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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 42 minutes ago, OmarBradley said:

    I have seen comments from posters on this forum that I find to be a bit objectifying and verging on that "locker room talk" line Donald Trump used. If I had to guess, some of the women on this forum are on occasion made uncomfortable by these comments, though I assume they are used to it since the behavior is of course not reserved to an internet forum.

    Not only objectifying comments but degrading and insulting ones where some men attack the female fans on a very personal level. Really fucked up and creepy.

    Thats the reason why many female posters who were pretty active on the forum stopped posting or post less often.

    Im not sure we are used to the mistreatment, obviously it is something very common in the outside world, but the written word has a different effect on you, especially when it happens in a place where you come to, supposedly, to have a good time, not to get insulted.

    • Like 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Lio said:

    In France, last month l'Académie de France (age old institution deciding on everything to do with language) has voted in favour of a féminisation of noms de métier. So they'll allow a feminine version of a professional word like chef, auteur... That is personally something I do not care about, because as you demonstrate, people don't even realize the words are masculine :lol: But in France it seems like a bit of a revolution, as the Académie had always said no to that in the past. Now the next step is to find a suitable feminine version of the word.

    This is interesting, I didn't know. Thanks for informing us :)...... because, something kind of similar is happening with Spanish language right now. Our language has that flaw of masculine/feminine words, even for objects :facepalm: and that's why it becomes so difficult to learn for some people, so in an effort to make the Spanish language more inclusive and less patriarchal, some people have started to change the suffix of some words, to make them gender neutral.

    Obviously, the majority of people still don't use this new form of the language and more over so, The Royal Spanish Academy does not accept it or validates it (and I think we are very far from it yet) but it is a practice that's become more common in the last couple years, especially among young people, which tells me that in the following decades there will probably be a revolution of Spanish language and the inclusive form will be, at least, an alternative to the norm.

    5 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

    ''Firefighter'' has been the official job nomenclature in most countries for years. Fireman Sam is a Fireman because, a/ it is an animated children's television show, and b/ it is supposed to be a bit old-fashioned and ''twee''. Quite frankly I would be worried about the state of feminism if this is what concerns them! 

    What makes you think this subject is at the top of priorities for Feminism? :question:

    First of all, Feminism is a social movement, not a political party. It doesn't have one only world leader who dictates what is the agenda to follow. Thus, even though there is a common fight for most feminists, the priorities of the fight are usually connected to the needs of a given society. Like, the feminists from some European countries do not have the same agenda than the ones in Latinamerica or North America.

    Generalization is not the best way to talk about Feminism. Also because there are many different branches within the movement. However, you can say there is a common motivation for all of us, and that is to achieve levels of equality in the areas where there's still a gap, or to get some rights which are specific for women's needs, i.e., abortion.

    Also, I think that each person can join the "fight" from whatever place they occupy in society. Not all of us can go marching on the streets every time there is a feminist protest, or maybe some of us do not identify with certain protest methods or certain approaches to some problems, but we all can contribute or do something for the cause.

    Maybe the people who work in the observatory of media, in charge of controlling what the kids are watching or what kind of content you get in your television, thought it was important to raise an alert on these cartoons. That's their job, you know? But I don't see how this can be interpreted as THE TOP ISSUE of Feminism in the whole world. Obviously, it is sort of a "minor" one (compared to other problems women have to face) but it is not something bad either, to raise awareness in areas where sexism is deeply ingrown.


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  3. 12 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    You are asking the wrong person here.

    But regarding this general topic, Guns returned to the strippers n' nostalgia stuff with the Ashba era. Even the t-shirts reverted to type, from arty Chinese stuff, to garish skeletons and skulls, and it was around that time they began playing Vegas and released that horrible dvd. And yes, the strippers returned. 

    Im not asking you, Im using your picture just to throw my comments :lol:

    I know the nuGuns era was even more cringe than this photo but I was wondering why they put a Marilyn Monroe (:question:) and more over so, a trans woman (or what looks like a trans person)..... because that's so not-Axl :rolleyes:


  4. 53 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    When you gotta go, you gotta go!


    And she was such a pleasant girl once upon a time; obtained good marks at school; dutiful to her parents; kind to her grandma.

    This is quite the contradiction...... WHO DID THIS?

    Is that Marilyn Monroe in the middle, surrounded by stripper girls and a trans-woman taking a piss? :question:

    Except for the strippers, the other two do not belong in the Guns N' Roses world, not even when they acted like wild animals in the 80's.....


  5. 1 hour ago, soon said:

    His resume includes writing 2 of the songs that were circulated on demos to get them a record deal. On of which is a song on UYI. He wrote on a majority of the tracks on an album which represents 1/4 of their original LPs. And he wrote their "brand new single" :P

    lol I know what his resume is... I was being sarcastic because you said Axl without the big bucks could have not afforded that quality of players :ph34r: but then he wanted Paul Tobias replacing Slash :facepalm:

    1 hour ago, soon said:

    Yeah, like Ashba and Frank. Even the artists getting the big money quit. Took Wylde just two weeks to see it wasnt going anywhere soon. Imagine you get no salary but are an equal partner trying to deal with Axl. Youd loose your home and default on your car while you waited for your income.


