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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 2 hours ago, Gordon Comstock said:

    Yeah, that's what I thought. It is a shock to have SCOM and the other sexist lyrics all in one album :shrugs:

    But it happens with the Illusions too... 

  2. 6 minutes ago, UsedYourIllusion said:

    Not saying SCOM is a masterpiece or even in the top 5 of GN'R ballads, but I think it gets a bad wrap unfairly sometimes

    Honestly, I don't know anyone who doesn't like this song or has a low opinion of it. :question:

    It is one of the most famous GN'R songs. A world hit. Played anywhere you go. Casuals attend shows becuase of this song. I mean... only in this forum it is now being subject of scrutiny but outside here almost no one dislikes this song.

    The only person who, sort of trashed it, was Slash :lol: but not about the lyrics, just the Intro part that he created himself.

    I think he said that when he was mad at Axl and at people who constantly asked him about Guns N' Roses prior to their reunion :P

  3. 1 minute ago, lame ass security said:

    Very cool.  I have to say I'm not very familiar with that genre of music.   But I do like Shakira.

    Rosalía is the new blood of music in Spanish. She sings a fusion of flamenco with modern sounds like rap, trap, hip-hop.

    But she's not unknown to the US Markets:


    50 Best Albums of 2018:


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  4. 2 hours ago, Len Cnut said:

    That particular screeching form of singing can't be easy on the larynx either...and all that range, sometimes you're pushing a voice to do things that aren't really what its meant to do.  We're not really designed to make those sorts of sounds, even shouting all day has an effect on ones voices, voices are designed for speaking really.

    Aside from all this "technical" and "medical" stuff, which is true of course, I've also found myself cringing at the sound of those voices lately.

    It's been so long since I have listened to the genre, to those singers, because I don't listen to rock anymore (or barely listen to rock) that whenever I hear Axl and those guys who sang like him, I want to cover my ears and run away :lol:

    This is why I think Axl should try a new form of singing, not only because his throat is destroyed but because that kind of singing is passé and his natural voice is actually cool enough to make a change for his own good.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    Yes, I agree with you in regards to the verse about Erin's eyes and her troubled history. 

    I would argue that he sees herself in her eyes, and that when he sees her pain he is reminiscent about his own pain. 


    Everything's up to interpretation, that line too. I guess we understand things in a way where they connect with ourselves too. I feel for Erin much more than for Axl, so I interpret the line as he is talking about her pain.

    You always connect more with Axl's feelings, that's why you interpret it as he's talking about his own pain.

    It will be debatable until Axl gives an explanation of it :P


  6. 15 minutes ago, jamillos said:

    I’m not talking about their right to opinion, I’m talking about Axl’s and about him being flamed for that, isn’t it clear?

    Why you think this is complicated to understand? :lol:

    It is not and I responded to it by saying that Axl's opinion on Twitter is public, therefore, flaming is expected and you can't do anything to stop it. I do see reasons for him to get bashed at it but you won't understand, since you think Axl must not be questioned for anything.

    IMO, Axl understands the Twitter game better than some of his fans, otherwise, he wouldn't post anything or make his account private.

  7. Personally, I find the lyrics to SCOM beautiful, with a touch of innocence that is shocking for anyone who owns the AFD album. Because you have those lyrics and you also have the "turn around bitch, I've got an use for you" :confused:

    I like these lyrics not because they are the art of a super poet but because they sound honest and sincere. The "Sweet Child" does exist, she does have blue eyes and her hair is beautiful. She is not the invention of a poetic mind, she's a real human being called Erin Everly and I think Axl did a great job at describing her, both physically and emotionally.

    Not sure what's the sappy thing about it.... I mean, why can't a man love a woman and express it with words of love and affection? :question: 

    Maybe if I didn't know that these lyrics are about Erin, I'd find it a sappy song. For me, the lyrics take a whole different meaning when you know they are inspired by a real person and a real relationship.

    It's hard to say what he means in the lines where he talks about thunders and rain. It could be a literal thing and it could be something metaphoric as well. If we analyze the lyrics, it begins saying that her smile reminds him of childhood memories where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky. So, it's not all so bad in childhood. Then he talks about her hair, her eyes, also implies that those eyes think of "rain" and he hates to see the pain in them, which means that he's talking about Erin's life too.

    IMO, he mixes feelings of love for this girl with memories from his childhood but also connected with the troubled relationship he has with her and their troubled lives. Because Erin also has a history of a complicated childhood.


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  8. 4 minutes ago, jamillos said:

    You’ve completely twisted my point around. I’m not saying his opinions are more valuable than doctors’, I’m saying that if an average fan (whatever he/she does for a living) on a forum can have his/her opinion on politics and share it publicly, why a singer, out of all people, couldn’t? It seriously smells like that "just stfu and sing" attitude, that’s what I meant. That constant disgust and eyeroll over Axl’s public statements regarding DT is just lame. Would you tell a doctor or teacher to just shut up and heal/teach if they wrote something like this on twitter? No, it’s their goddamn business, isn’t it. But some people seem to act as if they thought music is the only matter Axl should make statements about, because it’s not conceivable he could or should have opinions on other things as well. 

