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Posts posted by thunderram

  1. STB was the very first song I gravitated to upon listening to Contraband. I've always loved it. But Slither, Dirty Little Thing, Superhuman and Fall to Pieces are all terrific as well.

    Moot point, but I'll always wonder how those tunes would have turned out had AXL been involved.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Reclamation Project said:

    And secondly because it transitions into Perfect Crime (one of my favorite songs) and not fucking My World. 

    While I love the entire album, Don't Cry and Perfect Crime are my 2 favorite songs on UYI1.


    1 hour ago, BorderlineCrazy said:

    I would mention that the demo they did with Steven is way better than the album version but I don't wanna be accused of saying that kind of things too often :lol: 

    The demo version is flat out one of my favorites, period. Mostly due to how vulnerable AXL's voice sounds on it. I love how he sings it clean, but then ramps up after the solo and just belts it with so much emotion. I don't think his voice has ever sounded better than on this song and both You're Crazy and One in a Million from LIES. That said, I do really like the versions on both UYI albums too.


    2 minutes ago, RONIN said:

    Fair enough, though I did mention that it's the first song the entire band worked on together. With that said, it seems that DC is generally considered an "Izzy" song by most including Axl iirc (correct me if I'm off base here).

    I think this song has just slipped under the radar a bit for whatever reason. I can't even say that it hasn't endured because it has 300 million + views on Youtube, more than 100 million views than Patience -- clearly the song is a fan favorite. Mainstream recognition has slipped a bit perhaps.

    I've seen the band twice on this current tour -- in VEGAS and in SF -- and they didn't play it on either occasion. I don't want to hijack this thread into another setlist rant, but I do firmly believe the song deserves to be played at every single show just like SCOM, WTTJ, and PC.

  3. 14 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

    I wonder how long Slash can cling onto being a legacy act without getting restless? Axl has been a legacy act since 2001 so he is rather used to it but Slash constantly likes to put albums out.


    Funny, but I was just thinking about this today. Including his days with GN'R, SLASH has released 11 original studio albums (6 this millennium + ALG in 1995) while AXL only has 5 to his credit (1 this millennium). So SLASH has released more material (7) post-GN'R than AXL ever has been a part of. Needless to say, they have been on completely different pages to this point in time -- not just in musical direction, but frequency of work.

    To me, that will be the biggest sticking point with regarding to any "new" music involving the trio. IMO, the only way it can possibly happen is if AXL has changed in more ways than we've seen to this point.

  4. 28 minutes ago, StrangerInThisTown said:

    lmao this interview. I'm sure Axl is embarrassed by many things he said on there now


    In reading the interview linked from HTGTH.com, I can somewhat understand why AXL largely hasn't granted nor wanted to do any press interviews since he, SLASH and DUFF reunited for this current tour. And also, in part, due to STEVEN's limited involvement. Because he trashed them quite harshly. Everyone remembers the "cancer" comment, but I don't recall the detailed comments and criticism regarding SLASH's career progression as a guitarist or the mocking of the drum and percussion work on AFD and UYI. I'm sure he doesn't want to have to re-live or respond to the questions he'd surely receive.

    As others have stated, that was then -- this is now. AXL obviously doesn't feel entirely the same way today or he wouldn't be working with SLASH or involving STEVEN in any way whatsoever. That said, it does make a bit more sense why STEVEN has only guested for a couple of songs and a couple of gigs and why he (and Matt Sorum) were never seriously considered for full-time work on the tour..

  5. 13 hours ago, Nikki_Sixx said:

    No it's not.


    Yes it is. And I explained exactly why. Instead of just disagreeing with no evidence in support, why don't you explain why. I assume you went to a class or family reunion at some point in your life, or know someone that has. Was it not referred to as a reunion because some class/family members chose not to or were unable to attend? This current tour is a REUNION of 3 of the key members of the original band. Saying otherwise is simply being ignorant and hardheaded.

    Denial is a river .....

    • Like 1
  6. This most certainly IS a reunion. Not a reunion of the entire original 5, of course, but still a reunion among AXL, DUFF and SLASH (and even Steven on a limited basis) while under the Guns N' Roses brand -- who had been "estranged" for nearly 20 years. The AXL and SLASH reunion is the most noteworthy and least likely given prior circumstance and history.

    Most, if not all, fans may have wanted a reunion of all 5 original members -- and possibly even Matt and Gilby -- but you can still have a reunion without every band member being included. It's like suggesting that a high school or college reunion isn't really that unless ALL members of the class attend. That's simply not true. Not only was this a reunion, whether they referred to it as such or not, 70% of the regular setlist was from the 1987 - 1991 era AND even Steven Adler was brought into the mix. It is a reunion and nostalgia tour. Plain and simple. It just wasn't attended by ALL members of the original band.


  7. 4 hours ago, Tom-Ass said:

    Seriously.. Was looking forward to seeing that this tour and they didn't play it at either show I went to. I can name about 3 or 4 songs that would have gladly been welcome over ;) Maybe next time \m/


    Same thing happened to me. They didn't play it at the 1st VEGAS show or in SF. I had a feeling that might happen since they played it the gig before in HOUSTON. Also was disappointed to miss CITR, which was played the show before SF and every show since. I can't seem to catch a break. My timing is terrible. And it isn't new. Case in point, back in 1991 they played LOCOMOTIVE at the 1st show in MOUNTAIN VIEW and I attended to the 2nd show the following evening.

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    4 minutes ago, Len B'stard said:

    Another major difference being that The Rolling Stones are 50 times the band GnR are/were/are every likely to be :D 


    Like the old saying goes, when you feel you have to over-exaggerate a point to make a point -- you have no point. The Stones have a greater legacy, no doubt. But nowhere near 50x.