    Well I didn't mean that they were not going to be paid, just that I think he could have gotten good musicians for less money.

    I don't think the problem was the money, though. Like you said, even the ones receiving big bucks quit... and that's because those artists were not there just for the money, they wanted to play with Axl, have their name in a Guns N' Roses album, but Axl was unable to give them that, aside from money..... so yeah.... bottom line is he didn't need millions of dollars to make a good GN'R album.

    2 hours ago, soon said:

    I think its more to do with an 'old school' record biz outlook being applied to the digital age. Instead of thinking in terms of the current market the label said "this Guns album will save us from the losses of the digital age." It was the hail mary. And once they were in for 10 mil, what was 4 more?


    Argh, how I'd love to know those details, discussions, debates between Axl and the label and the other managers that were not TB :smiley-confused2:

    2 hours ago, soon said:

    I have so many questions as well! :lol:

    The CD era is the Dark Ages of Guns N' Roses :lol:

    We need Enlightment and Answers!!! :headbang:


  6. 34 minutes ago, soon said:

    I find that to be an interesting thing to explore, about the solo act thing. The Label would never give him the huge budget for a solo album. With out the huge budget he doesnt land any of the players, who were paid hundreds of thousands of dollars (monthly in some cases!). An Axl solo album would have started with Ashbas and Franks, not Finck and Brain. 

    oh. wow. that's a nice logic :smiley-confused2:

    BUT..... didn't he get Yoko On... err... Paul Tobias to "write" many songs of CD? :lol:
    What was his resumé? :ph34r:

    I think Axl could have afforded some people who would have accepted to work with him for less money, only because he is Axl Rose.

    Not sure, though, why the company gave him so much $$$ and at the same time rejected the album.... I wonder if they ever suggested Axl to call Slash back, at the least :shrugs:
    How did Axl justify all that money to the label? Did they really think the mistery around CD would equal the sales?

    lol....... I have so many questions :lol:

  7. 35 minutes ago, soon said:

    Its really interesting to compare this push to release UYI and Axls absolute stubbornness to get CD moving. Almost like it was related, like "Never again will I be forced." Maybe? I sure wish someone could have pulled it off!

    I think that was not entirely his fault, not sure, I mean.... he once said that lots of things prevented the album to come out in a reasonable spare of time, like the record company rejected the album.... and I can see that happening because if you see it from a commercial point of view, the whole rock scene was being erased from the face of earth during that decade and Guns N' Roses being only Axl with 'freaks,' was not appealing to the music buyers anymore. Also, the Internet taking over with the new way of commercialization of cultural goods....... GN'R was a band of the 80's trying to survive in the 00's.... I can see it... after so many years I have a clearer picture of what happened with all that too... I mean, obviously Axl delayed stuff but when you take a look at the context, you realize that there was no room for GN'R and no room for a freak GN'R either :lol::facepalm:

    His moment was the 80's & early 90's. After that, the world was shifting towards something completely different and they/him did not fit.

  8. 13 minutes ago, lukepowell1988 said:

    2006 Axl was quite the Social persona didn't he give an interview at a Korn afterparty that year also?

    He did the aftershow secret show  in Camden after the Wembley gigs I went to and he also was clubbing a lot in London 

    I dont remember exactly about Korn afterparty but he did give an interview to Rolling Stone, then talked to Eddie Trunk & Baz on the radio, he appeared in the VMA's of that year (which is so rare!), he did some shows, promised CD was going to be released that year :lol:............ ugh, lots of public things he did in 2006 :headbang:

  9. 2 hours ago, soon said:

    The lyrics for Bad Apples seems to have Axl agreeing with you, maybe save for describing himself as lazy, but rather someone who just wants to be left alone.

    I guess Axl is aware that he's not produced enough.... I derive this from one interview when he was fronting AC/DC and he mentioned the amount of discography they have versus his discography, lol

    But that's why I say he's a lucky man and he had people to push him release the album and do the touring, even if he was not ready, imagine if he had gone Chinese Democracy on that too..... waited 10 years to tour the Illusions?? :lol:

    No way.... he should be thankful things got that way and not his way......

    As for 'Bad Apples', I have always loved the lyrics and the music, it is one of my fav GN'R songs, along with Don't Damn Me, Coma, Estranged... all those songs with long lyrics and a strong social/personal message :)

  10. 2 hours ago, janrichmond said:

    Axl believes a hell of a lot of shit that most rational thinking people would not. He's been quoted (back in the day) about all this stuff but i wonder if he still believes it all as fact, or has his opinion changed on regression therapy.

    I'd love the interviewer who dares to ask him about his current views on that kind of stuff :ph34r:

    I'm really eager to know where his mind is nowadays, what current is he following, etc..

  11. Nothing speaks more of lacking an intellect when someone does not have the ability to question what is said and done, even if the one saying it and doing it is Jesus.... or in this case, the Jesus of GN'R fandom >> Mr. Axl Rose


    I also don't believe the recollections of rape brought back through regression therapy. I think it is bullshit. And I don't care how many people get mad at me for not believing almighty Axl.
    I ain't a 13 years old fan girl anymore.

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