    I didn't twist shit. You did say something like "at least he's a publicly known person" and "what have all these smartass complainers have achieved in life?", as if Axl had more right to voice out his opinion than people who are not millionaire or a celebrity.

    If 90% of the content a doctor post in their social media account was about politics, that'd be strange. But it all depends on the context, because if this doctor is the director of a public hospital and this hospital depends mainly on the money given by government, then doctor has a right to discuss politics that concern their work.

    You can't ask for Axl's freedom of speech and at the same time try to limit the freedom of those who "complain", because all of it happens in a public context like Twitter. Axl knows that he is exposing his opinion to a great audience and I hope that he's also aware that for this reason, his opinion becomes subject of discussion.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Tori72 said:

    Why is it painful to read? And what event was it? After a Nirvana concert?

    Yeah, after a Nirvana show. I put the link so people can read the whole stuff. I dont like stealing articles :P

    Painful because I feel for Axl, lol.... like, it is not cool to be rejected, you know? Though I understand why Kurt wouldn't want to meet him or talk to him. It's hard to know that Axl was so invested in that band and wanted to be friends with Kurt, like a kid in school praying to be part of the cool kids posse :lol:


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  10. Axl's back with his usual politics bollocks :lol:


    Also, I just read this report about the Kurt Cobain book written by his former manager Danny Goldberg. An excerpt of the book tells a story about him helping Kurt avoid a meeting with Axl :facepalm:
    Geez, this is painful to read!

    "Backstage afterward, Eddie Rosenblatt told me that he had come with Axl Rose and asked if he could bring him into the dressing room to say hi to Kurt. When I conveyed this request, Kurt grimaced and said he really didn’t want to meet the Guns N’ Roses singer. I didn’t want to put Geffen’s president in an untenable situation, so I suggested to Kurt that he and I leave the dressing room and then I’d give Rosenblatt a couple of passes. That way it wouldn’t be like we were excluding them, just that Kurt couldn’t be found.

    Kurt nodded and I walked outside, delivered the passes to Rosenblatt, and asked if he and Rose could wait five minutes for Nirvana to ‘change clothes.’ Then I went back in and grabbed Kurt and we ducked out a back door. Rosenblatt never gave me shit about it afterward so the charade worked on some level, but I doubt it left Rose with a great taste in his mouth.”



  11. 1 hour ago, SoulMonster said:

    That's your excuse now? There was a thread about unpopular opinions on Guns N' Roses so you had no choice but to fat-shame and diss the looks and age of Axl Rose? It wasn't your fault, the thread was there?

    Not an excuse. I liked the topic of the thread and I responded to it, within the rules of forum and the thread itself.
    I merely listed my "unpopular opinion", like everybody else did.
    There are no faults, flaws or fouls in my proceedings.


    1 hour ago, SoulMonster said:

    And again, it isn't that you dissed Axl that is the issue, it is the blatant hypocrisy and how it contrasted with your complaints about men saying mean things about women here.

    No contradictions either:

    - I did not randomly said what I said. It was within the context of a thread that is asking fans to state their "unpopular" opinions. So I did.
    - Not hypocrisy when I told you that I don't feel any pity for someone who's hurt people with his words before. I mentioned "Karma".
    - Even if I was the so-called "hypocrite" that you insist on exposing (since you are the Hero of the Forum), that does not invalidate what I said about women here.


  12. 30 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    Because it was the blatant hypocrisy of complaining about others being mean followed by an unprovoked ageist, fat-shaming ad hominem attack on someone else, I found worth pointing out, but not to the point of wanting to derail a thread in the news section.

    Bollocks and you know it.

    What I said was not random. It was my response to the thread What's your unpopular GN'R opinion?
    Why are you trying to make it look like something different?

    36 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    I guess I get triggered more by cognitive stuff than manners. 

    There is no cognitive flaws in what I said.

    You know the context of both posts very well. They are two different threads. Two different topics.
    I do not disparage random bollocks just because.
    Many times I joke around with certain things and maybe at times, people do not fully understand me because I do have flaws in my English, but I'm pretty far from being the huge hypocrite you are trying to paint here.

    I find your obsession a bit overboard. Give it a rest :popcorn:

  13. 3 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    What? It wasn't in this thread you called him "fat, ugly and old" was it? That was in the news section. It was in this thread you complained about people being mean.

    It was in the What's your unpopular GN'R opinion? thread that I listed my GN'R opinions I consider are unpopular among fans (<-- here people can read for themselves what was said and what not)
    Merely responding to the call of the thread :shrugs:

    I did not complain about anything in this thread. Never said anything about anyone being mean. I only added a comment in response to the post of some other person (<-- here people can read for themselves what was said and what not).

    10 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    And no, it isn't just "political correctness" to react to people fat-shaming and dissing people for how they look. Even when the victim is an asshole celebrity. I think that is just decency.

