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Posts posted by killuridols

  1. 7 hours ago, Tori72 said:

    This is real sweet and funny! 😂 Thanks @killuridols, that made my morning!

    She does look like Axl in the 80s, doesn’t she?! Lol

    I liked that she felt insulted by “regular” Axl. And “‘I googled and learned he played in a band called Guns n Roses’??? What kind of hippie shit is this?!” Hahaha 😂 

    Her mum’s pretty cool, too 😂

    You're welcome! :headbang:

    I dont think she looks like Axl but she made a pretty cool vlog out of the subject :lol:

    And yeah, insulted by the current Axl, hahah..... Now seriously, it's crap that she can't react to "my father's music" because UMG doesn't let her use GN'R videos :facepalm:...... I mean, when will these DINOSAURS understand what Internet is really about? :rolleyes:

    I would love to help her with the hashtag she was proposing to gain Axl's attention, but again, we cannot count with the dinosaur GN'R fans either! 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Padme said:

    When Axl ranted against the internet it was mostly because of issues that took place at an old GN'R official forum. And at some other unofficial forum he used to post once in a while. Youtube wasn't even around in those days. You wouldn't be happy if someone is posting your address and phone number here, right? And that wasn't the only thing that took place.

    He spoke of the whole Internet as a garbage can and that's not true. Yeah, the issues with his address and phone number were somehow available but several years prior he exposed his home in a video to the whole world watched, so?

    I mean, I know it was wrong for whoever posted that private information but it could have happened without the Internet as well.

    9 minutes ago, Padme said:

    In those days Fernando and Vanessa were still kids. I don't think they had too much of a clue about what was going on around a couple of GN'R forums

    Not so kids. Fernando was a teenager and Vanessa was hitting the 20s. I think they did have a clue about what was going on. But maybe they were not allowed an opinion about it.

  3. 40 minutes ago, Padme said:

    From 87 to 91 or maybe even until 93. We got albums, interviews, videos and tours. All this despite the mayhem

    I was talking about TB, not before them, obviously. 

    Also, the Internet era really caught them with a low guard. None of them understood the phenomenon and when Axl ranted against it, he was clearly showing his ignorance and lack of touch with the new dynamics that were developing.

    What I find weird is that younger people like Fernando and Vanessa didn't have a more relaxed approach to it and educated the older people around them.

  4. 47 minutes ago, Padme said:

    I believe GN'R has the right to establish their own policy regarding youtube. It's their music and their videos. But we don't have an official policy. We have Beta in charge of a group of people deleting videos and threating youtube users and their families. There is right way to do it. GN'R is doing it the wrong way

    When have they done anything the right way? :lol:

    Seriously, I don't think Beta runs an 'army' of trolls for removing the videos. It is just two guys who probably charge her 10 bucks the hour to be online the whole day, looking for videos to remove.

    The troll in social media is nowadays an actual job paid by different types of companies or businesses.

    Im sure GN'R has this policy about videos but they don't want to publicize it that much because it is not a cool policy for the fans. It makes the band look like bad people, that's why I think they will never go official about it.

    Yes, they have a right to do this but I think they should have hired professional people to do it. There are many people working in call centers doing this type of work.

    But it is not surprise to me that they have chosen these two guys because they are probably cheaper than a call center troll. And I have the perception that Axl and TB are the cheap kind of employer.

  5. 53 minutes ago, Padme said:

    Also @killuridols seems to know something about it. And she agree with that guy. again. Again if Pele is full of shit. I guess the mods would've banned him

    No, Pele is legit. I can assure you he/she is.

    I know some of the people he says are part of that circle who talk to Beta or management. But you can't put everybody in the same bag.

    I mean, we all know Jarmo is part of that circle but I dont think he likes the 'not false' dude :lol: or likes to be associated to his character. Let's say Jarmo is in an upper league than the weirdo. He is real and he's shown his face to the world. TB and Axl dont have a problem acknowledging him.

