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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. It's funny Axl thinks that having to do your job while you're emotionally unstable is a "superhuman" quality :lol:

    Rising above whatever bad may have happened that day, rising above whatever is in your head, your boss head, your clients head, your customer heads, your family's BS....yeah, Axl, most people do that every single day and they will never earn the 1% of what you earned.

    It is bothersome re-reading his old shit. The guy was living in a cloud of mental farts. Really.

  2. 27 minutes ago, lame ass security said:

    Plus, everything he wrote wasn't great, there's a lot of mediocre material there.

    It's impossible that an artist like McCartney, with all the time he's been around, can make every single song a great tune.... but no one is asking for that either.... the virtue is in the man being prolific, focused, stable, long term stuff.... just like Slash.

    29 minutes ago, lame ass security said:

    And to say that Axl sucks as an artist isn't true, in my opinion.. 

    Well, I didn't say that Axl sucks as an artist...... I said (read again) that his reputation as an artist is not the best of things.... Maybe reputation is not the right word. Um... the correct word would be career path, his evolution as a musician and artist stopped at some point and here he is, approaching his 60s, living off the past glories he produced 30 years ago.

  3. 5 hours ago, Len Cnut said:

    So basically, he shouldn't've been on the illusions tour, weren't ready for releasing Chi Dem...basically nothing he's done since Appetite and Lies he was up for, that sounds a lot to me like not liking or being able to do what your job/occupation is.  So jack it in, seems pretty simple to me, what you quoted there isn't me dismissing his behaviour because he was an arsehole, its me sort of looking out for the guy. 

    I've always had the feeling of Axl being someone who didn't like to work AT ALL. He wasn't like Duff, who had a normal job and payed his rent. Axl always lived off other people, whether it was women or friends. It was only after he made it big with music that he could afford a home of his own and maintain himself.

    In my theory, this is the reason why he doesn't give a fuck about releasing new music anymore...... he was lucky enough to make it REALLY big, with not so much effort, in a relatively short amount of time, during his prime years. That was enough for him to never have to work again.

    The Beatles, Stones and all those people you mentioned before, they give me the impression of loving art above everything else.
    Axl seems to hate having to write songs, making albums, in a nutshell... making music is a drag for him.
    That's why his current shit is to sing his past glories, tons of 'covers', or replace the frontman of another big band.

    Axl is a man of luck, with the way he is, chances are he would be dead by now or living in the streets. LIke you said before, most of us, most people have to 'eat it' when they have problems. We go to work carrying a heavy load of personal problems and also have to face a lot of shit at the work place. Then we go back to our homes and struggle the whole month to make ends meet.
    Most of us hardly ever solve our mental/personal issues and that's why we end up dying at 42 of a heart attack or a stroke.

    Bottom line is it doesn't matter whether he can or cannot do his job anymore. He's been set up for life since he turned 30 years old.
    Now if we worry about his reputation as an artist, yeah, he sucks and he cannot be compared to anyone in Beatles or the Stones.
    Axl will always be a lazy dude who was blessed with his voice and having been at the right place in the right moment.
    Most of us will never experience such an alignment of planets.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Tori72 said:

    Ah true, that would be too feminine. But why use such a dark eyeliner for someone as light skinned as he is?  I’m sure Lisa Eldridge would advice Axl to use some light brown. Lol. And also use it between the upper lashes as an invisible line but giving definition to his eyes. I do that most of the times. It doesn’t look like you got this thick line on your eyes and your eyes look better. ;) 

    I guess it's because his skin is so light along with his eyes, eyelashes and eyebrows that probably the lights of the stage would transform his face into a big white stuff, especially for the pictures.

    I've heard some female artists say they put loads of make-up when they go onstage because the big lights outdraw their facial features.... maybe this applies to Axl as well :shrugs:

    It looks to me that he does this eyeline stuff himself, or maybe Vanessa does it, because it's not the work of a professional makeup artist.

  5. 9 hours ago, Tori72 said:

    You can also use khol pencil between upper lashes as an invincible enhancer or something on upper lid but nothing below. But the bottom line only is weird to me :shrugs:

    I think this is because as a man, it would be weird for him to do the upper lid.... it'd look too feminine.

