make someone mad and mess things up.

    Slash said he and Axl recently connected and doesn't want to talk about a reunion. I say leave it there. After that, no news, is good news.

    When they are ready to talk, they will



    you decide, cause i dont have to, and then they'll find, and i won't ask you, at anytime, or long hereafter.

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