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Posts posted by thunderram

  1. You gotta consider the inactivity as well. While he may be able to move around soon, he'll also get fatigued quite quickly which would greatly affect his vocal performance. So I wouldn't expect much or any movement during any of the remaining AC/DC gigs.

  2. 50 minutes ago, DIST said:

    Isn't it strange he seems to be 200% ready with AC/DC who goes on stage  almost 2 hours earlier than GNR singing more powerful than ever?

    Either he starts preparing at 1a.m for AC/DC or that whole story "I need time to give 100%" is complete bullshit. 



    The recent GN'R gigs started relatively on time. The Troubadour and 1st Vegas show was about an hour late, but the 2nd Vegas show, Mexico and Coachella were on time or at most a couple minutes late.

    It hasn't just been an AC/DC thing.

  3. 50 minutes ago, Tom-Ass said:

    You bastard.. That's the only one I missed.. I have a bootleg DVD at least lol

    HAHA. Yeah, it was a pretty cool gig. JAN 1997 at The Edge nightclub in Palo Alto, CA. First time I ever met the top hatted one. In fact, at every single show I've ever been to, sans VR or GN'R, Slash has always come off his tour bus to meet and greet fans. It's one of the many things I dig about him. Anyway, I don't recall everything they played that night, but Teddy "Zig Zag" Andreadis handled most the vocals and they did songs such as Magic Carpet Ride, Superstition, Hoochie Coochie Man and Night Prowler. I recall Slash teasing the crowd with the intro to My Michelle but then said there's no way they're playing it! I don't think there was more than 600-700 people in attendance.

    I once saw Snakepit at the tiny Phoenix Theatre in Petaluma, CA. I don't think there was 300 people there. It was crazy. Easily the most intimate show I've ever been to.

    I have a bootleg video of one of the Rod Jackson Snakepit shows hidden somewhere in my collection. One of these days I'll try to dig it up and transfer it to DVD and maybe I could get you to trade me a copy of that Blues Ball show you got. I'd love to re-live that set.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Tom-Ass said:

    I don't think it is "terrible" but it just isn't great and yes at times bad. It was great to see Slash/Axl and Duff onstage but the I think the quality of the actual songs is underwhelming. I just watched Anastasia from Sydney and it blows away what GnR are doing. That isn't even a GnR song but it seems to capture the GnR vibe more than Guns are right now. I watch them and just get turned off by either Frank, Fortus or Axl's voice by the end of it. Even when they are all sounding good the tempos seem way too fast and the vibe of the song is just lost. And Slash even seems off with this band. He was playing the best guitar of his life before this tour and its like WTF happened? 

    They are best at some of the Illusions songs but even November Rain is played stupid fast. It's just weird. The Appetite and LIES songs forget it... 

    The elements that sound different are very NuGnR to me due to Fortus and Frank and I hate it. Hated NuGnR.. This might work better for people who were fans of that crap I guess.

    All good, I don't take it as criticism or ridicule at all but I appreciate you expressing that. 

    Also a hardcore fan since 87.. I even have GnR ink... I just know they could and should be way better than this. Part of me says that they are only 6 shows into it and need to shake off the cobwebs and build chemistry. Part of me says they should have done that before the tour. Part of me says it is useless because Frank and Fortus will always sound like crap. I don't care how long they have been in the band.. They are just hired hands and Slash and Duff are back. They should do some homework and try and play the songs truer to their original forms. They shouldn't treat it as NuGnR anymore.

    I just hope something changes



    Fair enough. And I do concur with some of the things you addressed here.

    To help understand my POV, I should probably state that when I first got into the band in '87 -- I was an uber Axl fan. He was the star of the band to me and could do no wrong. I didn't even mind the tantrums, rants or tardiness, as that was part of the fun and appeal for me. These guys just danced to the beat of their own drum and Axl was the epitome of that.

    But things changed for me around 1993 as I started learning to play guitar. I'd always been huge fan of Slash and his sound (Slash and Stevie Ray Vaughan are my all time favs), but it just went to a new level as I became more of a player. Then, when all the events from 1994 - 1997 occurred, I just defected to Slash's side as he was still playing and Axl/GN'R was doing nothing. I saw Slash play as often as I could. Snakepit, Blues Ball, VR, etc. When the GN'R CD songs started to leak out, I was intrigued and still an Axl fan but it never hit for me as Slash's music did. Didn't care for any of the guitarists that Axl hired. They weren't Slash. Conversely, none of the vocalists that played with Slash were Axl. Something was just missing from both (although I did like Rod Jackson and now Myles Kennedy).

    The point of the above is that I've been much more a fan of Slash's bands than Axl's bands. So I agree with most of the things you've said. But, in the end, the most important thing to me is having Axl and Slash back together. As long as those 2 are on stage, I'm good. Adding Duff makes things a notch or two better, as would Izzy, Steven or Matt. But not having them wasn't ever a deal breaker for me. That said, I would be in heaven if we could get the original 5 back together or even the UYI lineup with Izzy/Matt.