    Which doesn't happen with not-false dude :lol:. He operates from the shadows and people rather not say that they are connected to him in any way. He's like that friend you have who is an embarrassment but you dont kick their ass because in the end you feel sorry for them :ph34r:

    I also want to say that there are many huge GN'R fans out there who are not active in forums but do have a relationship with TB.

  6. Ok, but years and years of you living in a big city, having travelled around the world several times and treated with thousands of different people have not broaden that small town mentality? :question:

    You really have to be secluded to a tight circle of people in order to not modify your intellect after having lived so much :shrugs:

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

    Be that as it may, and even if I was to trust you on him being privy to events before they are publicly disclosed, I don't get how you are so sure it must be Beta that is the source nor that she approves of him taking down YouTube videos. Again, armed with some examples of having been able to spread insider info before, he could easily fake the source being Beta to support his claim he is taking down videos with the blessing of the band's management. Not that I necessarily believe any of it. 

    I believe @Pele because I know first hand that TB are not so structured as you are and they do develop relationships with a certain type of fan: the 100% loyal to Axl kind of fan.

    I know they do answer emails but not just any email. How do I know this? Because I've seen the emails with my own eyes, from the cellphone of the person they replied to.

    Obviously, it is up to you to believe forum members or not and if you don't, I can't say to you that you're not in your right, after all you don't know any of us. However, when you ask for proof, well... some things cannot be publicly shown here or anywhere.

    When you have sources or some respect for privacy of people, you just don't go around displaying the proof or revealing the sources. But what I'm trying to say is that what Pele is saying it is not far-fetched, at least it is not in my experience.

    Bottom line is TB and some other people from the GN'R organization are not as inaccessible as some fans might think. Some of their relationships with fans originated around 20 years ago when the Internet was in diapers.

    Time and persistence has helped them trust a certain group of people, even if they were not and are not physically close to TB or Axl.

  8. 4 minutes ago, trqster said:

    I'm now just more focused on emerging rock bands and recently found one that blew the f@ck me away! Never thought about hearing such a soulful and blusey (also folksy) rock n'roll band ever again like KALEO. There is still hope for RnR after all! :headbang:

    I'm the same. Not into rock anymore, though. I've shifted to other genres and styles but it feels so good to have new music, to listen to new artists, to be waiting for songs or albums again and that they actually become real in a realistic span of time!


    • GNFNR 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Tom2112 said:

    I'm not going to see them again they have a drastically changed setlist it a new album that they can play songs from. But of course a couple of years for by and then end up I your country or reasonable travel distance, you and I may both be swayed. 

    Fair enough.

    But the way I feel about this band now tells me that I'm going a different path. They would have to release new music pretty soon and tour it within a year, so that I can still have some will inside of me to see them again.

    Five years from now I'll be totally gone. I have almost two feet out of the door.

    • Like 2
  10. 11 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    I choose not to believe anyone who claims TB is behind this without any supporting evidence. 

    Again, I am not saying TB isn't behind this, I am saying that until I see evidence for that, or there are no other plausible explanations, I won't join the mob.

    It is not a mob, it is people who have gone through bad experiences related to TB.

    Their unprofessional behavior has been shown and proven many times.
    By default, I would believe anyone who says they've been mistreated by TB because I know it is highly plausible.

  11. 13 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    Until I see such evidence, or until no other plausible explanation exists, I will refuse to jump on the bandwagon. That being said, I am not saying they are innocent here, so I am not defending them for having done it, I am defending them against an unsubstantiated accusation.

    Why do you choose to believe them and not Gambit or Fernomenoyde? :question:

    Why would these fans lie about what happened to them? 

    Do you have any explanation for how easily it is to remove videos by a 'regular' user like #Alfred? Have you tried removing UT videos by yourself before? Have you succeeded?

