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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. On 28 de febrero de 2019 at 5:50 PM, janrichmond said:

    Jealous?  :lol: Fake ones are cheesy

    Jealous? What kind of immature response is that? :rolleyes: :facepalm:

    Personally, I find those kind of brands very cheesy, just like Versace. They are the epitome of fashion overpriced bollocks.

    I agree with @dgnr and the other people who think Susan has now become a very Hollywood-esque character. I prefer who she was when she was a runway model.... and yeah she is cool with the fans and shit. I appreciate it but at the same time, why to thank people that they are nice? Lol.....


  2. 8 hours ago, rocknroll41 said:

    Apologies if I personally offended. It’s just a running joke on this forum that the craziest GnR fans seem to come from South America.

    The mean comments on her YouTube videos are pretty much well written in English, so I don't know what the heck you talking about.

    And the craziest wackos I know, who still consider Axl a hot something, are mainly from the USA.

    1 hour ago, lukepowell1988 said:

    Apologies if I personally offended but I really couldn't give a shit 

    I couldn't give a shit either if your fun was ruined by 'fun police'. Wah wah. 

  3. 2 hours ago, rocknroll41 said:

    As I also said on that other thread, im betting most of those comments came from this forum and/or South America.

    And why are you doing the same than those crazy/stupid fans but now messing with South America? :question:

    59 minutes ago, lukepowell1988 said:


    The fun police are in the house



  4. 5 hours ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    That picture has been shared so many times since it was noticed yesterday - I have lost count how many times I’ve seen it today - it must be the most popular pic since the Axl on the toilet one :lol:

    Im sure it can’t go unnoticed by the two people in it by now.

    It's fucking awesome and its not a private picture of them!

    I wonder how come it never surfaced before :question:

    There must be so many of those pictures still unseen by us.....:unsure:

    5 hours ago, Andy14 said:


    lol he is so short! :lol:

    Another never-seen-before photo........ at least not by me :max:.... and I am the eyes of the world :ph34r:

    I love the whole 80's vibe, the trashy room, Izzy looking like Edward Scissorhands in the mirror :rofl-lol: and that mysterious lady taking the picture.... is it Erin or Adriana? :lol:

    Also, the wardrobe hanger and the still nature in that frame :facepalm:
    It's all so kitsch! :lol:


    • Haha 1
  5. 28 minutes ago, Tori72 said:

    So in November 89, were they already married? So he already lovingly threatened Erin to kill himself if she wouldn’t marry him? Way to go for a proposal...

    hmm... why do you assume they were married by November 1989? :question:

    Axl and Erin lived together since a few months after they met in 1986.

  6. 2 hours ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    Not seen this pic before. 

    *If you click on the credits link it has info where the pic was taken. 

    Me neither, thats a great picture! :wow:

    For the lazy ones, the credits say this.... :
    Axl and Erin at The Art of Axel and His Apprentice Komoda, Metallic Messiah "God Must Be Laughing" opening, La Luz de Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, November 10, 1989.


    I'm more intrigued by that huge ass hair person and hand full of rings/metallic shit, though :confused:



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  7. 4 hours ago, Padme said:

    I never said I wanted her to be his mother. It is not about telling him what to do.

    Everything you wrote after IS actually telling him what to do :lol:

    4 hours ago, Padme said:

    If she cares about him, wouldn't be a good idea if she tells him to take care of his voice among other things? If you see a good friend of yours fucking up. Wouldn't you try to help out? If you just tell your friend that everything is great when that's not the case.

    But how do you know that she hasn't, at least, suggested to Axl to take care of himself? :question:

    HOW DO YOU KNOW? How do you know she tells him everything is great?

    Maybe the problem with Axl's voice is unfixable :shrugs:

    Again, Axl is a manchild but he is an adult as well and you can't force him to do anything he doesn't want to do, unless he's lost his mind.

    Someone who is fat will not lose weight just because you tell them to eat less or exercise. They have to make the decision by themselves to do something with that. Same with drugs, alcohol, and the voice.... Sometimes you just cannot do further than just giving an advice. Adult people, even when immature and insane, aren't children. And children are not puppets either.