    So, in summary, you and I are on the same page regarding Slash's band. I'm much more a fan of those guys than Axl's hired Guns.

    • Like 2
  5. 13 minutes ago, Tom-Ass said:

    I have wanted nothing more in music than a Gn'R reunion since they disbanded.  A real reunion.. One that would make me forget about SMKC. Not a continuation of the Axl Rose show featuring sporty spice.. Not a fan of the the line up. Doesn't even matter if Izzy, Steven, Matt or Gilby are or not as long as it sounded good and I just don't think it does. Slash doesn't even sound good with this lineup.. They aren't doing the songs justice they deserve. I can hardly make it though a whole song on you tube without shutting it off.


    Man, you sure are a tough nut to crack, Tom :)

    I've been a hardcore fan of the band since '87 and have seen/heard so many different shows that I lost count a long time ago. While I fully admit that it is different, I just can't see how any hardcore, old school fan could believe that it sounds bad. I get that some might believe that it isn't as good as 85-93 era -- but terrible? I just don't get it.

    And, yes, I do agree with you about the drumming. Steven and Matt were much better, especially on songs like RQ. But I guess that just isn't the deal breaker for me that it is for you.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing or ridiculing your opinion. I respect it. I just don't get it. Not to the harsh degree, anyway.

  6. 1 hour ago, Kasanova King said:

    The only shows that received negative critism were Coachella and that mostly came from wanna be hipsters/yuppies/LA snobs with an identity crisis that thought other acts out performed them...and thought that Axl sitting in a chair was weak...most rock/ GN'R fans thought they were good there too. 

    Vegas/Mexico reviews were mostly positive and every single AC/DC review has not only said that AC/DC were great....they also said that Axl nailed it.

    If Axl sounds as good as he does now, I think they would be fantastic in a Super Bowl halftime show.


    I was mostly referring to the negative fans here. And also all the negativity over the AC/DC thing once it was announced. No matter what the band does, or how good they are, there's just a bunch of ridiculous criticism. The Superbowl would ramp that up by a factor of 10. Not worth it.

    But, yes, I do realize that the show reviews have been mostly positive by the rational beat writers out there.

  7. 1 minute ago, P1g Vomit said:

    I know the topic of a gnr super bowl half time show comes up every year, but I feel this year would make a lot of sense. The nfl loves multiple big acts in their half time show and Axl with a reunited gnr and acdc would be perfect imo. Maybe even a guest spot with Elton John or Steven Tyler.


    No thanks. Judging from the onslaught of negative criticism just from the 7 GN'R and 1 AC/DC show --- the expectations for a SuperBowl show would be utterly ridiculous even though most the SB shows suck anyway.

    I wouldn't wish that on any of these guys.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, maxpax said:

    but it's true :D he is perfect on riff raff and whole lotta rosie, but i'm not sure about the other stuff yet.


    If you're truly "unsure" then you must just not like AC/DC's other songs w/ Brian Johnson to begin with because they are sung/performed in the exact same manner.

  9. 12 minutes ago, Chilliconcarne said:

    They thought axl just screamed and also a lot of them walked out before the end :/ 

    11 minutes ago, maxpax said:

    as said above, he screamed more than he sang. i'm disappointed. but i need more proshot material to judge better. 


    What the hell do you think Brian Johnson does? No sane person would consider it singing. It's a raspy scream. Always has been, always will be. Most people can't do it, which is why he had a job for the past 36 years.

    There's literally no variation to his voice. It's the same on every song. But it works for AC/DC and sounds great. No complaints from me. And Axl just did the same tonight.


    1 minute ago, tsinindy said:

    Are these people fucking serious?


    Apparently so. Everyone wants to be the Siskel and Ebert of the music industry.

    I get that Axl isn't Brian Johnson. But he sounded great on these songs in his own way and did them justice. That was the point all along.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Sprite said:

    So happy on all the points you made. I was reading and wanted to jump in but you covered t perfectly. Len likes to argue anything and he seems to have quite a distaste for a lot of guns material, or at least is constantly on the prowl to let you know someone is better or Axl is a "cock".


    Thanks Sprite.

    You touched on something else I fail to understand and have been meaning to comment on. The fact that there are so many members of this site -- a Guns N' Roses themed site no less -- that seemingly do nothing but criticize the band and it's members ad nauseam. I often read comments about how this band or that band is better or this vocalist/guitarist or that vocalist/guitarist is far superior. I wonder WTF these people are doing here? I mean, it seems like these people don't even like GN'R, so why would you come to a fan site dedicated to --- well, GUNS N' ROSES?

    The easy answer is that they are merely T-ROLLS with nothing better to do in life. And, for some, that's likely the case. But many of them proclaim to be diehard fans of the band. If so, I don't get it. Hell, even if you are just a casual fan -- why would you bother coming here? I would like to believe the vast majority that took the time to sign up for this site actually have a strong liking and addiction to this band that they want to share with like-minded individuals. Unfortunately, it doesn't often seem this way. I've only been a member of this site for 4 months, but I've seen enough already to come to that conclusion.