    17 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    Furthermore, it does not help us, this forum or the fanbase, to perpetuate an already horrible relationship by assuming without evidence that TB has done this.

    The relationship is broken by various reasons and I dont think it is going to change because they've shown they cannot be the better person.

    They are in charge of a business, they have to be professional no matter what. I have worked in customer helpdesk and the number one rule is to soothe any client who is out of control. Of course, there are limits for toleration but for the most part, when you are representing a company you have to make much more effort than the client in trying to solve the situation. 

    I know it is very hard for TB to deal with a starved fanbase but they could sooth any person by just talking in a civilized manner and explain things to them.

    If it's a GN'R policy to not allow certain visual material to be online, then they should go upfront about it and make it explicit.

    Fans would know that the band doesnt approve of those practices. If in spite of this petition, people still do it, then most of us would think those fans deserve to have their channels removed.

    But the way it is now, a limbo, where we don't know why there is one person who apparently is not associated to the band, but displays such power that it is uncommon for a regular Joe user, it becomes highly suspicious, especially by the way Del James reacted to it and also Fernando.

    • Like 2
  12. 3 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

    No, it isn't "proof" of anything until it is somehow verified. At the moment it is just someone claiming stuff on the Internet. We have may of those.

    Why are you defending TB? :question:

    They are highly unprofessional and not because some anonymous fan here on the forum is saying it.

    There's plenty of proof about them being, at the least, disrespectful to the fans. 

    Do I have to remind how Beta lashed out at AC/DC fans because some of them made negative comments about Axl? Fernando has made awful unprofessional comments to people too. On Twitter and Instagram. They both have shown their true colors to the world. Everybody saw it with their own eyes.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Old_school_gnr_fan said:

    Totally incorrect, but whatever.

    Totally incorrect? Ahahhaaha you really can't prove that GN'R is on a Spotify ranking unless you Photoshop them on it :lol:

    2 hours ago, Old_school_gnr_fan said:

    People want to bitch about high ticket prices? Bands have to make a profit somehow, and if the "fans" aren't buying hard copies of the album---either buying songs from Itunes at a significantly lower royalty rate, or just stealing the music outright--they're going to rape your wallet if you want to see them live.

    I never bitched about the high ticket prices but not all bands charge so much. In that case, if I can't pay a ticket I just don't pay it. I wouldn't go bankrupt because of this shit band now. In their prime, yes, but not anymore.

    It is bollocks that people do not buy albums in the Internet era. I do buy them, I also buy single songs. If I like the artist much enough, I do buy their music.

    Back in the day not all people bought albums either. Many would make a copy out of a friend's cassette :lol:... isnt that the same as download music for free nowadays?

    How about people who listen to the artists on the radio? How is that any different from listening to Spotify or watching a video on YouTube?

    As for the overpriced box set, it didn't sell millions because it sucks, it's mostly comprised of stuff that most fans have or have heard before and it is enhanced by useless shit like temporary tattoos, horrible posters and other waste that people in their 30s and 40s do not want and need. 

    Guns N Roses doesn't release an album because they are pretty aware that they are irrelevant and that rock is mostly dead. Probably they will wait until rock is back to the scene, but by that time they will be 70 years old and kids will not be attracted to their dinosaur crap music.

  14. 1 hour ago, Tom2112 said:

    Band is irrelevant. Ok. 3 years of hugely successful touring suggests that you are talking out through your arse. You don't like it? Fine, but relevance is if people are willing to part with their hard earned cash and tha

    Yes, this band is nowhere in the Top 40 of anywhere. They are irrelevant because they only live in the minds of Generation X.

    The tour was successful because Slash was back (and Duff too) but it is purely nostalgia shit. People were willing to pay for the shows because most of us couldn't properly see them live in the 90s, as most of us were so young that we couldn't go by ourselves to the shows.

    Now let's see if they will have such a successful tour in the following years. I'm not going to see them again. I know this very well. 

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