    Why didn't you react at the thread where I posted the so-called offense then? :question:

    Why didn't you report it? :shrugs: (if you consider it so bad)

    You know why? Because I was totally on topic in that thread and I am totally on topic in this thread and that bothers you. So now you have to mount this circus, crossing threads and topics, just to say something that you don't even believe yourself.

    Because you are defending Rose but you don't care about the girl he fat-shamed in the 80's. And you don't care about what I said here, about female members of the forum being drove away because of certain comments made by certain males.

    100% Hypocrisy :thumbsup:

    22 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    especially after moaning about how they have been treated themselves, then I am equally free to call that out as hypocritical and point out how it erodes their point and makes it hard to take them seriously. 

    I NEVER talked about myself when I responded to @OmarBradley. It looks like you're channeling some other stuff that it is not really present in this thread, arent you? :lol:
    Unfortunately, it is more than one female forum member who have gone through that and even if I was the one and only hypocrite in this whole forum (which is pretty LOL to say), how does that invalidate what I said?

    You know, that's like almost like saying that if a Prostitute claims she's been raped, it is hard to take her claim seriously because, you know, she's a hooker and she's somehow prone to be raped :facepalm:


  14. Isn't this the "No Holds Barred Thread"? :lol:

    If this is the thread where people post the non-PC stuff that it is in your mind, then why all of a sudden, the PC police shows up to defend Axl Rose?
    I mean............ isn't it fucken ridiculous? :lol::facepalm:

    9 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    So when someone decided to moan about how women are being mistreated, then proceed by calling a guy "fat, ugly and old" and excuses that by the guy allegedly having done some shit before so it is karma, then you and I and others comment on that and voila! social norms are developed.

    I did not proceed to do that, because that happened in a DIFFERENT CONTEXT of a DIFFERENT THREAD, whats wrong with you? :question:

    Also, the thread I'm talking about is for posting your UNPOPULAR OPINION, so how is it hypocritical when all of us are sort of making a confession and expressing that we are completely AWARE that our opinions are not popular, or politically correct, or that they may cause a negative effect on people??

    Seriously, you've lost it at trying to defend your idol. Sorry, mate :lol:

  15. 13 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    You seriously ask me why you shouldn't call someone old, fat and ugly after yourself complaining about how women have been treated here? You don't at all see the hypocrisy here and how it is hard to take you seriously? 

    I said that if you think it is hypocrite then IT MUST BE. What part am I not seeing? :question:

    The problem with your reasoning is that you brought something from another thread, took it completely out of context, and now you're trying to "catch me in foul" by overlapping two different situations that do not suit each other.

    First of all, I did not complain about anything. I only responded to a guy who talked about how some comments here on the forum can make women uncomfortable. He mainly talked about objetifying women and I said that I've seen something else. Never did I say that something else was related to fat-shaming, ageism or calling women ugly. So when you bring up my funny comment from the "Unpopular opinions" thread, you're making no sense at all.

    You ask me if it's okay to call names to someone? I said ask to Axl (since you decided to bring him up), because he's the king of calling names to other people and I gave you examples of it. I said it is okay in the context of Karma, because I truly believe that in the case of Axl, everything he said about those people came back at him bitting his own ass.

    So, no, PERSONALLY, I don't give a fuck if saying that to Axl is wrong to you. Why not? Because he deserves it. Because he hurt people in the past with the things he said, so this is basically social justice.

    2 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

    So if a female member here at some time in her life said something not nice to someone else, then according to you I would be entirely fine with calling her "fat, ugly, and old" in some form of third-party reprisal?

    First you should make sure that she's fat, old and ugly! :lol:
    Second, if she said to someone else "dude, you are moron", why would you call her "fat, old and ugly"? :facepalm:
    Third, if she's said those things to someone she deserves to be called the same, which would be like the smallest consequence of it all.
    Because, if like Rose, she's told some guy to get the fuck out of her sight because he's ugly/old/fat, then that's another story, another level of malice and discrimination.


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  16. 34 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    Why do you think Axl is my idol? :lol: Because I find it hypocritical that someone would complain about how women are treated here and in the same breath would call another member out for being fat, ugly and old? This has nothing to do with protecting Axl, but questioning you.

    Because everybody here assume shit about each other for free and it doesn't look like it's a big deal, is it?... I mean, is it so bad that I call him your idol? :confused:

    If you think this is hypocritical then it must be. How to explain to you that...... 



    39 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    Karma you say? So if a female member here at some time in her life said something not nice to someone else, then according to you I would be entirely fine with calling her "fat, ugly, and old" in some form of third-party reprisal? Because, you know, karma? That's an interesting way to live.

    Well.... Of course, people who do wrong in life, sooner or later will feel the wrath of those who were mistreated by them, or discriminated, or abused. It has nothing to do with gender. 

    You can do whatever you want.... why should I follow your code of conduct? Why should anyone feel and think exactly as you do? It is okay if you don't believe in karma.

    47 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    Personally, I prefer to treat everybody the same and to avoid ageist, fat-shaming and ad hominem personal attacks based on looks. Call me old-fashioned, orr, I suppose, old....fat and ugly.

    Fine... and? :shrugs:

    How about you lecture this to Rose too? 

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