    The Stones are only a bigger band because they've been around nearly twice as long (to this point) and they have a lot more catalog. But at their "height", GN'R was on par or bigger than any rock and roll band not named The Beatles. The Beatles will probably always hold that title.



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  9. 42 minutes ago, RussTCB said:

    I read yesterday that GNRs stage time was 845. Did they go on then or even earlier than that?

    They went on "around" 8:05. Show ended "around" 10:40.

    Interestingly enough, as hoards of fans were walking from the stadium on 3rd street, AXL was walking the opposite direction heading back toward the venue. He was escorted by a dozen or more cops. Not sure exactly where he went.

  10. 1 hour ago, DieselDaisy said:

     it is our right to conclude that the man is creatively redundant. 


    Correction. YOUR right. Not everyone would agree with your assessment. Likely very few. But everyone is entitled.

    1 hour ago, DieselDaisy said:

    were unable to surpass, e.g. your Stones's, Beatles's - even your Pear Jam's.


    According to you. While I certainly agree with the Stones and Beatles (who has surpassed them?) I definitely don't agree with Pearl Jam. I find that one quite laughable.

    • Like 1
  11. SF weather sucks, unless you like cold and windy all the time. I don't. It's definitely not a shorts and tank top type of place even during summer nights.

    Moving on, I'm so stoked that this date has finally arrived. We're next on the tour list!!! I'm hoping we get something cool and interesting since I'm sure the band is HAPPY to be back in CA again. SLASH and AXL have always liked playing in the Bay area. Hopefully we get an appearance by STEVEN and a tune they have yet to play on tour thus far. Back in 1991, they did unveil LOCOMOTIVE during one of their Mountain View shows. How cool would it be for history to repeat itself? :)

    I'm sure an IZZY appearance would be far too much to hope for, but one can dream, right??

    • Like 2
  12. On 8/5/2016 at 0:51 PM, JeanGenie said:

    If releasing albums takes so much for him hes got the wrong job imo.


    How so? Seems to me that he's got the perfect job. He's got a lot of $$ in the bank, lots of fans, and can work on his own schedule. As a fan, you might not like or agree with that schedule and may do things differently if you were in the driver's seat -- but, as already proven, he's still highly successful doing it his own way. Hard to argue against that. BTW, there's no hard and fast rule on how often you have to release new music or how you go about doing it -- especially in the world we now live in. We fans may want it right now and every couple years, but we'll still be there lining up to hear it whenever he feels like he's got something to contribute.

    • Like 2
  13. 22 hours ago, sjlgnr said:

    I don't agree with Slash recording solo material during the band's reunion tour.


    Why does it need anybody's approval? Secondly, you don't even know when it was recorded. It could have been during the hiatus from late April until late June. Lastly, practically every member of band has done work outside of the band while still with the band at some point in time. AXL has recorded vocals for the likes of Alice Cooper, Don Henley, Gilby Clarke, etc. I don't see the big deal here.

  14. 11 minutes ago, moreblack said:

    And Maiden, and Thin Lizzy, and April Wine, and Skynnyrd, and the Allman Bros. and whoever Vai plays with, and Metallica, and Megadeth...

    Since everyone seems to be positioning subjective opinions as facts, I'll do the same. The combo of SLASH and IZZY is so far and above every one of those acts. Not even close. They're a large reason why GN'R sold over 70M albums on the strength of essentially just 3 albums. THREE.

  15. 11 hours ago, Kasanova King said:

    Uhm...the changes you are talking about happened during different legs of the Illusions tour....and the legs were 6 months apart, sometimes more.


    This is still the first leg of the NITLT Tour. They have made more changes to this setlist than the first leg of the Illusions tour and it's not even close.

    People need to check the facts instead of non stop complaining.




    First off, I'm not complaining. Just responding. So heed your own advice and "stop complaining" about those that you think are complaining but are in fact "correcting".

    Secondly, heed your own advice with regard to "fact checking".

    During the 1st leg of the UYI tour (after the RIO and warmup shows), they varied the opening song multiple times just within the 1st month (MAY and early JUNE). It varied between Pretty Tied Up, Right Next Door to Hell, and Perfect Crime. Even after that, they sometimes opened with WTTJ, It's So Easy or Nightrain. They even opened with YCBM once. On this current tour, they've not altered the opener one time.

    Furthermore, the order of the setlist contained variations. They didn't play the same order every single night. They might do so for a couple of shows in a row, but then the order would deviate slightly a few shows later -- including the addition or removal of a song. For example, 14 Years and You Ain't the First was played at some shows but not others -- all within the 1st 2 months of the leg. Estranged was once played early in the set rather than later. Also, WTTJ was played as the closer rather than PC at an early JUNE show. Those kinds of things aren't happening now. Lastly, songs like Locomotive and Move to the City were played once or twice all within the early stages of the tour.

    Go compare setlists from the 1st 2-4 months of the tour. There was a lot more deviation than what we're seeing now. Again, not a complaint but a correction to what you guys are purporting as fact.



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  16. 2 hours ago, ironmt said:

    You were absolutely correct In your assessment. They have made more changes to the setlist(adding songs) so far on this tour than they did on the UYI tour with most likely more changes to be made as the tour continues.


    No, you're both wrong. For example, the show opener changed numerous times (Pretty Tied Up, Perfect Crime, WTTJ, Nighttrain, etc) whereas it's never changed once for this current tour. Also, the order of the setlist frequently changed. I don't think they've deviated once within the first 10 songs or so for this tour. There was much more flexibility with the setlist back in the UYI days. That's why there was always so much downtime in between songs. They went with the flow and altered things based upon the feel of the crowd. You can fund numerous interviews of them saying exactly that.

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