    Personally, I dont like Axl wearing make up.... especially the eyeliner thing looks terrible on him :mellow:

  6. 3 minutes ago, Lillie said:

    sorry but i've seen discussions about Slash's bollocks to take over pages, Slaxl stuff,GnR stories, so i thought that it was ok and probably the other guys did...Why talking about Seymour's private hairy area or Slash's bollocks is ok and everybody laughing and we can't share some weird stuff of ours?


    OMG I hope you don't get offended, but the way you've written that is so funny I can't stop laughing.
    I'm like Beavis & Butthead, geez :facepalm:

    Now, seriously, those things are allowed because it is remotely/or not so remotely related to the band...... we are nothing to the band so we can't talk about our bollocks and other thingies down there :lol:

    Don't try to find the logic behind it because it does not have it........... but I think if this was the Men's Thread, all that shit would be allowed to a larger extent because, you know, inequalities and such :rolleyes:

    8 minutes ago, Lillie said:

    Can we open a thread called women random/general thiemes or something like that in AG place? Cause we don't know other posters to start PMing them immediately and this is rather creepy to my eyes...

    There is already a Random stuff sort of thread in the AG section if you want to use that one but I'm not sure I'd like to see a Women's thread in that section because it would be invaded by guys who just want to make fun of us or provoke us and this thread has survived 2 years here, sorting out many obstacles and people who want to shut it down for whatever reasons.

    You have no idea how hard it is to keep a female-only sort of thread anywhere in this forum... you may go ahead and try it but it will quickly turn into a battle of the genders and I dont know, mods may have to lock it sooner than later :shrugs:

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  7. 2 minutes ago, alfierose said:

    Well yes that might have tied in nicely. :lol:

    Damn, I am sooo slow lately :max:

    4 minutes ago, Tori72 said:

    :lol: I wasn’t sure about how well you remember what we talked about?! LOL I totally felt called out and needed to defend myself. :headbang:

    WTF, I'm still young and my IQ is higher than the buildings in NYC :lol:
    I remember every single shit we've discussed. Also remember that you never replied to my last PM :max:

    5 minutes ago, Tori72 said:

    I need funny gifs in my life, so get your princess over here!

    Princess has abandoned me, just like most Princesses do :unsure:

    I'm nothing but a sad frog waiting to be kissed.......................


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  8. 3 minutes ago, Tori72 said:

    The WT doesn’t have a strict GnR topic only rule and that’s why I love it. Just detailed descriptions of sex experience, ex-partners and other stories of personal life got a little tmi for me in the sense of I don’t fucking care to know! :shrugs: (Also, I’m not North American!)

    Why are you quoting me or responding to things that have nothing to do with you? Have you forgot all the things we talked via PM? :question:
    I'm 100% sure I could never mistake where you are from :lol:

    5 minutes ago, Tori72 said:

    I never said I wasn’t down to talk orgasm or clitoris. :lol:

    I never said you said this or that :suspicious:


    Where is @Andy14 with her gifs and humoristic pictures when we need to alleviate the tension in this thread??!!! :facepalm::lol:


    • Haha 1
  9. Yeah, we can't talk Women's stuff in the Women's thread anymore..... and none of us was smart enough to link it to Adriana Smith's historic orgasm from Rocket Queen :facepalm::lol:

    8 hours ago, Lillie said:

    But, ok, i get that snowball with elaboration may bothers other people who click to see posts related to their interests and feel meh...This thread is not only about GNR, i started writting here cause i find interesting  the variety of opinions... i was not the only one who gone derailed...

    This thread doesn't have a fixed unique TOPIC, so I dont know how we could ever go off-topic :question:

    No one comes to this thread to get informed about what's going on with GN'R, it's more like opinion on GN'R stuff from a female POV/perspective but we've discussed a lot of heavy stuff in the past.
    It's just that at the moment we are all drifting away because this band sucks, as usual, and well... probably is the sexual content what bothers some people... you know... some people in the north of America are ... weird :crazy:

    7 hours ago, soon said:

    Anyways, like Ive said, I posted it for being funny and discussion worthy, not as a promotion of it.

    I never thought you were promoting the app..... were you? :suspicious:


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  10. 2 hours ago, Lillie said:

    Eh... Yeah why not? IDK :shrugs:But you can not fake an orgasm as a woman can... You either have it or not.It's pretty obvious and tangible...But i won't say more cause you are the doctor, you probably know more...