    I'm not saying that it's unfair to be critical or that everything has to be positive. I just don't get why someone would bother spending time here unless they were a huge fan and as a huge fan I don't get how someone could constantly believe other bands and band members are so superior.

    Someone please 'splain this to me :)

  11. 1 hour ago, Gordon Comstock said:

     I don't have originals of. Live Era is probably the most expensive record I own but I still think I paid a decent price for it, nowhere near what I've seen it listed for since I bought it anyway.


    You caught me in an accidental lie. I don't have Live Era on vinyl. I always forget about it being an official release.

    I worked for a ma and pa music store from 1993 - 1999, which actively bought and sold used music. I had access to a lot of out-of-print content, as well as promos, imports and bootlegs. One of many cool things I acquired is the UYI boxset with a vinyl picture album. It was a great connection while it lasted.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Len B'stard said:

    And of course majority opinion = fact.  No, i didnt think so either.  There aint an album GnR made that can stand up to Raw Power, not in quality, not in influence, not in originality, not in any sense, there's a reason why bands like GnR look up to The Stooges.  And if you think there's anything vaguely left field about rating The Stooges in 2016 well then I'm afraid its time you flip your calendar along a piece.


    Of course a majority opinion doesn't equal fact. But neither does the opinion of the minority or just one. You positioned you opinion as fact, did you not? In reality, it is a left field opinion hence my comment and why I originally replied.

    Furthermore, the majority opinion, while still not fact, carries a lot more weight and credibility than the minority or one. Majority rules. That's how laws and codes of conduct get made, my friend. So I'm not sure what your point is in regard to that.

    GN'R looks up to The Stooges and other bands of that era because they came before them and were influences, not necessarily because they are better or more accomplished.

    Lastly, how many copies of Raw Power sold compared to Appetite for Destruction? To quote you "there's a reason why" AFD is one of the best selling albums of all-time and Raw Power isn't even close.

    In what is largely a subjective argument over personal preference, the above at least lends something concrete and measurable to discussion.

    In summary, I have no problem with your opinion, as far out in left field as I believe it to be. I just take issue with it being presented as unequivocal truth when it's anything but.

    • Like 1
  13. 21 minutes ago, Gordon Comstock said:


    I'm guessing you mean just about LLAS? (Because AFD and UYI's are pretty obvious). I'd check troccoli's site if you're looking for info on GNR releases: http://www.troccolitm.com/


    That's what I'm asking. What is the obvious difference beyond the packaging? If someone were to remove the shrink wrap, how could you tell the re-issue from the original? Do they have re-issue dates on them?

    I looked at images on the site you linked above and I get that the packaging (shrink wrap) is different so nobody could reasonably position an un-opened album as an original print.

  14. 2 hours ago, Len B'stard said:

    Do you not see something oddly ironic about the fact that you're slagging me off for liking The Stooges, insinuating it's an attempt at being left field, in defence of a band that took it upon themselves to cover their song, if liking The Stooges makes me someone whoose 'all alone out in left field', all i did was spend 3 mins of my time typing, Axl and the boys spent time and money to record it on and album and put it out, where abouts on the left field does that leave them?  Or their liner notes prompt to 'do yourself a favour and check out the originals'.  I guess you're right, it must be lonely out there in left field.  

    The Stooges are a million times the band Guns n Roses ever were...and they know it too.


    Nothing oddly ironic about it at all -- because I'm not doing what you're suggesting. I'm a fan of The Stooges too, and punk rock in general.

    What I'm "slagging" you off about is your last comment and the over-the-top hyperbole. You may believe it, but you certainly don't represent the majority -- hence the reason for the left field comment.

  15. 12 hours ago, Len B'stard said:

    First of all, The Stooges, REALLY boys, you wanna cover the fuckin' Stooges?!?  You ain't fuckin' near bad enough to even touch the fuckin' Stooges.


    Yeah, ok. If you say so.

    Some people just love to live their life all alone out in left field. Whatever makes you happy, I guess.

  16. 4 hours ago, Tom-Ass said:

    Ditch Ferrer and fix the god awful tempos and I feel a lot of that changes.

    Aside from the vocals VR and Slash's band seem to play the Guns songs better than this lineup. I just hope they adjust and something changes.


    I certainly see where you are coming from. And I do agree regarding how well Slash's band plays the Guns material. Todd Kerns, Brent Fitz, and, of course, Slash have it down cold.

    One unrelated sidenote, when I saw Slash and the Conspirators at the Warfield in SF back in 2010, they created a CD of the show that you could purchase. Basically bootlegging their own show. I sure wish GN'R would do the same. It's easy $$ that's being left on the table when many of these shows are likely going to be pirated anyway. It's seems like such a win-win scenario because "we" get better quality and they get $$ instead of the bootleggers.

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