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Posts posted by aArief178

  1. Defensively utd shaky. Evans going off was a blow. Still the Rooney problem. Mata is obvious best centre attack mid. Van p best striker but maybe too old to play all games.

    What do you mean by 'The Rooney Problem'? Would you mind to elaborate it please?

    My opinion is Rooney plays really well..

  2. I was going to create a new thread about this, but since I'm not a fan of redundant topics, I used the search function and found this.

    The video in the opening post is gone, but to recap: During the 2011 Rock in Rio performance, Axl brought Beta on stage and said to the audience "Whose fault is it? Beta's fault." I think he repeated it once or twice or something. In any case, there have already been some good ideas in this thread about what Axl was possibly referencing. But I would like to hear more people's impressions of what Axl meant when he said that. Was he making reference to the critical people on the internet? I'm not saying I necessarily think that, but it is a very real possibility. Now that a few years have passed, what do you think Axl meant?

    Oh and if anyone can find a video of it, post it please. I forget at what point in the show it occurred.

    It is before Better. He said 'So lets play Beta' and the band starts to play Better =D
  3. this?

    ah yes, sweet child.. he only do it with rasp on 2010 several times. Thank you, and is there anything else apart from sweetchild?

    I feel like ever since 2001 with a few exceptions he just goes through the motions on SCOM, like he doesn't even want to do it.

    Look at RIR 2001. All the songs were filled with energy, except for SCOM. He just stands there looking bored. Boston 2002 he had great energy, but just about every other performance since then he just goes through the motions. He probably doesn't want to play it, but feels like he has to for the fans.

    Yeah, I agree with you. Maybe it brings back memories of some bad moments in the past.
  4. is there any bootleg on youtube, or wherever it is, showing Axl singing mickey/clean high voice on 2010?

    if so, can someone post it here?

    or you can also say your concert experience on 2010, if anyone have heard him singing without rasp on high notes.

    I'm not a hater OR supporter of his current voice, i'm just curious if he has done any vocals on 2010 concerts like current.

    EDIT: made my post easier to understand.

  5. I don't understand anyone wanting to buy someone else's love letters? I know Axl wrote them, but still. makes no sense.

    I don't think Axl cares anymore. I mean how long has it been? Why should he care? He probably put it all behind him and forgot what the hell he wrote to her. lol

    Well, someone could buy it so he/she can sell it a higher price than it is buyed.
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