    I've never talked this to other women but is the fake female orgasm something real or just another bollocks myth made up by God knows who? :question:

    Because I have never faked an orgasm and I don't think I could ever do it.

    • Like 1
  11. 12 hours ago, soon said:

    You know, I truly never know how posts will be received. I was laughing out loud as i posted the about Clit Me and anticipated that others would find it funny or discussion worthy. I guess i was wrong for the most part. Zero men have commented or reacted ;)

    I mainly just find the whole thing funny.

    Well... I don't know what to say.... I didn't find it that funny... maybe it is the way I am, I don't know... It's like... when people laugh at sexual things, I automatically picture Beavis & Butthead doing it and I can't help but rolling my eyes at the situation.

    Also the AD they did for the app put me off as it took too long to convey the message and I got bored of watching people drawing penises.... it took so long that I think it lost the whole fucking meaning because it felt like, once again, this was some phalic-centered bullshit.

    Most apps are a waste of time and cellphone space. They hardly help you with anything and in this case, I really doubt lack of common sense can be fixed by an app. 

    Orgasm gap is bullshit too.... if you are not a selfish person and you want your partner to enjoy sex together, you will do what you gotta do to either delay or hurry up your orgasm.

  12. 2 hours ago, soon said:

    Oh, haha, I see. It is a strange one thats for sure! :lol:

    The Government of Canada and the 7 women who designed the app released it for Womens Day. Im most off put by the sound it makes when being rubbed - its like sandpaper, lol.

    I think its insulting to men as well!

    Well, that's even more bad if it was designed by women :facepalm:...... as usual, governments are clueless and trivializing the Women's Day with bullshit like that.

    I wonder why it is so hard for some people to understand what this day is about . Can't they fucking read 5 lines on Wikipedia or something? :no:

    So disappointing but I guess that's part of the fight too.... to educate the ones who still resist to the change.

  13. 3 hours ago, Fourteenbeers said:

    Well... obviously none of these guys are punk material, never have been. But IMO Axl could've half-assed that role with his angry attitude at least a little bit better than Duff. 

    Yeah, I know what you mean but what I'm trying to say is that I'm not sure either if the angry attitude equals punk attitude or it is just as a case of assholeness..... because then a lot of people with anger issues would be punk too :shrugs:

    2 hours ago, Lillie said:

    But Axl for me is in my top 5 of those who have influenced me for good, to a big extent, among with others...And i can tell you that them, with their tracks on my earphones of course:lol: were by my side more than certain people...And, by an other view, some people are rather introverts, preferring music, movies, books, over being surrounded all the time by others... I love puttin on my earphones and get "lost".... Music, songs for me is poetry... Something,descent words can't say or describe...

    You don't have to justify why you like this guy and his band. Thats personal and I'm not trying to change it. My point was that it is not worth it, at least in my opinion, to get all riled up because someone else doesn't adore the shit these guys defecate or because someone has a critical view of either their lives or their art.

    You said that some times my opinion on him drives you mad and I said, dude, it's not big deal, you shouldn't get mad for what I say because all this GN'R stuff is giant bollocks.... lol.... Bah, for me it is, with all the real problems I have and responsibilities and shit that I have to take care about daily, getting upset because of some dude who doesn't give a shit about me is energy draining.

    Thats like the summary of my stance.

    3 hours ago, soon said:

    @killuridols I dont understand whats confusing about my post?

    Lol I don't know :lol:

    Maybe your post is not confusing but the topic it is...... kinda lame that some people created an app to teach stupid stuff to men when all they need to do is just listen more to their ladies and learn what SHE likes.

    Once again, they are treating women like every one of us are the same and that we all have a button you click and orgasm will magically happen. That ain't true, not all women like to be touched there, or stimulated that way.... It's insulting and abusive that such app exists :facepalm:

  14. 15 hours ago, Lillie said:

    Yeah😄 well,to say the truth,cause I like honest people,regardless of arguments,sometimes you drive me mad about Axl,but then again life is out there in the jungle 😉So yeah,trivial stuff..

    Axl is bullshit. He is no one important in our lives except for being an artist that has made some sort of impact on ourselves on different levels but... uh... I don't know about you, I'm just talking for myself here.... the more I grow older, my admiration for this guy has diminished in great amounts, so much to the point that I don't think he was ever so great as a musician, except for some punctual things... I don't know... the fact that he has not remained great for a large part of his life makes me doubt many things about him.... But ok, that's my stance. I don't want or I am trying to convince anyone else here.