    4 hours ago, Padme said:

    Wouldn't a good parent do that as well with a child? It seems to me Beta is someone who is just following orders. She is more an employee than a mother figure.

    Lol.... Is Axl a child? :scared:

    Seriously, I don't understand your logic. 

    Yeah, Beta follows orders, she's an employee and she's also a mother figure to Axl. Not his real mother though. And even real mothers cannot (or should not) dictate on their adult children's lives.... unless those children are extremely ill or fucked up.

  8. 1 minute ago, Lio said:

    When I was reading that, I was actually thinking: I can be a yes mum sometimes :nervous:

    ALL moms are that way, they just don't see it when they are doing it.... Us watching from the outside can perceive it and say to ourselves "if that was my child, I would slap the shit out of that brat!" :lol:

    • Haha 1
  9. 19 minutes ago, Padme said:

    Sometimes we use words like mother or sister just as a way of speaking. I always took it that way. Axl was 29 when he met Beta not 18. Besides she is just 7 or 8 years older tham him. Sure, she helped him to deal with a lot of things. But also she has always been a yes man. That kind of behaviour doesn't really help Axl. I never saw a mother being a yes man of her children. That wouldn't be too much of a good mother. 

    Is it my English the worst or you didn't pick a thing of what I said? :question:


    I don't know where you live but I have never called 'mother' to anyone who was not my mother. I don't think it is a way of speaking. In the case of Axl & Beta, they always explained it that way, that she was a mother figure to him. Not sure why that's so hard to understand.

    You never saw a mother being a yes woman to her children? LOL :lol:.... Dude, there's terrible parenting out there!! Mothers and fathers are hardly 'perfect'. I'm sure we all have something to complain about our mothers or the persons who raised us. Parents always make mistakes, but you are understanding the role of Beta the wrong way. She is a mother figure to Axl, not a real mother, not his biological mother and as you know, he met her when he was 29 and now he's 57? Well, what would you expect her to do with him? Discipline him with the hawaianas? :rofl-lol:

    You kinda contradict yourself when you ask her to come to her senses and realize she cant be the mother of someone 8 years younger than her, but at the same time you want her to treat Axl as if he was a kid and tell him what to do? :confused:
    Make up your mind!

    Either way, the point here is that Beta is a mother figure to Axl but she's not his real mother, hence she couldn't go further than he allows her to go. Aside from Axl being the one who pays her salary, she can't cross some limits.

    33 minutes ago, Padme said:

    I don't think it is an "unpaid job"  I doubt she was housekepper for free besides living in a masion. Most likely she made some money when she was manager during the NuGN'R years. She is still travelling first class with them. And she is staying in the same luxury hotel with Axl. Not the traditional mother or housewife job

    :question: and that's what I said!

    I said Beta is not like a wife, she receives a salary for all her physical work and emotional support of that manchild..... While, many women who are housewives and mother their husbands, do not get a cent for it, it is considered just "out of love".


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  10. 1 minute ago, Padme said:

    I know Axl has used the term "our mother" a couple of times. But I never thought they trully had a mother/son relationship. When he met Beta he was already an adult. Beta was never in charge of rasing him

    lol... well... it's not like a mother's "job" ends when child turns 18, right? :question:

    Moms always think of their children and help them throughout life.... as far as they can do it..... but in the case of Axl, I think her "job" was to console him, guide him, help him organize his life, as he never developed those skills when he was young and didn't have his mom to help him with that kind of stuff:shrugs:

    Yeah, the age difference makes it sounds a bit creepy or maybe out of place, but we are not talking about a normal guy here.

    Axl could have got the same things from a wife, like many other men do it..... they go from mom to a wife who mothers them :lol:.
    In all cases, the woman is the one who loses more :facepalm:

    Beta was smart enough to capitalize her mothering/housewife skills and not turn it into an "unpaid" job, as it is usually happens.

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