    I just don't think this guy (or any other artist) should be taken so serious in our lives. They won't be by our side when we are sick or die.

    2 hours ago, Fourteenbeers said:

    I have to say, (with no offense) Duff is the least "punk" punk I've ever seen in my life. There's nothing that says punk in him. If there's anyone in Gn'R who could've been a punk, it's Axl. 

    Duff ain't punk, just because he likes the music it doesn't make him punk but I dont see how Axl is a punk either. :shrugs:

    Pretty much an asshole and has not fought the system as a punk would.... He was mainly a trouble selfish dude who thought he could do anything he wanted but in the end, he had to understand he lives under rules, like the rest of the mortals.

  15. 3 hours ago, Lillie said:

    I may disagree with many of your posts,i agree to others,but to the core we are all women and have to face similar struggles towards a rather misogynistic society... I won't say more, cause today we celebrate our rights...Not another show off Valentine's shit...

    What is that you disagree about? :lol:

    Just silly GN'R stuff no one cares, really.......

    Thanks for your words and yeah, the struggle is real, the fight is daily, even in this thread.... some people..... our own gender against ourselves at times :facepalm:
    Oh well!
    Hope you had a good day :)

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  16. 2 hours ago, janrichmond said:

    I don't see the point of this 'Women's Day' what's it meant to do? Is it just a female version of  'Steak n' blowjob Day' 

    There is no need to trash, disrespect and make fun of the fight of women all over the world just because you don't like it, disagree with it or simply just don't care about it.

    Educate yourself if you don't know what is about (not what it is meant to do):




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  17. 7 hours ago, Tori72 said:

    I don’t like LV, I don’t like the aesthetics and the material. Neither I like Moschino and their bling bling belts man women like to wear. Also I would have used „cheesy“ in the same way as @killuridols thinking it means something like „kitsch“. But I think we should listen to the native English speakers. lol

    Well, since cheesy also means kitsch, why can't be use in that sense? Not all native speakers are correct in the way they use their native tongue.

    I've learnt this when I studied the other languages that I know :book:

    As for LV, the way you described it is how I feel about it, also Versace and the other brands you mentioned. 

    In general I am more attracted to the independent designers, modern stuff and I consume a lot of local designers and artists. I find them much more creative and interesting than these overpriced and overhyped people like LV. 

    7 hours ago, Tori72 said:

     So for that reason I like Susan’s vintage bag from the old 90s. Call me not making sense but I’d take that! :lol:

    I really hate the pattern of the bag. Maybe it's because it was so popular and massively produced and also massively imitated that it made me dislike it from the go :shrugs:

  18. 35 minutes ago, MaskingApathy said:

    Today is my birthday! It's kind of been ruined by other stuff that I've had going on lately but hopefully that will be resolved soon... Hope you all are doing well.

    Happy Birthday dude!! :headbang: :hug:

    LOL when I started reading your post I thought you were going to say your birthday was ruined by the insulting comments I've made about the worn out purse someone's getting rid of :facepalm: :lol:

    I'll bake you a cake, IDK!! :smiley-confused2:

  19. 10 hours ago, janrichmond said:

    Based on your negative post. Why do think a designer bag is “cheesy”? 

    Have you heard the expression ‘ If you can’t say anything nice, say nothing ‘

    By all means have an opinion because that’s why we’re here but calling a £1000 bag cheesy is ludicrous! 

    If it’s not to your taste then say that or look up the definition of cheesy.

    Why can't a designer bag be cheesy? :question: Are designers untouchable gods that do every thing perfect?

    I have the right to say anything I want and if people doesn't like it, that's their problem not mine. Because what I said it is really mild and superficial, nothing on the level of insulting someone's mother or messing with serious shit. 

    Calling a $1000 bag cheesy is ludicrous?? Are you reading yourself? :lol:Ludicrous is that a bag costs that much and people fight over it!!! :facepalm:

    Some people could eat for a whole year with that money.... :no:

    I did say it is not my taste and I gave the reasons for it. Did you read that part or were you just blinded in your fury because I offended a dated worn out bag from 1998?

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